Hey! This is where I'll post ALOT of my banners for a comic series you most likely have never heard about! I am the creator, which makes me Kirsten, or AKA- The girl wearing glasses. So far, I have fifteen comics. If any of my fellow fangirl comic people or AKA- Kylee, Bailey, Rachel, or Claire, have working scanners that they can work, I
might manage to get my comics here, and they're funny! So far we have. . .what, 19 people who debuted? All rights go to Masashi Kishimoto and Natsuki Takaya for use of their characters. The characters so far are-Kirsten[Me!], Kylee, Bailey, Kaley, Rachel, Claire, Sean, Brent, Ryan, Sakura, Hinata, Ino, Sasuke[or Sasu-chan, seeming how I used my magic staff[pencil] to change him into a girl], Naruto, Gaara, Kyou, Hatsuharu, and many more to come!

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