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Dear Revenge Journal
Entry 2
Loveless Role Play

Black-blue hair fell into olive eyes and a fur lined jacket was hanging off of slender shoulders, and long fingers were pressed against a cold glass window as the boy stared into the shop window. He leaned forward, blowing cold air along the window, and he smiled as he wrote 'Endless', walking away with his hands behind his back. Black ears lowered to his head as a soft breeze blew by, and he bit his lip, looking away.

"It seems I was left alone today." He murmured as he turned, and he stood next to Ritsuka, glancing off to the side. He reached out, and he pulled his hands back as the light changed, and people in the crowd began to knock into him as they went across the street. "Uh...oh well." He said as his tail curled around his leg, and he walked off across the street, going to sit and wait for someone at a local bakery.

He looked around, smoothing out his baggy sweat pants looking down his ballet shoes, and he glanced up, stopping short of bumping into a tall figure. This particular young male was a native of Osaka, Alkalinelia, who was also known to his special friend as Kali, or whatever his older friend decided to call him that day. The lithe figure stretched, and Kali jogged off down the street, spinning around, softly laughing. "Today's the first day of winter! It's so exciting!" he said happily

Silence reigned like a king over the room that he sat in, save for the slight sound of the pen running quickly across the tablet that he had in front of him and the sound of music coming through small headphones that had been pushed into his ears. He hadn't thought it could get so quiet in a room without noticing it, but now, as he pulled the phones out of his ears and glanced around, he finally noticed that he was completely alone. He stood up - leaving the piles of papers on the desk for him to check over when he got back. He'd gotten a text message from Kali - the phone beeped twice as he pressed and checked them. He was to meet him at a bakery today, was he? He paused slightly as he clipped the music player on his belt, and then stood - glancing outside.

It was a beautiful day. Cold and snowy ; his favorite kind of days. Winter seemed to be the month where he would be less silent, more vocal ; it was also the month in which he had been born, and most people seemed to think that he had become winter itself in the way he acted. Cold as ice, but graceful and beautiful, that was what he was. Stoic, frigid, icy, cold - whatever you wanted to call him that retained to it, he was, in a small sense. Some people didn't really mind the fact that he was so cold - tending to get used to it instead of letting it get to them, though some others were more or less offended by his silence half of the time. He wasn't cold - he just didn't like to talk that much unless he was seducing his Sacrifice, and even then, those sort of times were mainly under wraps. He liked to keep his personal life to himself ; he had told Kali once that it felt like he was broadcasting his entire story to the world when he told someone about it. A person told another person, and that person would tell three more, and eventually, his life would have travelled around the entire world in one month.

He was walking down the street, quickly and silently towards the bakery.

Meet me at the bakery, and don't be late! <3 - Kali

He checked his watch, and quickened his pace, beginning to walk quickly. His short red hair shifted around his face, stroking against the sides of it - he didn't like to keep his hair long and in his face, because it irritated the hell out of him. He liked Kali's long hair, but he didn't like long hair himself. The darkened green eyes blinked slightly - cat eyes, pupils slitted sharply in the middle as his tall, slender frame appeared in the doorway to the bakery. A soft, baggy turtleneck was thrown over his form, the dark turtleneck pulled up to his neck and revealing the slender lines of it. The sleeves were rolled up around his elbows - revealing pale lines of his slender arms, and carved into the flesh on his right arm's bottom side - ' Endless '. The name of his Sacrifice and his name - the name that they were bonded under and they shared. If he was to ever leave him . . .

Don't be late.

A command.

" Is it so exciting, Kali? " He mused. " Your always so excitable - hopping around and squealing and what not . . . "

Kali looked up, and he smiled brightly, turning around, and he hugged the other. "It is! I love the winter time. We met on Christmas Eve last year, remember?" He asked. "Right in this bakery." He said as he pulled back, and he placed his hands behind his back, looking around. "It's become pretty busy around here, but I like it." Kali said as he opened his phone, and he took a picture of his beloved fighter, closing it before placing it back into his pocket. "Let's go find a seat." He said as he took the other's hand into his own, and he glanced out of the window.

"Hey, it's that guy." Kali said as he walked to the door, slipping outside, and he looked at Ritsuka, reaching out, and he gently grabbed his wrist. "You're like me. You still have your ears..." He said smiling. "Isn't that cool?"He asked looking up at his fighter. "I haven't seen anyone else around here with their ears." He said as he pulled out his phone again, taking a quick picture before taking a picture of himself.

