RP Name: Mew
Age: 407
Height: 5"6
Race: Half Fairy/Half empty shell.
Four hundred and seven years ago at the peak of peace in a land of which the name has been long forgotten by the World a Princess was Murdered. With her Death came great sorrow from not only the world but her most trusted, her first and only love, her trusted Knight Sir Alexander of the Forest of the Great Life. He was so lost to his Sorrow he made a deal with the Elder Fairy of his land that would give her half of his Soul and give her life once again.
Three days after her death she was live and well again, with half a Fairy soul and nothing more then the power of her last soul. She would never be the same as she was when she had lived her first life but she was alive and well.
It was 340 years later in the middle of a Great human war that Alexander and Mew had been lost to each other. There Soul bond which was strong as ever had been blocked and they were unable to get back to each others side.
So now 64 years later she still looks for him and he for her. Longing for the day when there soul can be one again.
Her personality:
She is quiet and aloof, not a very caring girl. She may not speak often but when she does, it's almost always important. When she is angered she does a 360 and is loud and bash, not as uncaring. No matter what she seems to be on the cruel side, not caring as to who must die to met her ends.
Body type:
Slender and small, she looks like a small push can be her down fall but is stronger then most Humans and well trained in every combat known to man(shes over 400 years old! Shes had some time to learn this stuff!).
More Might be added or edits may happen so just so you know!