No more nights in the Train Station for me!
There wasn't a major announcement for it, but a bunch of housing bugs were fixed just the other day, allowing me for the first time to place my meager home. All I have in it right now are a carpet, a TV, and an armchair -- but it sure beats spending nights sleeping outdoors in Gaia Towns. I mean, there's bugs and trash everywhere!
Ever wonder where all that trash comes from? I do. I think we need one of those "Give a Hoot / Don't Pollute" owls in Gaia towns. Except instead of spouting rhyming catchphrases, he should swoop down, carry away, and devour Gaians who litter.
Oh yeah, he also has to be 20 feet tall. Roc and roll!
I think I'm turning Japanese
(Yes, I know what the song title means. Don't even start.)
I'm not turning Japanese so much as turning into a Gaian. It started gradually...
At first I just logged in to check if I got any PMs. Then people started leaving profile comments.
Then I logged back in to check my PMs and profile comments, and people started leaving profile comments and journal comments.
Then came the GCD. Then came the feedback forum. Then came WWLA. Then I launched Daily Chance, and that kept me on my toes.
Now I can't sleep unless I log in to Gaia and make sure I've responded to all my PMs and comments. I don't sleep much nowadays sweatdrop
New Feature Update!!!
(No hints, remember?!)
The Gaia Paradox: I hate Gaia... I love Gaia?
The title is inspired by one of my favorite comics. You can check it out here.
Two threads came to my attention recently, and I think they're both pretty interesting. Give them a glance:
GAIA HATE scream
heart Gaia Love heart
After seeing people argue about it back and forth, it's hard to say what people agree is good about the site and what people agree is bad about the site.. Here's what it seemed to boil down to me:
The GOOD: Gaia breaks less, has more features, more items. and more stuff to do
The BAD: Gaia doesn't feel like a world anymore, the name Go-Gaia was better than GaiaOnline, the layout is still crap

THE BIG QUESTION: What are the top 3 ways Gaia can change to make it better?
Random Gaia Facts!
1. A new dev, edydawg, was a friend of mine before he joined Gaia. Welcome him!
2. For lunch on Tuesday, we had make-your-own-burrito day!
3. Jakobo seriously pwns at Ping Pong. (Ouch, my pride!)
4. We were laughing so hard at lunch today, even Kaia9 told us we were making too much noise!
5. Lanzer is made entirely out of chocolate and diamonds.
Community Member
Lanzer is made entierly out of chocolate and diamonds! eek I...I...*sniff* I never thought I'd find another like me! crying
I guess Kaia likes to be loud. ninja
And you're not ugly! mad