The noise... It just keeps going and going! Will it ever stop? I can feel the ground moving, fast really. But why? I never felt the ground move before... Am I even on the ground? I feel... Pain, all over my body. Where am I? I thought desperatly. There were things here, but I couldn't see. Are my eyes even working... No, I can move them... Wait, are they even opened? Why are my eyes closed? I c-can barely breathe! Whats happening?! Now I was begining to panic! I tried to move, but something was holding me down! Now panic was rushing through my veins as I let out desperate cries of help.
Then finally, something opened my eyelid and flashed a ligt in it. Momentarily blinded, I cried out even more still unable to move. Then I heard voices, they sounded urgent. I opened both my eyes but everything was so blurry. I strained my neck so that I could maybe hear instead of see.
"I found it in the accident. I don't know if its ganna make it but now, the chances look good." A husky low voice rasped above the noise.
"What... What happened to the owner of it? Was she.... Okay?" A sqeaky voice piped up.
"Kairi, you can say what you truly think you know. Your asking if that girl survivied, I don't think so. That truck squashed her with so much force there wasn't a body there to find." Now it was a low dark voice that spoke. It gave me a chill for some reason.
"Well, that was so horrible! I can't see anyway that this survived! The truck pratically went over it too!" The sqeaky voice went so high that it hurt my ears.
"Wait, look. Its waking up, its too soon. We don't need it to feel pain now. Hurry and put the mask on her!" Another chill went up my spine.
"Her, I could have sworn that it was a boy when I first examined it... Maybe I was mistaken." The husky voice broke in.
Then something was thrusts in my face and it let out air. The air smelled funny but it made me light headed. And I was feeling sleepy... Oh so sleepy....
* * * * *
The ground wasn't moving anymore. Everything was silent. I can hear a steady beeping somewhere. But I'm afraid to open my eyes again. Dare I? Dare I see where I am this tme in this strange place? Yes.... So I opened my eyes and found myself in a cage. Confused, I went to the cage door. Shocked by the sight I saw a let out a cry. But suprised by the noise I made I was silent. That wasn't... A normal sound.... A normal cry that I would make.... What did I sound like?
"Meow...Wha?" I could understand myself but I know what I heard before I understood. I meowed.... Why? People don't meow... My campanion's body... That was what the voice said... Who did he mean by campanion though? Wait... MY CAT!
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Celebrity date:wanted
were claws:wanted
knock black top: wanted