Can you see me Through this frail skin Through my mother's given beauty And my father's blood that runs in me?
Can you see my soul Dark and Mysterious So only a candle of light that shows no hope A center that shows no promise?
Can you see my heart Black with no reflection A broken one that was never whole Shattered like the thin ice it was? Can you see through my eyes The bodies windows So dirty, no color is taken in The world of lack and white with no in between
Can you hear my voice So tiny and small Hidden by the crowds riot noise My throats golden silence and watery abyss
Can you touch my face Rough and dry So unreachable and far, struck with sadness Dispair and depression come from the feel
Can you helod me close A thin and bony frame One so small it's hard to grasp A body hanging on to the thread of life Can you give me warmth My body stiff and cold It cannot make it on its own As it falls into the eternal darkness
Can you bring me light? Unto my own abyss.
Written by Art_Dork
Art_Dork · Sun Feb 11, 2007 @ 01:16am · 3 Comments |