Theres alot of good movies coming out, and right around Spring Break, isn't that a coincidence? I'm interested in seeing TMNT, Meet the Robinsons, and a couple others, but of course, it costs a bit of money to see them. And sadly, I'm broke.
Oh well.
My Sweet 16 is coming up soon, so I'm getting pretty excited. I've bought almost all of the supplies and stuff, and am planning on setting up a cool room with music and everything. I hope it turns out well.
Oh! I took a few quizzes, so here are the results. ^_^
Ok, so I got carried away! I love quizzing...but I did get alot of cool results. blaugh
~~~~~~~~~~~How did you die in your past life?

Burning in a fire. Your career sucks. No one really cared to save you. They just thought of you as another person in this world.
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~~~~~~~~~~~What kind of girl are you?

You're a unique girl. You're a special kind of girl that is very rare. Your thoughts are hidden yet seen. You can fit in with any crowd and nobody ever makes rumors about you. Your beauty is unique as well. Everyone finds you beautiful inside and out. Though sometimes you're lonely because no one truly understands you, somehow you're always smiling.Personality razz erfectAnimal:UnicornQuote:There is only one today so make the most of it
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~~~~~~~~~~~Where do you truly belong?

You belong in an enchanted forest. With animals and mythical creatures. Where you can lie in the trees and play all day and night. In the jungles of the world no one can stop you from being yourself and showing your true feelings. However belonging in the forest doesn't make you a nature freak it simply means that you are logical and that you wish to be yourself all the time.
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~~~~~~~~~~~What kind of boyfriend do you need?

You need a boyfriend who will understand you even when all you'll tell him is you don't know what's going on you're not sure of what to do, you want him to know how you're feeling. It doesn't matter if he's the hottest guy, though you'd prefer he was cute, you just want someone to love you and let you know with or without words that he cares. Putting it simply your perfect guy will love you and understand how you are at even the weirdest times.
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~~~~~~~~~~~What were you in a past life?

You were an intelligent thief in you past life! You tried to scare people away from you because you felt the way you were living was the only way possible. You weren't cruel or unloving, you were just scared and lonely. You are/were creative and clever. This past life was nice for you then, and though I don't suggest thievary, maybe try opening up a bit more to people so you won't be lonely.
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~~~~~~~~~~~How does your past life affect you today?

In your past life your relied on hearing.
You may have been mute or blind. It's possible you would've lived in a hard to see area that amplyfied sound, like a cave. If you were an animal, it's likely you would've been a bat, using your overgrown ears to hunt out the dangers of the black night. Or you could've been a rabbit! So cute an fluffy smile How does that help you today? This shows you that your an auditory learner. You learn by hearing or listening. If you have a hard time in school...try listening. razz
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~~~~~~~~~~~Which Digimon Crest Fits You?

Well, what do you know! Your Crest is the Crest of Destiny.
You have a strong, deep sense of love and knowledge, and fear little with your digimon partner beside you. But, you can be heartless at times, and often shun your feelings away without much thought. Your friends mean everything to you, and they dont even know it. Your digimon is your best friend, through times of darkness and light, and will always be their for you. When you finally had to leave to Digital World, and your partner, you struggled with saying goodbye, and tried your hardest not to cry. You miss your partner dearly, and know that someday, you'll reunite once again.
~~~~~~~~~~~Darkness or Light?

Wow! Unexpectedly, you are like Kohana, or twilight. Don't worry, this doesn't mean that you're a school girl! You seem to have a bit of darkness and light in you.
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~~~~~~~~~~~What is your connection with darkness?

Your connection with darkness is through your depression. Hated, sad and often feeling lonely, there is only a few that appreciate the real you. You tend to keep to yourself and away from the world since you don't want to be hurt and betrayed again. Music gives you the understanding you need to get through; it's your "therapy". Or you express yourself through art or writing to get emotional releases. Chances are you're also an anti-social person, who only enjoys spending time with close friends, if even that. The world has finally showed it's true face for you it feels, and you wish life wasn't this miserable to live through. Maybe you'll find happiness in the future, but right now you're simply hiding away from the world. Who needs people anyway?
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~~~~~~~~~~~Why are you sad?

You are dead inside and don't experience sadness that often.
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