Ok! I haven't writen in quite a while, and I have many things to talk about. See, it started with just one thing, which the title came from, then I though of something else that would fit the title perfectly! And now I have, like, ten. sweatdrop Yeah, so here we go!
The first is the actual writing of this. It has grown from a cute iddle topic 4laugh to a beast! domokun I want to write it, but I'm scared to! See title? Yup, I'm going to be reffering back to it the entire time, so get used to it. And what is "Domokun"? It's the thing that kills kittens, but... I still don't get it....
Mkay, next! So, the other day, I was eating I was eating Macaroni with Scooby-Doo shapes. Both my mom and me have anger manegment problems, well, we don't go to classes or beat eachother up or anything, but we fight everyday, and sometimes more than once a day. So we had just been in a argument and my mom was baby talking one of our cats. Yeah, she does that a lot constantly. And she just happens to mention that whenever she's mad at me, she doesn't use filtered water. Instead she uses tap water. I'm not scared of tap water, but it's the thought that counts! Today, she uses tap water, tomorrow she poisons my food! I love my macaroni, with Scooby-Doo shapes (although Blue's Clues shapes are better), but I'm beginning to get scared of it! Yay, title-isious!
Alright, next is-- *pauses with finger in air* is, is... I have no idea! I seem to have forgotten them! Well, I still remember the main course, and I know I'll remember them later, so be on the lookout for part 2.
So! The main course! Bwahahahahahaha!!! Erm, actually, that wasn't supposed to be maniacal or particularly funny.... Um, I mean, yes it was! I never mess up. So withough further ado, my main man is Outkast! Well, actually main men... and women. Anyways, they are such an awesome band! The song I got that from is called "Dracula's Wedding". Bittersweetscribe is already hating it prematurely, but you shouldn't! The awesome part of the song, besides the fact that it's good music, is that Dracula's the one saying that. Aw, you still hate it, don't you? Ah well, you'll like the music. Some of their all rap songs I don't like, but for the most part, I'm in love with Benjamin Andre, aka Andre 3000. And I love their logic, or lack there of. Such as "Negative one plus negative one equals nothin'!" and the fact that I can supposedly feel him in my womb. xp I also like that fact that you can appearantly us an anchor for a flotation device. Some of their songs are wrong, but they are "Gangstas", although they don't seem like Gangsters. Their song "Spread" is probably their worst. I'm sure everybody but bittersweetscribe gets that. Such a young, innocent mind. I'll give you a hint; several of their songs have a direct "Sequal", if you will. Basicly a different song that goes with the original song, and follows it chronologically. Spread has a sequal, and it's sequal is called "Where Are My Panties?". Now do you get it? But they're basically cool. They even have a song telling you to go to church. I'm antireligion, but it's still a nice idea, especially coming from a "Gangsta". Oh, I wont hate you if your religious, but we'll just have to never talk about such things. Bittersweetscribe's a Christian, for instance, (but don't worry, not one of those psyco Christians) and I luv her! heart That's probably why we can talk about religion without ripping eachothers throats out. Most of the time. Outcast's awesome for a huge combination of things. Be it making a reference to Star Wars and not sounding dorky, or having real meaning in their songs. I'm specifically thinking of "A Life in the Day of Benjamin Andre", but their might be more. Well, there're (there are) some songs about how much he loves one girl, but there are so many, and I don't know if he's always talking about the same girl.... neutral
"Ya'll don't wanna hear me, you just wanna dance!"
-U.N. Owen
P.S. Outkast is everlasting! Except not, I've heard they migh be splitting up. That is, if they haven't already, I'm really slow on things like this.
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I AM NOT INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't even know.