YARGH! Chemistry bugs me so much. Actually, it's not usually this bad, but I have to balance all the equations and then write down what kind of chemical reaction is taking place. And there is nothing more tedious than trying to balance a combonation between magnesium nitrate and potassium hydroxide which results in magnesium hydroxide and potassium nitrate. Actually, you know what's worse? Taking a class I will NEVER use. Like Math Analysis.
On a happier note, The Lost Room started a half hour ago!!! YAY!!! I've been looking forward to this, and have been writing this journal entry during the commercials. I heart SciFi! It's soo cool. Though I can't say I'm fond of Dakota Fanning.
Anyway. The Lost Room's going to be back on in a sec. heart heart heart
Jasmine Perishing Community Member |