“Your family’s next!” his words rang into the dead ears of Sora and her lifeless eyes began to cry…Dred started to walk away till he heard something…then he turned around to find Sora getting back up! But…this wasn’t Sora…the Sora I knew at least!
She was different…wings…pale skin…and a look…a look that gave off fear! Dred smiled and started to laugh!
“So your pain does not want to end!?”
Sora just started walking up to him…with a look of love…Dred was unsure what was going on! Sora then grabbed Dred by the face…
“I will show you true pain…”
She began to kiss Dred…He was so confused…he was almost…scared…
Then with one pull Sora ripped out Dred’s tongue! Dred yelled in ache! He had never felt REAL pain before! Dred dropped to the ground and started to crawl away!!!
“Oh come on, we were just having fun.” Sora claimed as she jumped on Dred’s back! Then with one bite she started to feast on his neck!
“AHHHHH!” Dred started to cry in pain!
Sora then turned him around…still laying on him putting her hand on his chest, she looked into his agonizing eyes and told him one more thing…
“I wonder how much it would hurt if I did this…”
She ripped out Dred’s rib cage! Then stuck her hands inside his empty chest! Dred then let out a scream that echoed through the whole castle…then she got up…and looked at her dead victim…
“Guess…it hurt a lot…”
Sora turned back and started to walk away…she couldn’t help but wonder…why Dred was so sick……then she begun to follow her family’s footsteps.
“Better keep up!” She said as she started running!

Community Member
i knew sora was gonna win mrgreen
(obviously shes not gonna die in any of these storys rolleyes )