Bast from here.
I hate, hate, hatehatehaaaate the cape.
I was going to make some cheesey-looking magic thingy to go with the upraised hand, but I was lazy. Maaaybe later. Just pretend he's holding a fireball, saying one of his oh-so famous quotes, like... "How 'bout a little Magitek Mayhem" or something. domokun
And yes, I know it's a female doll base. But Keffie does look feminine. Don't deny it! scream
I so should have made his clothing more flashy...
Again, if the colours look ********, blame my computer. People have said the moniter has a green tint to it, but I can't see anything wrong...
EDIT: I think I should add, for the clueless, that Kefka is a character from Final Fantasy Three... Or, Six. Pick one. 3nodding
coup DiS grace · Wed Oct 25, 2006 @ 10:36pm · 0 Comments |