Well, today was alright...Sadly, for science, I have to get....get.....well......I HAVE TO GET...ORGANIZED! I mean, really! Me? ORGANIZED??? I haven't used my binder since the beginning of the year! It's been in my locker all this time!!! And now, out of nowhere....Mr. Bednar just tells ME to get ORGANIZED! Now, I really do see something wrong with that! But oh well...at least I have the weekend to do it.
Also, in math, the hut-nun kind of got in trouble for what she wrote in her journal. It was something about what happened on that day, last week, when we got free time...because Abiel let Ms. Croft read her journal, but she wrote a lot of "things" about other people, including Ms. Croft, and I think Ms. Croft got a bit mad. But then, when Ms. Croft and her "witnesses" were talking to Abiel, she denied allowing Ms. Croft to read her little green journal. And according to everyone, Abiel lied about that. Cuz when I was on the lunch line, I heard Ms. Croft talking to Omar...and I think she was talking about Abiel, when she was like: "She's a damn liar."
I also feel really sorry fdor Abiel, cuz all this time I've been amking fun of her, she's been sitting down there all by her lonesome self reading a book or something, and no one ever invited her to come sit with us. I mean, it's kind of mean to be like that, when she doesn't have any other friends in the class. Though, in my opinion, I would consider myself and some other people in the class, to be her friends. We're not like close friends, but I guess we are sort of friends.
I can't believe I'm writing this much about...the hut'nun. I also can't believe I referred to her as Abiel...But then again, I still feel sorry for her, because she was crying too at lunch. As a matter of fact, I recall writing an entire entry about something similar to this in my other journal...which really seems to make a good point now.
Anyway, besides the hut-nun's issues, after we did the Mock Trial stuff today with those ladies...we had to spend another 15 minutes doing it with Mr. Burton...juast because he came a little late. -_- And then alll the buses were full, so that cut into my internet time! Waaaah! And yet...here I am anyway. Oh well, back to my anime. Chrono Crusade is such a good series. ^_^

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