- Basic Information -
-Your Gaia Name: [ s e m p e r ]
-Join Date: 2/16/07
-Total Posts: 4681
-Posts Per Day: 86.69
-Join Date: 2/16/07
-Total Posts: 4681
-Posts Per Day: 86.69
- Account Information -
-Is this your first account on Gaia?: Yes it is.
(If you answered no, please answer the questions below. If you answered yes, please skip the questions below and move to the next set called 'More Account Information')
-What were your other account names on Gaia?: ---
-Was your previous account (or accounts) banned, hacked, and/or lost due to forgotten password (Please explain in detail if you have. Failure to do so will result in a disqualification in your application)?: ---
(If you answered no, please answer the questions below. If you answered yes, please skip the questions below and move to the next set called 'More Account Information')
-What were your other account names on Gaia?: ---
-Was your previous account (or accounts) banned, hacked, and/or lost due to forgotten password (Please explain in detail if you have. Failure to do so will result in a disqualification in your application)?: ---
- More Account Information -
-Have you changed your name on Gaia (Meaning if you just changed your name and not abandoned your account)?: Yes
(If you answered yes, please answer the questions below. If you answered no, please skip the questions below and move to the next set called 'Your Quest Information')
-What other names did you go by?: KgKissLiaste
-Why did you change your name (or names)?: it was a joke name.
(If you answered yes, please answer the questions below. If you answered no, please skip the questions below and move to the next set called 'Your Quest Information')
-What other names did you go by?: KgKissLiaste
-Why did you change your name (or names)?: it was a joke name.
- Your Quest Information -
-What are the items you are questing for (Put the order of items based on prority)?:
Ninja Band
Winged Anklets
Mythrill Armor x2
-Quest Link: <<Semper's Questing>>
-When did you start your quest (Please state when you started your quest to the best of your knowledge. Month and year is preferable and will suffice. If you cannot remember the date, you may use the start date of your quest thread as a replacement)?: 2/19/07
-Have you quested before?: Yes
-If yes, was your quest successful?: Yes
-Why or why not was your quest successful?: The items were donated to me! Yippee
-Have you received help for this quest and/or previous quests?: For this quest no, for previous quest yes.
-If yes, please write in detail of the people that helped you with your quest and/or previous quests.: They were people from a random giving thread and a charity. KoiFishCharity (Yay YumeNezumi), PippinHobgoblin, Pale as Momo, etc...
Ninja Band

Winged Anklets

Mythrill Armor x2

-Quest Link: <<Semper's Questing>>
-When did you start your quest (Please state when you started your quest to the best of your knowledge. Month and year is preferable and will suffice. If you cannot remember the date, you may use the start date of your quest thread as a replacement)?: 2/19/07
-Have you quested before?: Yes
-If yes, was your quest successful?: Yes
-Why or why not was your quest successful?: The items were donated to me! Yippee
-Have you received help for this quest and/or previous quests?: For this quest no, for previous quest yes.
-If yes, please write in detail of the people that helped you with your quest and/or previous quests.: They were people from a random giving thread and a charity. KoiFishCharity (Yay YumeNezumi), PippinHobgoblin, Pale as Momo, etc...
- Progress -
-How much are the items you are questing for worth (TekTek, Marketplace or any major pricing guides will do. Please cite your source for where you got the value of the items. What that means is if you got that values from TekTek say so on this question. Also, post individual prices of each item you are questing for as well as post an overall total of the items)?: From tektek - 1,139,706
-How much gold (or tickets) do you have in your current offer for your quest (Breakdown the gold and items for what you are currently willing to offer for the items and post that breakdown here. Base the items you are offering on lowest Marketplace value, TekTek and/or any major price guide. Honesty is the best policy, so be honest or your application will be disqualified. DO NOT post a long-winded sentence, because it will be ignored, and your application will be disqualified. A list of the breakdown of gold and items will do and it MUST be accurate. If you state that it's 'close to,' 'approximately,' or 'around' a certain GOLD value (item values I will accept those words), you will be disqualified)?: 13,500 gold total for the ninja head band. 0 gold for the other items.
-If you applied here before, what was your offer on your last application (If this your first time applying here, just say 'First Time Applying.' If you are questing for a different item, just say 'New Quest.' If it's the same item, take the current offer you posted from the last application you applied for and post it here. You NOW have to find that previous application offer and post it in this question. Failure to do so will result in a disqualification. Also, failure to follow directions and post anything else aside from your past offer, 'First Time Applying' or 'New Quest' will result in a disqualification)?: 14,000
-How much gold (or tickets) do you have in your current offer for your quest (Breakdown the gold and items for what you are currently willing to offer for the items and post that breakdown here. Base the items you are offering on lowest Marketplace value, TekTek and/or any major price guide. Honesty is the best policy, so be honest or your application will be disqualified. DO NOT post a long-winded sentence, because it will be ignored, and your application will be disqualified. A list of the breakdown of gold and items will do and it MUST be accurate. If you state that it's 'close to,' 'approximately,' or 'around' a certain GOLD value (item values I will accept those words), you will be disqualified)?: 13,500 gold total for the ninja head band. 0 gold for the other items.
-If you applied here before, what was your offer on your last application (If this your first time applying here, just say 'First Time Applying.' If you are questing for a different item, just say 'New Quest.' If it's the same item, take the current offer you posted from the last application you applied for and post it here. You NOW have to find that previous application offer and post it in this question. Failure to do so will result in a disqualification. Also, failure to follow directions and post anything else aside from your past offer, 'First Time Applying' or 'New Quest' will result in a disqualification)?: 14,000
- Questions -
-Application Attempt (How many times have you applied to this guild? Links to your previous applications in the guild are optional): 4
-Have you won in our guild before (Honorable Mentions count as wins. A simple yes or no will do)?: No
-If yes, how many times you won (Honorable Mentions count as wins, so count them as well)?: ---
-Why do you feel you should receive a donation from us?: Actually, I don't feel as if I should. I'm just filling out this hella long application. I went backwards on my quest because I gave out some birthday presents. XD
-Have you won in our guild before (Honorable Mentions count as wins. A simple yes or no will do)?: No
-If yes, how many times you won (Honorable Mentions count as wins, so count them as well)?: ---
-Why do you feel you should receive a donation from us?: Actually, I don't feel as if I should. I'm just filling out this hella long application. I went backwards on my quest because I gave out some birthday presents. XD
- Double Check Questions -
-Did you double check your application before you submitted it?: Yes
-Did you double check your application after it was posted for any coding errors, spelling errors and/or missed questions?: Yes
-Did you double check your application after it was posted for any coding errors, spelling errors and/or missed questions?: Yes
Community Member