My favorite holiday is coming up (Halloween

Carmen absolutely loves me, and I'm truly grateful for his love (even if he's a bird). The cats are more interested in what Carmen actually is rather than how to eat him. I've noticed that Tiger (my cat) isn't doing so well ever since Carmen joined the family. I think she's depressed from the slight lack of attention, but I wish she'd understand that even though I love Carmen, it doesn't mean that I love her any less.
My TF: Armada fanfic has been going better than I could have ever expected it to go. The story has become rich and deep with the original characters and my character, including yaoi/slash and normal pairings. I constantly get e-mails saying that my story is great and to update as soon as possibe. It's a very good boost to my day, knowing that someone out there awaits patiently to read and review my work.
Well, I need to be leaving the office so Carmen can get some sleep (as well as myself). I may add another entry into here, and I may not. It doesn't really matter.