"You must be out shopping." He said.

Kali tapped Ritsuka on the nose, "Let's go shopping together!" He said happily. "I think shopping is better when you have someone to do it with. It's not fun being alone. Don't you think?" He asked. It seemed that the boy never stopped to breathe when talking to Ritsuka, he just seemed to go on and on. He leaned forward and he looked at Ritsuka, and he smiled, "I'm Kali, it's really nice to meet you." Kali said bowing his head.

Ritsuka stood there for a moment, a dumb founded look on his delicate features as he listened to Kali go on and on about something or other. He then lowered his eyes when the word alone came from the other's lips and he turned his head to the side. `I'm ... not alone. Do I really look that alone without Soubi?` The thought had crossed his mind and when Kali had finally introduced himself among the chaos of his words Ritsuka was snapped back to reality as he glanced back at him and he tilted his head to the side. "Kali?" He said repeating the other's name before he felt his phone began to vibrate and he glanced down as he opened it.

`A message from Soubi?` As Ritsuka's eyes quickly scanned over the contents of the text, his eyes seem to narrow as his cheeks flushed lightly and he clentched the phone in his hand. He then closed his eyes as he closed his phone and he felt like throwing the thing somewhere, but he could never bring himself to do so. "Stupid Soubi." He mumbled alittle as his tail began to sway behind him and he turned his attention back toward Kali as he bowed his head alittle. "I'm Aoyagi Ritsuka." He said as he lifted his head once more. "I would like to stay and talk ,but I have to go." He said as he bowed his head once more and then turned as he began to walk away as he glanced across the street.


Soujiya glanced down at Kali in amusement. It always seemed that the boy talked too quickly for his mind to keep up with. He would blabber for moments on end, talking incessantly of the winter, of the weather, of what he had seen on TV - and then he would shut up and completely forget everything that he had said within the last couple of moments. Soujiya wasn't that much older than Kali to be his fighter ; he was seventeen, whereas Kali was thirteen - some people saw it as something that was rather odd for their age. Seventeen year old boys were usually not seen with thirteen year old children ; they were seen with their girlfriends, or hanging out with their friends at the mall or at the store. Not at a bakery . . .

He leaned against the table and then smiled wanly, looking down at him.

" It's not my fault I don't have my ears. " Soujiya sat down at a small table, glancing up at Kali. " Sit down. "

He had a rather soft voice. He smiled slightly at him, his eyes lighting up. They made the green look lighter.

"Souji-sama...I like you even without your ears." Kali said smiling warmly at the other. He reached over, and he began to pat the other's head, and he sat down when he was done. "Soujiya, are you okay? I didn't mean to upset you, I mean I just never know when to stop because it's so hard. If I stop talking I might disappear." He said giggling at the thought of disappearing.

Everyone seemed to be watching the two, obviously curious to know the relationship between the two. Kali frowned, and he looked around before walked to the counter, and he spoke to the young male behind it, closing an eye as his ears were stroked and a violin case was handed to him.

He was a regular at the shop with Soujiya, and he often played to keep the customers coming in. Kali prepared his violin, and he looked to Soujiya, and he bowed his head before starting to play the soft sound, looking around with a smile on his face.

It seemed as all of this happened, Soujiya and Kali had sat together contentedly in the bakery. Soujiya sipped on coffee while Kali played the violin, bathed in the warmth from the small bakery and feeling quite happy to be near one another. Soujiya had been cold at first to his Sacrifice ; he had called him a tool that took his pain, and that was it. Even then, Kali had refused to give up on him and slowly, the two of them had grown closer. He saw Kali as more than a friend ; he was the cheerful light that brought brightness into the rest of the day. Kali had ended up giving him a cellphone so that he could keep in contact with him throughout the day, and though surprised by the generous offer Soujiya had accepted it. Each and every day, the two of them would text one another with the same response and the same words.

Soujiya glanced up at Kali, who had put down the violin for more than a few seconds and was taking a break. The boy seemed happy today, but that was only because this was the day that the two of them had first met. He had been cold as ice, he had to admit to himself, and though he said sorry, it didn't seem to him like Kali had forgiven him. He flipped open his cellphone as he glanced down at the small screen, watching the text line play out before him before he folded it and then got to his feet. His arms circled slightly around Kali's waist. He always seemed to be so cautious when he was around him. He wasn't that much into physical contact, so it was a miracle that Kali had gotten him to the point where he would hug him.

