Ok! I'm so happy! I just heard from a valued sorce that Strawberries REALLY LIKES ME! OMG! I can't belive it. I mean I can. He shows all the signs and everything and I bought him a rose for valentines day but he didn't know it was from me. Then when I got a rose from Pepper, Coco didn't know so Coco thought is was from Strawberries and so she asked him if he bought it for me and if he did she wouldn't tell. ((I perfectly knew it was from Pepper in the first place)) Ok so when he said no he also mentioned that he would if he had had the money. That totally gave it away. Now Coco is going to get him to ask me to the dance and she wants to see who asks who first. I'll win of course but I'm mumble it I know I will. I always do that around him. Like we used to walk to class together. Then we had seminary togather and we held a postion that we had to work together and now we just say Hi to eachother because we don't have any classes together. I can't believe he likes me though. You would never think that he would like me. He is kinda the quiet type and I'm the loud type. And the very first words I spoke to him were. "You won't believe it, I saw you at the football game yesterday. I was going to say hi but I didn't think you would here me through all the cheering." ((LAME)) Ok here it is
heart heart heart Lots of Luv Lover of Strawberries Art_Dork
Art_Dork · Fri Feb 16, 2007 @ 12:00am · 0 Comments |