today was so boaring... Oh, but at lunch, this weird guy decided to sit with my friends and I and he was so loud and perverted... he i smelled bad too!!!!! it's a good thing i read this story that we were supposed to read over the weekend cuz there was a quiz and i think i managed an A! hee hee! i promice to never write about school again cuz i know it's boaring to read... if something interesting happens i'll post... it looks like it's going to rain again... i woke up to the sound of rain........... i like rain! it's very calming to me! Oh yea! i was going to post the lyrics to those 2 within temptation songs... sry... i'm not in the mood to look them up at the moment... i'm very tired... next time ok? thank u all for reading! please come back to read more when u have the time! biggrin