"Hmph! 'Man of Darkness', indeed..." Settling himself down at the crystal table Kanta stood by, the boy named ManDark gave the younger boy a look full of venom through his round-rimmed glasses. "I might take offense, " He began again, his eyes lowering moving slowly towards Dex standing not too far away.
"..Heh, if of course it wasn't being spoken by a half-witted child, who was so bloodthirsty he ended up stabbing out his own eyes..." The room fell deathly silent, as all eyes glanced towards Kanta, all mouth agap in ghastly horror.
Of course the silence did not last long, in a mere instant the room was then filled with buzzing voices, all sounding confused and amazed..other terrified.
"Stupid ...Damn that ManDark! When I get my hands around his pale nerdy neck I'll..." Kanta's thoughts raged furiously in his head, balling his hand into a fist at his side, he glared over at ManDark, who stared back smugly folding his hands neatly upon the smooth, shiney surface of the table in silence.
Glancing around them, Dex could see very well that the rest of the room knew nothing of young Kanta's...problems...his past nightmares...they couldn't possibly understand what he went through. Their horror proved just that..they could not deal with new like that without acting foolishly. Pushing up his glasses with his middle finger, Dex walked briskly over to the table next to Kanta and patted the boy on the shoulder reassuringly, glancing back at the rest of the group with eyes that demanded: "This meeting starts now, no other questions!"
Sitting himself at the table at once, Dex surveyed the others carefully, watching as they all took their seats without another word of their previous dicussions.
Still smiling smuggly was ManDark, looking very pleased with himself to have started such amusement that involved others suffering.
Kanta on the other hand, stood very still in the same spot, his hands moitionless at his sides. His chest rose up and down slowly as he inhaled and exhaled, waiting in silence for his chance to speak. Glancing at Dex he saw approval in his eyes and began talking at once.
" You all came here for an important meeting, and I assure you...it is important. It deals with the famed world of The Land of Tormented Souls." Taking in a deep breath, Kanta stepped backward and began walking around the table slowly, his nerves rattling around inside him like wild ping pongs.
" Recently on radar, the world showed signs of a strange ...disturbance...with much concideration and thought, Lord Dex gave the order to go see what the problem and sent the two ugly buttho- I mean ..two fine keepers of the Order and hoped the problem would be taken care off...but it hasn't." His face darkened severly as he spoke, shadows crept along his pale face giving off the impression that he was speaking of grave events that were to follow. While watching him, the room's occupants squirmed in their seats, feeling uneasy.
Bringing a hand to his face, Kanta hesitantly touched the bottom of the worn white cloth tied over his eyes and sighed deeply, the feelings of woe and inner fear were begining to claw their way up inside his young soul. What he felt in that world while only being there a short time was enough to rattle his spirits and stirr his blood with the unknown.
"..I-I was sent there aswell, after it appeared to Lord Dex that Tak and Chrono were taking too long with the job and had me go to deliver a message to one of the Living World's detectives. His name was Yus..something...I can't remember..but either way..while I was there I felt an inner darkness running wild underground. It felt like ..as if ...something was stirring, as though agitated and restless...wanting freedom..a deep hunger clawing its way to the surface to deepen its emptiness..." Lossing the words from his brain to his mouth, Kanta stopped and stood in silence.
At the table the council looked at one and other and began conversing in a flurry of words...
"Stirring..? If thats so it could mean-"
"NO, thats impossible and you know it Lady Robin. It has to be somethig else..perphaps the child had gas..?"
"Don't be silly..this is serious it must be Grim's fault! He is in charge and-"
" Did he say the 'Living World detectives'? The living souls from earth are involved now?"
As they chattered away, only ManDark and Dex sat still, their eyes boring holes into the crystal table while in deep thought.
Placing his hand upon his tie lossening it some from his neck, ManDark looked above at the pure white ceiling, his shadowy dark eyes scanning it still in thought when suddenly he banged his hands onto the table loudly startling everyone.
"This is enough you fools! Isn't obvious what this means...the worlds are sacred and given protectors from within. Don't you see...we are dealing with much more than childish games like the 'Blame Game' Mr. Spok!" Glancing at a man wearing a long white robe and slightly pointed ears, which were turning pink from embaressment.
Taking a breath, ManDark's eyes darted back to the ceiling and then slowly returned to the eyes of the beings watching him at the table.
"Now..as I was saying, the problem is-"
A loud creaking noise followed by an even louder THUD, the two great doors opened once again as out barged the slim, pink wearing cutie, Dex's sister DeeDee.
At once, before she could even speak, ManDark's dark eyes clouded over as he gazed at her fondly, his cheeks turning pink. Sighing happily he batted his eyes and looked at her dreamily.
"DeeDee...ahhhhhh.....my sweet DeeeeeDeeeeee..."
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