" Is your 'shift' almost over? " A musing smile over the other's shoulder. He was surprised that Kali hadn't started charging for his playing.

Kali looked up, and he nodded. "I got what I needed before you found me. Can you take me home now?" He asked softly. Kali had truly forgiven him, he hadn't even thought the other had done anything wrong to start off with. He bowed his head, not caring about an applause or anything of the sort, just happy that Soujiya had been there to hear his music. He tilted his head back, and he smiled up at the other before placing his violin away without breaking contact with his fighter. "He was nice...that boy we met. Don't you think? I get to go to a public school after the winter break. No more private school for me." He said smiling. "At least that's what dad said when he was sober." Kali said lightly shrugging and he nuzzled into the warmth of the other, letting out a soft purr.

Soujiya closed his eyes slightly before his fingers lightly pressed through the soft black hair on Kali's head. He didn't particularly like his father ; it was a person who he wished dearly to strike, though Kali had told him before that he would be in trouble if he dared. There had been one time where Soujiya had actually hit his father, but that time Kali's father had brought it onto himself. He nuzzled Kali's dark hair lightly, before he smiled softly and pulled away from the other. He glanced to the side and then down at the other.

" That boy . . . Ritsuka. " He said quietly, and smiled slightly, shaking his head. " He did seem to be a nice kid, though there was a look in his eyes and a specific scent he had . . . "

Sentouki. His eyes narrowed slightly before he closed them, and then smiled.

" Nevermind. Come on. " He pulled Kali toward the doorway, glancing out. He hadn't brought his car today ; he wanted to walk Kali home. " I hope it's all right if we walk home. "

"It's okay." He said happily. "I told him that he was like me. Not just his ears, but he has someone he holds dear to him." He said. He didn't live too far away, only on the outskirts of town where he was pretty much isolated from the community. Though on special occasions he did sneak out and go visit Soujiya, and he smiled at the thought. "Will you leave your window open for me tonight?" He asked.

He always came through the window and never the door. He didn't know why, but having direct access to Soujiya's room always made him feel better. He picked up his case, and he held it close before looking up at the other.

"Can we take a quick peek at my new school on the way home? I hear it's in walking distance of the house, so it won't be too much trouble." He said. He reached into his pocket, opening his phone. He frowned at the text message before placing the phone back into his pocket.

"Dad wants me home now. I wonder what I did? I paid all of the bills, and I got groceries for the month. My school work is fine, and I bought him enough beer to last a year." Kali said placing his finger on his chin. "Well, no matter. We should get home quickly."

He frowned slightly when he heard about the wonderful text message that Kali had received from his father. He didn't like the fact that his father was always cutting in to the time that they had together, especially when Soujiya finally had the time to get out of work and go visit the little one. His hand settled on Kali's head and he closed his eyes slightly as they began to walk down the sidewalk, glancing down at the other.

" I'll leave my window open for you tonight, though if you don't show up because that man hit you again I'll be a little displeased. I may be your servant, little master, but I would rather have you-- " He paused as his arm wrapped slowly and lazily around his waist, glancing down at him. "--in my arms then there. "

He walked forward calmly, and tweaked one of Kali's ears.

" I"m not sure if we'll have enough time to take a good look at your new school, but I'll be waiting outside for you. " He smiled slightly. " When you get out of school. "

Kali smiled up at the other. "I'd like that very much." He said as he hugged the other. "I'll show up tonight...even if it takes me a while to get to you. Please. Just wait for me. If I don't show up, you can come and get me. I'll let you save me, like you always do, but you can't hurt dad too much." He said. He walked with the other, ignoring the vibrating phone in his pocket as he relaxed with his fighter. "I'm going to miss the days we have together when I get older. You'll move on and get someone else." He said lowering his eyes.

