So, this is my last day in Boston, and we had a great time. My brother's girlfriend xd is really nice, and when we saw him, he had at least four more tattoos than he had before. eek We stayed in a really swanky hotel, I got my own bed (thank God), and the shower was so amazing, it had to be the best shower I've ever had.
We visited the Mueseum of Science, a place that I had never been to before now. I went to see the Darwin exhibit, you know, the guy who invented the theory about evolution. It was really cool because there were live animals and dead fossils and even put together bones of certain animals that don't exist anymore. It was insane. whee
After we got out of the mueseum (which lasted until 5, closing), we couldn't get out of the parking garage! We had parked on the top most level, and NO ONE WAS MOVING at all. We ended up reparking up there and walking two miles in the cold (not that I'm complaining, it was fun) to a restaurant that was semi-near the hotel. I had a delicious dinner with mashed potatoes (MY FAVORITE) domokun and then we went back to the hotel by ten. It was awesome!
~Xeoh~ninjadomokunmrgreen (btw, if you're wondering what happened to my brother's car, my mom's boyfriend drove them back to the mueseum to go get it lol.)