As written by Lantis Lossëhelin, Lord of Hall N____, on this night the 17th of March.
Because I have existed for countless centuries I have the distinct opportunity to forget. Memories are one of the strongest chains holding any being from his desires. (The first being emotion, but I have already written at length on that subject.) However even I must admit some memories are worth saving, whether for personal amusement or instructional value. The subject at hand happens to belong to the latter category.
The last time I recall the feeling of the emotion known as fear was in the presence of a singular being. It was fairly early in my rebirth, during the millennia I spent wandering with a purposeless and crushed soul that I encountered her; a being so mighty the very air around her steamed with unbridled power. An obelisk of a demon, with only enough natural curves to serve as an indication of gender. What struck me especially was the disjointedness of her features. Clumps of brown fur stood out starkly against shining bare skin. One foot was an immense three-toed talon while the other looked humanoid, supported by a clawed shoe made no doubt of the same hornlike material which spiked at hooked angles from knees and elbows. One eye was green, the other a haunting yellow, both hollow and surrounded by shining ebony reminiscent of a lich. Her hair measured differently throughout, but parted to reveal a symbol etched onto her forehead. This was one of her few stable attributes; included in the rest are the great wings, whipping tail, and immense horns which seem to be a staple of demon kind.
I must confess it was my fear alone that halted me from attacking on sight, but my luck was such that I was able to hide while witnessing the folly of such an action. From her belt she pulled a pillar of crafted steel which emitted a sword of pure energy. This she used to cut down the first wave with a rare display of great skill. However, I do not see why this weapon was necessary as the force of her will alone tore many to ribbons. Indeed she seemed to switch from one fighting style to another without any impetus or rational thought. This was to be the first evidence of her mental state.
But that is enough this night. I sense dawn approaching, and I must retire.
Explanation will be added once the story is complete. ::evil laugh::