" I don't think I'd find anything better than what I have now. " He glanced down at Kali, and then chuckled. " I'll just have to wait until your a little older to actually do anything to you. I'll just have to come later on if you don't make it into my bedroom by eight o'clock ; don't be surprised if you get a phonecall or a message warning you beforehand if I see what he did to you. "

He teased him, smiling slightly. Of course, Soujiya had experimented a little bit when he'd started to play with Kali a little ; he wanted to find out what and what he didn't like, after all. It was his duty as a fighter to please his master in any way possible, and of course the first ways he knew he'd have to please him was both physically, mentally, spiritually, and in specific areas of interest - like the bedroom. His eyes grew serious and he stared at him intently for a few moments, the dark green studying Kali's little form before he turned back and focused more so on walking than on the other's face.

" After all - I want you to lose these ears to me. "

Kali blushed deeply before laughing softly. "Is that so? I wouldn't think of giving them to anyone else." he said as his tail flicked around, and he looked forward. His ears lowered as he opened his phone, listening to his father scream on the other end. "Daddy I'm almost home." Kali said softly. "Please lower your voice." He said. "Food? I'll make something when I get home. Do you have someone over? It sounds like you have a few people in the house." He said. Kali stopped walking and he sighed. "Yes sir. No I'm with a friend. You kinda were interrupting us...but we were on our way home anyway." He said biting his lip as he started walking again. "He has a name dad. It's Soujiya, remember? You even said it was okay for me to hang out with him today....you said it last night when you came home." He said as frowned. "Well he's just dropping me off. Stop being so mean and breaking your promises. You promised you wouldn't say anything. " Kali got so annoyed with his father that he hung up, and he transfered his pictures on his phone to his computer at home before throwing his phone into the nearest garbage can. "Souji-sama, may I use your phone?" He asked looking up at him with a smile.

Soujiya pulled his phone out from his back pocket and handed it to Kali, wondering what the conversation was about. Kali's father pissed him off, and it was no good to have a pissed off fighter, especially Soujiya. Soujiya was known to get violent quickly, and violence and an angry temper was not the best thing to expect out of your fighter. He could have killed Kali's father once - but had backed off as soon as Kali had told him to stop. He was to obey Kali to the best of his ability, and if he couldn't get rid of the problem himself, he could at least try his best to make the littler one happy.

" I have a bad feeling about letting you go home. " He expressed his unhappiness with the situation with a low growl and a narrowing of his dark green eyes. " If I had my way, you wouldn't be going home with such a violent man in the house. "

"I know you wouldn’t let me go back there." He said. "Hi, yes, I'd like to report a missing phone." Kali said. He spoke to the woman on the other line before hanging up, and he smiled. "My phone will be shut off later." He said as they approached his house, the school completely forgotten about, and he took in a deep breath before giving Soujiya the bag that held a wrapped gift. "Keep that with you. I wouldn't want it to get messed up." Kali said as his father walked out, grabbing his arm. "Where have you been boy? Taking your time getting home, eh?" He asked. "I was with a friend." Kali murmured, looking down, and he closed his eyes. "No doubt he's after one thing from you." His father said glaring at Soujiya before he was touching his cheek, looking at his son, and the hand that had collided with his face. "Don't talk bad about him. Not in front of him, me or anyone else." Kali said, his tone cold, and his eyes were narrowed and icy. "Good night Souji-sama." Kali said smiling as he bowed his head, walking into the house.

User Comments: [16] [add]
+ nightcrux crown +
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 06:20am
Soujiya stifled his small sigh of annoyance. His father was always someone who just needed to be . . . ugh. He turned his attention away from the man and watched Kali walk into the house with some trace of sorrow in his gaze. Now he had to wait until Kali came to visit him later tonight to at least be a little more cheerful. Soujiya turned away from the door and walked down the steps, pushing his hands into the pockets of his coat, the long scarf slipping down his shoulder slightly and fluttering to the steps outside of Kali's house. He didn't notice, however ; he was focused on his phone. He was busily ordering a new one for Kali so that he didn't have to spare himself the trouble of getting it himself. Besides, Soujiya had more than enough money to spare from the paycheck that he got. He wasn't a musician like the other, but he made enough money writing for the business he worked at. He was a novelist, and his new book 'Blue' had a character that was startlingly similar to little Kali...

Soujiya stepped forward as he pulled out his keys, not realizing how far he'd all ready gone. He unlocked the door to his house, yawning. He was kind of tired. Throwing off his coat and taking off his shoes, Soujiya walked up the stairs and plopped himself down on his bed.

" Now, for a quick nap before Kali gets here... "

That was exactly what he did.

