Wanted Screecher
“Hey! I’m Kritianne Uytiepo. I am 13 years old. I have black hair and
wears glasses. This big fellow here is my friend Dark MoonLite Howler. He
is friendly and just plain adorable don’t u agree? Where did I get him
you ask well it was a long time ago, but I’ll tell you anyhow .”
It all started in one moonlit night as I was sleeping so peacefully, at
my house, I heard a screeching sound. It woke me up. I checked my watch
and it was 12:00 am. I can soon tell it was that thing that wakes people up in
the middle of the night. I’ve heard a whole bunch of rumors about him at school. They call him the “Dark MoonLite Howler.” One of my friends Ray, short for Rachel, told me she once saw him. He had two yellow spiked hair and a black scaly skin with some yellow on his legs. She also saw that he had a reddish sort of color on its eyes, tail, and wings. He has claws on both hands and feet and also has bat wings. He has the shape of a dragon and talks like one too. Well anyways I can barely sleep now because of him. He sure got me wide awake.
One exhausting morning,“Hey! Wake up or you’ll be late for school,” said my mom in an annoying way. “Yeah yeah I’m up I’m up,” I yelled. I got up from bed half awake. I took a shower, dressed up and ate a yummy breakfast. After my mom dropped me off at school. Once I started to walk to go to my class I can hear people talking about him. They would always say “Dark MoonLite Howler strikes again!” That is so annoying. Anyhow I decided to become an agent to help innocent people so they can go back to sleeping peacefully again including me. So I first started interviewing some students since adults can’t see him. I first started out by interviewing my friend Mina. She claimed to say that she saw Dark MoonLite Howler when she was with Ray at her slumber party. She explained that he was about 6’7” tall and she estimated that he weighs about 181 lbs. The second person I interviewed was a student named Matt. He also saw Dark MoonLite Howler. He said DMH, short for Dark MoonLite Howler, had no clothing on and has no type of scar or injuries. I interviewed more kids and ended up having all the information I needed.
I got home by walking form school to my house then I took all the information I got and turned it into a wanted poster. I posted all of my posters around the town and neighborhoods. After that I thought of a plan to capture him safely. I wrote my plans down on a piece of paper and hid behind a bush outside of my house. I brought out with me two ropes and tied them both into loops separately. I camped around my yard hours and hours until it was around 12:00 am. I heard the screech . So I followed the noise until it got louder and louder. Walla! I found him. I threw my first rope at him. He dodges it at first and flies away. I went after him. I managed to catch up to him and jump on his back . He saw me on his back and went wild. He was flying so fast I had to grab hold of him really tight. He was spinning, going around in circles just so I would fall but the truth is its not working. He got dizzy and landed on the ground . I got off his back. He was too dizzy to start flying that he stayed on the ground resting. “Here was my chance,” I thought to myself. I threw my rope at him Gotcha! I caught him at last. I tied the second rope around his mouth so he wouldn’t make a sound to wake more people up. I took him home and placed him at my backyard to rest for awhile until tomorrow wait today is tomorrow oh well. I guess I’ll only have a short time to sleep.
Half a morning, I woke up and went to my backyard to check on him. He was apparently still there napping. I placed him on my wagon and started to pull the handle so it would start moving. I got out of my house and dragged the wagon all the way to town until I reached the authorities. It was a bit weird while I was dragging the wagon people were staring at me strangely especially the adults. Anyways I got DMH safely to the authorities. I turned him in and they told me they were going to take care of him for me.
I started to walk out the building but before I can even reach half the doorway out one of the staff told a surprising news. They were going to eliminate him. I ran as quickly as I can to the counter and was demanding to give him back to me. They refused my request. So they leaved me no choice,
I had to break in. I broke in at night like about 11:00 pm. I searched inside all the rooms they got but couldn’t find him. There was only one room left, he would probably be in there. So I opened the door and looked inside. It was sort of like a lab. I saw the cage he was placed and opened it. I untied the ropes and we both escaped. I would have thought he would fly away by now but he followed me home. I’m guessing he wants to thank me and I was right but more than that he wants to stay with me as my buddy. You would be wondering how I knew that so I’ll tell ya. As he followed me home I asked him a very simple question. “Would you like to stay with me?” I asked in a nice way. He nodded up then down. I’m guessing that’s a yes. He also gave a big friendly dragonly roar which was his thank you . Me and Dark MoonLite Howler became the best of friends. That’s how it all started.
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