A Visit From Tashasan
Tashasan is my little sister, and last week she had the opportunity to visit Gaia HQ. She got to have Gaia lunch with Lanzer and Locke and all those guys, she got to visit Snacktopia (thanks Taligator!), and she even got talk with our CEO about what she liked/didn't like about Gaia.
He was so impressed with her maturity and intelligence, she even got to do a little job for Gaia! You should see the fruits of her labor on the site sometime soon - of course they stuck me with the responsibility of putting it up
What is it? Pssh. You should know by now that I love keeping secrets. I also like giving hints though: basically she did some writing for the site, and everyone here who's seen it said she did a good job smile
My Feature is Being Released!
... behind schedule! Actually, since I'm a programmer, I spent all my time making sure it'd be nice and tight - but I totally forgot that we had to make it look pretty too! So now most of the work is in the hands of your beloved Gaia artists, who will take my drab feature and turn it into something glorious to behold.
I'm about to sound like a broken record, but a feature goes through a LOT of hands before it hits the site. One user on the GCD started a post that said "Gaia is making millions of dollars a day! Where are our features?!" or somesuch. Not only did we dispel the idea that we are all 10 feet high and made of gold, but it was also pointed out that features take time.
Thanks to everyone who's sent me artwork these past couple of weeks!


Duff Boy



Cid High-Wind
It's big, so click here to see it!
Snacktopia... REVEALED!
Some people have been asking me what's in that picture, so here goes:
Fridge: Ice tea, cokes, Dr. Peppers, 7-Up, Mtn Dew, Orange soda, diet coke, A&W root beer, water, STRING CHEESE, baby carrots, orange juice, V-8, fruit drinks, apple juice, Frappucinos, more ice-tea
Top shelf: Chips, chex mix, and chocolate wafers
Shelf #2: More chips and cheetos
Shelf #3 (Cereals): Lucky charms, raisin bran, organic cereal, oatmeal, frosted mini wheats, cheerios
Shelf #4: Trail mix, nuts, peanut M&Ms, dried fruits, powerbars/clif bars, plain M&Ms
Shelf #5: More trail mix? Life savers/Gum, dried fruit snack, nutrigrain bars, raisins, and popcorn
P.S.: If you mail in art, I'll hang it up in my cube smile (Like a sketch Modoko did!)
Community Member
I want to be there so bad. cry