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 07:06am
Hours later, around 8:15, Kali still hadn't called or even come through the other's window. He laid under his bed, licking at the wounds on his arms. Kali was terrified. His father and his friends had chased him around the house, inside and out with a group of angry dogs. And the dogs had gotten a hold of him, even if it was for a brief moment. The rest of his bruises and wounds had come from his father. Thankful he still had his ears because they had nearly taken them almost two hours ago. He looked around, and he pulled a carrying case close to him, removing the top and he pulled out a laptop. He opened up a place where he could sent a text message to Soujiya's phone from his computer. He wiped his face, and winced as he moved his arm and shifted his body, starting to type a message.

Soujiya please give me a few more minutes.
I just have to find a way out of my room.
<3 Kali

P.S. Don't worry, and if you haven't left, stay there!
I promise to come to you. I never break my promises to you.
You know that. Aishiteru, Souji-sama.

He failed to mention how terrified he was, and that he really wanted Soujiya to come and get him. As he pressed the send button, the mattress to his bed was flipped over, and he scrambled out from under the bed, opening his window, and attempted to pull his arm away from his father. Kali pushed the other back, injuring himself in the process as he slipped out of the window, running off down the road despite his body aching to lay down on a soft bed. Soujiya...please help me... He thought before collapsing in the snow on the sidewalk.

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+ nightcrux crown +
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 05:53pm
Something was wrong. Soujiya shifted restlessly and then sat up. His phone was vibrating on the table that he'd left it on, and slowly getting up, he checked the time before checking his messages. Kali had never been this late before. It was nearly nine o'clock now and Soujiya began to worry, flipping through the messages, one from his friend and the other from...Kali! His eyes skimmed over it and then narrowed. He could get something from that text message that Kali couldn't. Kali usually escaped without a hitch, so why was it taking him so long? Soujiya ignored Kali's command to stay there, grabbing his keys so that he could lock the door behind him. He knew it would hurt but somewhere out there he knew that Kali was in pain. Pulling on his coat, he hurried down the street toward Kali's house, his eyes narrowing. What if he...no, he couldn't have touched your ears... Soujiya glanced to the side. Even know he had lost his ears before Kali he still had the possessive thought that he was going to be first to take them from him.

Soujiya stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening as soon as he saw the small, dark figure lying haphazardly in the snow, weak and bleeding. Large, dark bruises stretched over Kali's arms, coupled with cuts and gashes from what looked like teeth. Soujiya hurried over to the other, lifting him up in his arms, noticing how limp the other fell against him.

" Kali... "

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 06:26pm
Kali opened his eyes, and he nearly panicked before feeling a warmth spread over him. He smiled softly as his eyes closed again. "I knew you'd come for me Souji-sama." He whispered. "I'm sorry I didn't make it to you. I really tried to leave before eight, but he was really mad about me acting out earlier. Nothing I did helped to calm him down." He said before he rose his hands to his head, running his fingers over his ears. Kali let out a sigh of relief before wincing in pain as he turned around, pushing his face into Soujiya's chest. "Let's go home." He said quietly. He didn't realize he wasn't in any condition to be without treatment from a doctor. He wore a smile despite it all, really just wanting to be with his fighter. Kali slid out of Soujiya's arms, heavily leaning up against the other before pulling his face down, kissing his cheeks and forehead. "I'm okay. I only need a few hours of sleep." He said as he rubbed his eyes, tightly holding onto him. He stepped back, and he stumbled before catching himself, and he started off down the street to Soujiya's apartment as if he weren't hurt. "Come on slow poke!" He said smiling at him as his ears lowered down to his head.

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+ nightcrux crown +
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Apr 23, 2007 @ 04:52am
The other hurried up beside him with a concerned look on his face.

" There's no need for you to be running around when you're injured. " He scolded the other, lifting him straight off of the ground. Pulling him up against his chest, he glanced down at his bruised face and at the soft olive eyes. " You need to be seen by a doctor. You've got cuts and bruises...and these are some deep gashes here. Were you attacked by a dog? " He questioned, looking concerned.

