I saw like 1 more episode of Chrono Creusade. It was the Christmas one! It was really nice! I can't wait to see the next episode, they might finally find Joshua...who seems to be in a state of dumb-ness...
My parents are so annoying-ful! They NEVER EVER EVER...SHUT UP! My whole famiyl talks too much. They seem to have nothing better to do. I like being the quiet one...everyone else is so annoying. *pushes big red button that makes the world shut up* wahmbulance xd
Doo dee doo dee dum. Yay, at least its a Saturday! More Naruto, Bleach, and Blood Plus! Especially Blood Plus...^_^ I wish I could see the movie! gonk
I'm bored...my mom keeps yelling me to get off the computer...and go organize my binder. Honestly, why do I even talk to her, it only makes her get all snoopy, and start talking more...! Aww, and I really wanted to see ythat next episode of Chrono Crusade!!!
I'm going to fail that science test, cuz I CANNOT organize my binder!!! I mean, really. That's just asking too much! And I also have to do the current events, ans whatever other homework I had, cuz I forgot anyway! gonk
Grr...*shakes angry fist at the world*
evil evil evil My brother's evil!!!!!!!!!! HE says that I can't solve a Rubik's Cube because girls aren't smart enough to do it!!!! Now I have some motivation to go solve it.... evil
I just saw like 7 episodes of Chrono Crusade!!! The last one was the best! Rosette finally found Joshua! But I think he went evil anyway...

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