I have to admit that I wasn't that much a fan of Muse. Sure, I had listened to their music before and found it nice. My friend Rox was a big fan of them. She's the one who told me to listen to them which I did. She was crazy for the singer that she found great and sexy. She loves music and she adores british bands. At the end of school, we promised that we would go to concerts together. Since we made each other discover our favorite bands. She was so happy when she found out that Muse were coming here and she asked me if I was coming and I said "Hell yeah!". She sent me all the songs she liked best so I could some songs well and wouldn't look to stupid there. xd I was hesitating of going because I didn't feel like a real fan and didn't deserve to go there. But in an other way, I'd get to know them even better and become a great fan. Guess what happened? So it was monday the 31st of july and I was working in the morning. gonk One of my co-worker was excited because she was going to dance tonight since she was going to be at a concert. I was like "No way! I'm going to a concert too!" and I was about to ask her if she was going to see Muse but she interrupted me "Don't tell me! You're going to Muse's concert? Finally, someone that knows them!" We were excited because we both liked the music and we couldn't wait to get there. I was suppose to finish at 4pm, but I got lucky and finished at 1:20pm because there was too many people on the ground and nothing to do. I was really happy because I could pass at a bank counter and withdraw cash that I would use to buy stuffs at the concert. I passed at Chapters library and bought 4 books when I was only supposed to buy 2 of them. Then, I bought a mocaccino at Second Cup because I needed to stay awaken for the concert since I hadn't slept much the last couple of days. I got home to drop off stuffs so my bag could be as light as possible. The concert was outdoors and it was on the Jacques-Cartier quay. I got there around 4:10pm and found my friends (Rox, Julie & Stephanie) at the beginning of the line. I was really surprised and congratulated them to be the first ones here. They said that they arrived here at 6am!!! eek I was incredibly shocked and asked them if they slept at all which they didn't really do, only a few hours. They're really die-hard fans! heart I totally respect them for waiting so long for their favorite band. The doors opened at 6:45pm. The security guards said that we shouldn't run to get near the stage, but some people did. It doesn't matter because we got the best places. We were in the front row right in the middle of the stage. cool Then, Julie and Stephanie left to go buy some souvenirs of the band. They came back with pretty t-shirts and Rox wanted one too. So I accompagnied her and we bought t-shirts. She borrowed me 10 dollars because I was short of money. I got a pink t-shirt with chicks in black on it. 4laugh We all got 4 different t-shirts because we didn't want to have the exact same ones. What a pain in the a** it was to get back to the front. Some people were like "Where you guys going? There's no place in front!" and they didn't want to believe that we were already in front. rolleyes We managed to get back and we waited 1 hour before the opening band The Cloud Room came. I actually found them good unlike my friends who thought they sucked. Come on, those guys were doing their best and their music isn't bad! 3nodding They left at 8:38pm and technicians were starting to prepare the stage for Muse and it was taking for ever. Around 9pm, it started raining little drops but the drops got bigger and bigger. It was raining hard and people started taking out umbrellas. We were screaming "MUSE!!!" and asking them to come out. Since it had rained, the technicians had to clean up again. And finally at 9:40pm, Muse came out. Gawd, they were ******** good! Usually, the singer's voice is different on a CD and live. But Matt's voice was the same, it was perfectly beautiful!!! Dom was at the drums, he ******** rocks! While Chris was at the bass, ******** good! Matt was at the guitar and also at the piano. He's so ******** talented! I didn't know all the songs by heart, but that didn't stop me from singing with the others and jumping around. There was this annoying fat b***h behind me that wouldn't stop pushing me to try to get more in front, but I would always push her off with my butt and kick her with my legs. I needed some space to breathe and jump, plus I was squeezing Stephanie in front. Sorry Steph, I didn't mean to put my hand near your boob like that. sweatdrop I was able to keep my personal space by pushing back the girl while dancing, jumping and screaming. There was even some body surfing, but they were taken away by the security guards. My friends took bunch of pictures when they could and they'll send them to me after.
So I don't regret one single minute of going to that concert. I freaking love Muse now and I'm going to buy all their CDs when I can. whee Plus, I met nice people while waiting. This girl named Shawnette that came all the way from Vancouever to see them!!! That's a freaking die-hard fan!!! eek heart She managed to sneak in a digital camera in her friend's hair. It was really impressive the way she did it. surprised This guy named Shawn that was from Kingston and who was entertaining us before the opening band started. He was so hilarious, especially when he tried to speak french. He was wishing it'd rained and was really happy when it did very hard. Too bad, I didn't get their e-mails... Maybe, I'll see them again in an other Muse concert. I didn't see my co-worker at the concert at all, she wasn't in the line at 5pm when I went to look for her.
This was the second concert of my life and it was way better than Maroon 5 even do they're like one of my favorite bands. The concert was indoors and I wasn't that close of the stage so it wasn't that exciting. Being outdoors just in front of the middle of the stage is ******** cool and you can see the band perfectly well. Best concert in my seventeen years of life.
I heart Muse!!! They ******** rock!!!
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