He was carrying him quickly down the street, pulling off his jacket and wrapping the other in it. The other might catch hypothermia if he was exposed too long, or would have one hell of a cold. He pulled the other closer to him, breathing out a puff of cold from his lips and hurrying up the main street to duck inside a small cafe and call for a taxi. He pulled out his wallet, flipping through a few bills as he handed a twenty to the waiter. He'd ordered a small cocoa for Kali because the taxi driver said he'd take about ten minutes to get there with the fact Kali was injured, but if Soujiya supported the other he figured he'd be fine. He sat down beside the other in the booth, wrapping his arm around the other and setting the cup of cocoa down in front of him. The steam rose and hit Kali's face with it's warmth ; the cocoa was thick and rich, looking perfect enough to drink.

" Here. Drink this. You need to get something warm in you. "

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 23, 2007 @ 08:08pm
Kali pouted,"But you're keeping me warm." He said as he reached down, holding it in his fingers. He blew softly on the liquid before taking a sip, and he smiled softly as he held it up to Soujiya. "Here, I want you to have some too. You're cold." He said. Kali put the cup down, and he leaned up, lightly kissing Soujiya to warm his lips. He pulled back, and he nuzzled him before yawning softly. "Souji, I'm a little tired. I'm going to take a nap okay? Promise you be in the hospital with me when I wake up?" He asked. He was ready to pass out again, because his wounds were starting to get to him. "I think I want to stay with Soujiya for a while until daddy calms down. His friends weren't very nice, but I saved my ears for you Souji-sama. They were going to take them from me, but I told them they were for my beloved Soujiya." He said happily as he closed his eyes, drinking the cocoa before placing the cup on the table as he passed out again.

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+ nightcrux crown +
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Apr 23, 2007 @ 09:34pm
The taxi driver came shortly, and leaving a tip on the table Soujiya lifted the other up into his arms and slid him into the car beside him. Kali leaned up against him and Soujiya took the opportunity to pull him into his lap and let him rest against his chest. He closed his eyes as he rested his chin against Kali's chin. The taxi driver wheeled them out of the parking lot, and faster then he'd knew it he was carrying the other out and into the hospital. It didn't take long for the doctor to get Kali in a bed and hooked up to a heart machine to insure that the other was all right, and he was slowly wrapping up his wounds after disinfecting them. Soujiya hovered over the doctor anxiously, moving from side to side when the other asked him politely to move, though half the time the doctor sounded like he was laughing at him. Soujiya couldn't help himself. He was so worried about Kali that he didn't even notice anything else anymore when the doctor had left and he was sitting at the side of his bed in a chair. Soujiya dozed, his green eyes half-closed and content. His hand was supporting his head, and soft, somewhat heavy breathing came from his lips. He sounded like he was falling into a deeper sleep by the moment.

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 23, 2007 @ 10:04pm
In the morning, Kali woke up, looking around at the room he was in. He noticed Soujiya wasn't in his room, having been sent out so they could run a few tests in private, and he curled up away from the doctor and nurse. "Souji-sama is supposed to be here with me." He said as he felt the nurse stroke his head, and his ears quickly went down as he moved away from her hand. "Soujiya I'm scared." He said as he felt the nurse uncurl him from his position, removing the IV from his arm before drawing some blood from his arm. Kali screamed out bloody murder as she drew the blood, causing her to pull back quickly, not filling up all of the tubes. Another nurse rushed in before looking at Kali, and he walked to the bed, a smile on his face. "I'll go get your friend okay? He just went out to get some food for you both." He murmured as he watched Kali calm down, placing the IV back in, and he walked from the room with the female nurse following behind so that the doctor could be examined by the nurse. He bit his lip as he looked at the doctor. "I'm okay, can I go home soon?" He asked. He turned his head as he heard a bit of shouting come from down the hall, and he shook his head.

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+ nightcrux crown +
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 02:09am
Soujiya hadn't even walked all the way down the hall and he'd heard Kali squeaking that he wanted him to come back into the room. An instant smile curled onto his lips when he heard the other start whimpering, the affectionate 'Master' part of him laughing gently at the thirteen-year-old kitten. Of course he'd gone to get some food for the little one, being that Kali couldn't survive a day without some sort of sweets that he could gobble up and happily comment on. Soujiya had also bought a small cafe mocha for the other - one third expresso and the other two thirds slushed milk. He'd asked for a splash of chocolate syrup for the other and whipped cream so as to sweeten it just in case Kali didn't like it ; chocolate syrup and whipped cream was what he always liked in his cafe mochas.

