Justice: - Assassin Cross/element controler
Name- Justice
Age- 16
Race- Human/spirit (inside Kazumi)

Weapons- Katar, ninjastars, Twin daggers, throwing daggers,
Skills/powers- Control elements, poison, techniques,
Personality- Tricky, kind, carefree, do-whatever-she-wants, helpful, understandful, wise, cool, funny, mean, creepy, misunderstood, barve, lazy... Do I need to say more?
RP example- Unknown
Ringo: - Assassin
Name- Ringo
Age- 14 1/2
Race- human/spirit (inside Kazumi)
Appearance- Long black hair, with a normal black t-s**t, with dark jeans, and black sneakers
Weapons- katar, daggers, twin-blades, katana, guns, ninjastars
Skills/Powers- Shadow, fire, formchanger, Martial arts, mind-reading, poison, earth,
Personality- hot tempered, mistery, sometimes quiet, easily annoyed, cold but actually nice,
History- Saved by Kazumi, with a coincidence, but died afterwards because of the loss my blood. But we, then I mean Trisha, Erica and I knew each other for a long time.
RP example- unknown
Trisha: - Knight/Samurai
Name- Trisha
Age- 15
Race- human/spirit (inside Kazumi)
Appearance- long black hair with dark blue stripes, and all dark blue on the end, long thin white coat, blue jeans, dark brown boots.
Weapons- katana, sword, guns,
Skills/Powers- Ice(water element), mind-reading, thunder, Healing,
Personality- serious, kind, helpful, wise, understandful,
History- Saved by Kazumi, with a coincidence, but died afterwards because of the loss my blood. But we. Then I mean Ringo, Erica and I knew each other for a long time.
RP example- unknown
Erica: - Ninja
Name- Erica
Age- 14 1/4
Race- human/spirit (inside Kazumi)
Appearance- long black hair with crimson red stripes, and all crimson red on the end
Weapons- Guns, (more....)
Skills/Powers- Telekise, body/mind controlling, Fire, Healing,
Personality- charming, childish, cute, annoying,
History- Saved by Kazumi, with a coincidence, but died afterwards because of the loss my blood.But we. Then I mean Trisha, Ringo and I knew each other for a long time.
RP example- unknown
Name- Kazumi (Assassin - White Lighter)
Age- 14
Race- human/Angel

Weapons- katar, katana, ninja stars, throwing knifes/daggers, twin daggers, my kitties, machine gun on right arm,
Skills/Powers- poison, earth, shadow, Fire, Heavenly powers, and some techniques
Personality- Can be a hot-tempered at times, easy annoyed, carefree girl, can understand people, likes to annoy people but gets annoyed at the end.... Specially from Paul >_>, likes to hangout with people and have fun, and often is friendly in a weird way,
History- I was about to fill 5 years old(b-day 17th jan). I came home and saw every single family member in my whole entire family dead on the ground... Blood everywhere... My mother, father, brother, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents.... All dead... Everyone in my family's dead... All caused by Akito.
I was only 5 then... he went away when he have killed everyone, he didn't care if I was alive or not... Because he thought I would die anyway... Since no one could watch over me or feed me.
Since that day I lived by my own in the dark not letting anyone know that I exist. One day when I was about to catch some fish, there was a man who wanted to train me to be an assassin, and thought that I could take revenge on Akito. And I accepted, and left the man when I became 12. A year later I met some people and got friends and some guys adopted me as their little sister. And then one of my adopted brother's friend asked me if I wanted to be a White lighter, I accepted and drank a drink that made me in pain and died and became an angel, I got Angel skills and still is what I was before, only with angelic skills.
RP example- *Pulls out her daggers and looks around thinking she heard something... hears something again* "who?s there" *she yells as she grips her daggers* "Ok come out before I make you come out" *She hears something behind her in a tree and quickly turns around as it jumps out of the tree slashing at her chest, she block the slash with the blade of the dagger in her right hand as the claw bounces off the dagger she lundges up and stabs the monster right in the chest killing it*