Oh joy. It's back to school... ninja Okay, maybe we didn't do "STUFF" ninja , but we did do work. She didn't collect the short stories today, so that was a waste of my time, though I left out a bunch of details anyway. In social studies, we did work, and in Literacy, we did...HAMLET... gonk ...that was so boring!!! I don't understand a word of it, witout Ms. Mathis's translations!!!
Also, in Literacy, it was funny when Mr. Burton came in, and he getting mad at Omar for something he said to Sakinah. And then he was lecturing about how people should watch what kind of music they listen to, and that we shouldn't curse. And then, to show us about that, he went around calling people like Omar, Asher, Bryant, and Hamed "s**t". It was so funny, he just came up to them, and he was like, "What up, my s**t!" I've never heard anyone talk like that before...
Math was also really funny-ful. Over the break, Ms. Croft went on a trip to China, and she was talking about how the signs for "restrooms" said "toilets" instead. But then, there were no toilets in there. They just had a big old hole in the ground, that you had to crouch to use. And it smelled up to the front of the building. And then, she said that they couldn't even throw the tissie in the holes,t hey had to put everything in the basket...0_o...Speaking of tissue, she was talking about how they had to buy their own tissue and sanitizer and everything, because they charged people for the tissue in the restrooms. Weirdos...And then, she was talkin about how the streets are really, really, really clean becuase like if you throw an empty water bottle on the floor, some weird perosn will just come and pick it up, and throw it out. And then, she was saying that Chinese people thought that wearing braids and being fat was weird, and they'd like point and laugh at you if you were like that. And there was this one girl on Ms. Croft's bus who was both large, and wore braids, and these people everywhere were pointing and laughing at her. So, Ms. Croft told her that the next person who did that to her, she'd step up to them. And when the next person did, she started pointing and laughing at all of them, and then, I guess they shut up...And...yes there's MORE. There was this guy in his chair, which was broken. And he was trying to tell, the girl on the bus. But she was scared. And he started shaking (inagine a fat guy shaking like that), and the girl got scared. And she was like showing people him, and when he told her to come over there, she was like noooo. I can't really remember all the stuff she was talking about...anyway.
If only I was there. I'd wanna go to China. When she showed us the pictures, the sights were really great. They remind me of a lot of things I see in animes. One of the shrine looking places looked kind of like the place Princess Tomoyo was at in the beginning of Tsubasa Chronicle. Except, I saw like 3 pictures that looked like that. There were some really nice scences out there, though. Though, I would have to conclude that Chinese people (the stereotype Chinese people, not ALL of them) are just plain RUDE...and WEIRD...they are definitely WEIRD...0_o...
The only bad news is that I have to present my math project tomorrow.
Also, today, I had watery eyes like all day. It was probably because I was REALLY, REALLY, REALLY sleepy...it was funny, when we were readling Hamlet, no one could understand any of it, until Ms. Mathis translated it, and Izzy was even sleeping when it was his turn to read a line.
*looks at BuddyList* Hey, Mr. Green is on again. He doesn't seem to be responding though. Must be away again. HONESTLY, WOULD IT KILL HIM TO USE HIS AWAY MESSAGE!
Hey, I just got a response:
MGreen26: Hi irene - can't talk now
IreneKhan7: okay
Hehe. I wonder if anything else happened today...Oh yeah, I'm back on track for annoying the hut-nun. We took her pencilcase at arts, and ran at the end of the period! It was so funny. And she's so weak too. Everytime she grabs it and tries to take it, I always get it. Haha. I feel mean. And yet...I DON'T CARE.
I should've brought water today...my throat was dry all day.
I really wanna read volume 2 for Alice 19th. She's a very nice character. ^_^ Reading that thing over is definitely better than reading a novel! biggrin Anyway, I should probably finish Mariel of Redwall first. Before I get more of Alice 19th, that is. I should also finish that dragon seiries I got...and that Max Ride thing. That one was actually pretty good, I should get back too it.
That Mary Magdalene thing really got me back into namaz...but I wonder what I can do when I can't do namaz...oh well...
Wow, I wrote a lot today. I'm either really bored. Or I just got a lot out of today.
Okay, I think I'm finally done. Back to dragonfable or anime or whatever now, then. ^_^

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