" Settle down, Kali. The doctor said that you should be fine to leave today. " Soujiya set the warm foam cup in Kali's hands, pulling out a few little snacks for the other to eat as well. He liked chocolate things so he'd gotten himself a small box of chocolate cakes, whereas he'd gotten Kali a variety to get his bloodsugar up from absorbing the medicine. " He said you didn't have rabies - thank god. The gashes on your arms and legs are a little infected so you need to apply a small amount of medicine to kill the infection. They told me I was your guardian so, well, I guess I'll be the one to be doing that as well as making sure you take the sugar pills to get your blood sugar back up. Otherwise - you're good. No hypothermia, no pneumonia, etcetera. How are you feeling? "

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 02:26am
"I'm fine Souji-sama!" He said happily as he sipped on his drink. He placed it down before nibbling on the chocolate cakes. "I heard daddy...is he here?" He asked lowering his eyes. "Not anymore. We just sent him away." A nurse said removing the oxygen tube from his nose, holding a tissue over his face as he sneezed. Kali smiled before sitting back as he pulled his knees up. He finished up with one cake, moving onto another. "Why is my blood sugar low? I thought I ate enough sweets?" He asked with a smile. Kali went back to drinking the mocha tasting liquid, and he looked at the doctor. "Do you promise I can go home with Souji-sama?" He asked. The small boy placed everything down, and he practically stood up on the bed, and he wrapped his arms and legs around Soujiya.

Kali kissed at the other's face before smiling at him. He ran his fingers through his fighter's hair. "I wanna find some others like us so we can get stronger." He said. "Our bond is endless, like our name, but our strength isn't at the moment." Kali murmured. His tail wagged happily, his backside was starting to show through the hospital gown as well as his rear, but he climbed down before anyone could catch a glimpse. "Kali is ready to go home. I hate the hospital." The kitten said.

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+ nightcrux crown +
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commentCommented on: Sun Apr 29, 2007 @ 03:10am
Soujiya glanced at the doctor. He nodded at the other and the nurse's pulled the IV out of the other's arm carefully before smiling at the other. He had washed the clothing Kali had worn before and handed it to the other, shooing the nurse's out of the room as they giggled at him. He knew Kali was still shy enough to not want him to see him, so he turned away from the other to gather up all the stuff that was sitting on the bed. He wrapped up the IV wide and unplugged it, figuring that the doctor would do it soon anyways as well as throw away the needle. People usually just threw them away because they couldn't risk infection spreading from one patient to the other. He pushed all of the trash into a bag, humming to himself lightly as he ignored Kali getting dressed. He just wondered how the other would behave once he lost his virginity to him. It made him kind of nervous, really, to know that he would do that ; he didn't want to hurt Kali, but he knew that he'd be impatient their first time together as one.

" Are you about done, Kali? " He asked. " Can I turn around now? I know that you don't like it when people look at you when you're undressing and dressing, so... "

commentCommented on: Sun Apr 29, 2007 @ 09:36pm

Kali tugged on his clothes, and he smoothed out everything. "You can turn around now Soujiya." He said smiling. He slid off of the bed, and he jumped on the other's back before nuzzling him. "Daddy is probably waiting for us outside of the hospital. I'm kinda afraid Soujiya. I...really didn't think I'd get to you last night. I was worried that I wouldn't have my ears to give to you." Kali said in the other's ear. Kali always got in these strange moods were he wouldn't seem like himself. When he wanted to play or when he was suppressing his anger. At the moment, it was a mixture of both, and he removed himself from the other's back, holding his arm as he moved to the door, lightly leaning up against it before sighing quietly. He looked at the other, and he smiled warmly at his fighter, his olive green eyes were a darker shade before he pulled out the chocolate cake that he'd swiped before Soujiya had taken up everything. He ate the cake slowly before peeking out of the door.

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+ nightcrux crown +
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commentCommented on: Sun Apr 29, 2007 @ 10:22pm
Soujiya moved up beside him as he tilted his head to the side, staring out the room doorway. Kali's father was yelling at one of the younger male nurses, a shy little one who seemed to be about the same size as Kali. The boy's white ears were flattened against his head as he stared up at the other with wide, large red eyes, watching the other raise his hand as if he was about to strike him. The boy flinched slightly as Kali's father pulled his chin up so that he would look at him, and he stepped back slightly as he pulled away. Soujiya recognized the smaller one - he was in Kali's class, one of the private school children who had just transferred to a public school because his parents couldn't afford to keep him in a private school anymore. He didn't remember his name, but he did know that the shy white-haired one was younger than Kali and was often very quiet.

