THE KNIGHT It starts off as a young knight who falls in love with a beautiful elemental princess, but in a bit of jelousy he murded hundreds of men who even dared to look at her. She of course never knew who was doing the murdering. It wasnt long after that she finally fell in love with someone herself, an elemental prince. There was a great battle between the prince and the knight, were the knight was finally victorious, and the princess, who lost her own love, cast herself down with one fell swoop of the prince's blade. The Knight also cast himself down upon watching his love die.

THE SAMURAI Now in hell he was cursed with flaming wings forever branded upon his back, and was sent back to earth to forever wander alone. Though numerous times he had met his love in his dreams and was only there happy. Soon, the days of the knight, grew into the meji era, the age of samurai, and our knight traveled from Britian to Japan. He learned the ways of the Japanese sword and became a great and fear'd samurai lord. He fought for ages, long past the age of the samurais died.

REBIRTH It wasnt till many years later in america that his flaming curse lifted, but immortality still had him wanting death more and more each day. The scars of the ages tore his body with pain with each step, but, now a current day warrior, he fights for all that is good, to try and free his condemed soul so that he may once again see the woman he had loved so much.
ILL FAITED WARRIOR Now the warrior finally sets out the the dark lord who put the kuragari curse upon him, he dawned the armor of old and new, the weapons of past and present, and set out to vanquish the dark lord.

A NEW LORD The battle with the previous dark lord left our ill fated warrior broken, but with one final swing of his enchanted blades he took down the demon that had him cursed for ages. as he stoood above the dark lord, the prospect that he is cursed fro eternity dawned on him. He lifted the dark lords cursed helm and placed it upon himself, he took the throne of darkness, and ruled, though still, the thoughts of his lost love haunt him.

REDEMPTOINS PAST. I dont have much for this one, otehr that it will only be on story, it will be of our characters final hard journy into paradise.
Emoinheart · Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 05:09pm · 2 Comments |