" Where is Kali?" Kali's father demanded, and the boy's white tail shifted behind hi mas he tried to explain to the impatient older man.

" Kali...he has a visitor right now, and it says that you've been banned from the hospital on account of violence and threatening to kill him because of the bill that you have been charged. " Yuki gazed up at the other, watching a small vein pop out of the other's forehead when he got angry. " I...I'm sorry sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. "

" Ask me to leave? " The male chuckled quietly after a few moments. " Child - you have no idea who you're dealing with, do you? "

He stepped forward, and Yuki took a small step back with a fearful look in his eyes.

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 01:16am

Kali ran out, and he pulled Yuki back, giving him a smile. "It's okay Yuki. Thank you." he said before looking at his father. "That was just rude!" He said as he glared at him. "How dare you treat people like that?" He asked. "I mean it's one thing to do it to me, but Yuki doesn't even know you." He said. "He asked you to leave, so go. I'm not coming back home with you. They appointed Soujiya as my legal guardian, so you really need to leave." He said. "Are you even sober right now?" he asked as he pulled his father's face into his hands. "Daddy I'm afraid that you'll go out and hurt someone else except for me. That's why mom left you...why she didn't take me isn't what I'm worried about. It scares me that you can go around threatening people while you look for me." He said as he kissed his head. "Daddy please stop hurting people." He said as he pulled him closer, and he pressed his face into his chest.

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+ nightcrux crown +
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commentCommented on: Mon Jun 04, 2007 @ 01:58am
The man growled roughly at Kali, and his eyes flared with anger at the way his son was speaking to him. He raised his hand - slapping the other sharply across the face and shoving him back against the wall. He did smell of alcohol - he had a problem, but no one ever tried to help him. He took all of his frustrations out on his child. Soujiya hurried out, and his eyes narrowed as soon as he saw the man's fist collide sharply with Kali's face. The protective rage he had for the other was unleashed at the very moment he saw the older man commit an act of violence against his small Sacrifice. The man was seized suddenly, slammed back against the wall as Soujiya's hands pressed him back into the hard surface roughly. The man's eyes were wide with shock - no one had ever fought back against him. His anger would rise again, but for now he seemed to be caught in a lot of shock.

" You listen close, and listen well. " Soujiya's voice had turned from gentle to Kali to growling and low with warning at this man. " If you ever lay a hand on him again, I'll break them both. I don't care what you mean to him. No man should have the right to beat their son after they just got out of the hospital. You shouldn't have any damn right to put your hands on Kali, and I don't care whether or not you think you do. You put your hands on him, and I swear that I will make you regret it. I'm tired of seeing you beat him around and never being able to do anything about it. Not to mention YOU were the one who caused this! Have you no SHAME? "

The man stared drunkenly at him, stunned into silence, and lowered his head. Soujiya drew his hands back, and his eyes narrowed silently as he turned away from the other.

" Come on, Kali. We're leaving. "

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 06, 2007 @ 08:04pm
"Okay Souji." He said standing up, dusting himself off.

Kali lightly rubbed his cheek, and he ran up to Soujiya, glancing back at his father. He bowed his head, and he sighed softly as he took the older’s hand into his own. “Thank you Souji-sama for protecting me, but you know I said never to hit him. You disobeyed me…but I’ll let it slide.” He said as he smiled up at him, and he waved back to Yuki, rushing ahead of his Fighter. Kali said good bye to the nurses and the doctor that had helped him, and he turned around. “Souji hurry up!” He said turning back around, going to the elevators, looking up at the man that got out, sparing him a small glance. “Endless…” Was all Kali heard as the male walked past him, going off down a hall and into a room.

The small male dropped to his knees, placing a hand on his chest. He closed his eyes a fraction, and he stood up, leaning against the wall. He heard the ding of the elevator, and the ears on his head twitched as he looked around. Kali shook his head, and he lowered his hand down to his side, letting out a sigh. Kali was just ready to go home, figuring he had just imaged the doctor call him by his true name, and get to his violin so he could calm his nerves with the music. Or better yet, sleep in Soujiya’s bed with his precious Fighter next to him, holding him close. He smiled to himself at the thought, closing his eyes completely, just waiting for Soujiya to catch up with him.

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