This page is for Collectors that exist within the universe but are not themselves playable characters for one reason or another. Some help with writing these would be very much appreciated.
"F.L.O.W.", The First, Last, and Only Wish Collector: ((I swear to you, the acronym was complete accident))
What would the most powerful Collector in the world Collect? The answer: the wants and desires of anyone and everyone. In other words: Wishes. Anything that anyone around this Collector would express even the slightest genuine desire for, that feeling manifests into a small mote of magic with which the Collector can quite literally will that desire into existence at any time in any form. Someone wants to be rich? The Wish Collector can instantly turn a mote into untold amounts of wealth out of thin air (potentially damning ramifications for the economy notwithstanding). Someone giving another a longing, or even lustful, look? The Wish Collector can bottle that longing and send it into anyone they so choose and make them fall for another of their choosing. Everyone will always want something in any capacity, and literally "any capacity" is enough. The greater the desire, the more potent the wish became. This means that there is no such shortage of Wishes to Collect, meaning there really is no limit the their power and they know it.
Lore Bits:
Lore Bits:
The First Collector: Not only is The Wish Collector the most powerful, they are also the first ever Collector in existence and the reason Collectors exist the way they do today. ((I've yet to come with a well-detailed and satisfying explanation as to how. I'm only one guy coming up with an entire lore and not enough free time to ponder everything.))
The Last and Only: Of all the Wishes F.L.O.W. had manifested, only one was manifested from a desire they themself had expressed. That wish was for there to never be another Wish Collector after them, such power would corrupt another all too easily, speaking from experience. However, with how a person becomes a Collector (with either the death or permanent de-empowerment of a previous Collector), for there to never be another Collector of Wishes, F.L.O.W. must be the Wish Collector forever and always. This means that the wish had effectively made them immortal with no means of ridding themself of power, even through another wish.
The Last and Only: Of all the Wishes F.L.O.W. had manifested, only one was manifested from a desire they themself had expressed. That wish was for there to never be another Wish Collector after them, such power would corrupt another all too easily, speaking from experience. However, with how a person becomes a Collector (with either the death or permanent de-empowerment of a previous Collector), for there to never be another Collector of Wishes, F.L.O.W. must be the Wish Collector forever and always. This means that the wish had effectively made them immortal with no means of ridding themself of power, even through another wish.
Mason Travers, Truth Collector:

Mason Travers, private detective, Collector of Truths. With his power, any information directly told to him is manifested into notes that come into his possession for immediate reference. With perfect recollection of all that is told to him, there has yet to be a single case he has not gotten to the bottom of. He isn't one to get in on the action with all of the escapades other Collectors regularly partake in as his own powers are solely information-based. If left with no choice, he always has his cat Pitch (Lie Collector) to have his back.
Mason's abilities can stretch further than simply having a perfect memory. He can manifest information in the form of screens with either text, images, or even videos of events that have happened. He can even upload them directly into others' minds if simply showing and telling isn't enough to convince somebody. If he so chooses, Mason can even siphon info out of somebody, effectively wiping specific memories from them.
Lore Bits:
I Know the Truth: A couple years after receiving his powers, a random conversation with a friend of his about "Simulation Theory" wound up causing his ability to trigger and Collect a rather...shocking piece of information: he was living in a work of fiction. Initially, it gave him such a crisis that he hid away at home for a handful of days, but he eventually came to terms after confirming that the rest of the world didn't stop existing just because an invisible audience wasn't observing it. After quite some time, Mason started seeing the world from a different perspective, almost as if he was just learning how everything around him worked ((If a real game were to be made and was digital, Mason would be the one to give players the tutorials and also walk them through specific rules)). Mason knows he can upload this very knowledge into other people, but he chooses not to because he cannot trust a single person to not have their minds break or keep from doing anything crazy. It's a good thing he knows how to steal memories, just in case.
Art by brokenArpeggio 

Morgue, Corpse Collector:
There is a small town known as Morgue where the weather is always bleak and cloudy, and the atmosphere is all too fitting of the name. It is a town where hauntings are so commonplace that one would be forgiven in assuming the ghosts outnumber the living populace. The reason for such? The town itself is a Collector, and it collects Corpses. What that means is that anyone who dies within its limits becomes part of its collection and are bound to it, body and soul. Dead bodies are immediately preserved to always look as they were the day they died and cannot be changed, and spirits of the dead are trapped within Morgue unable to pass on into the next life regardless of where they should end up. Some spirits who have been there long enough have even found a way to repossess their old bodies and continue living as "zombies", albeit most with constant reminders of what killed them to begin with.
To be "collected" by Morgue means that everything about you belongs to it, bodies, souls, and if you're a Collector, your powers as well (meaning that they won't get passed onto someone else). The only way to be free would be to have someone find the deceased's body, remove it from the town itself, and give it a proper burial. There is even a certain cemetery just outside of the town's limits used for exactly that purpose.
((Coming up with this Collector made me consider adding "Venue Cards" that act sort of like Escapades, but for multiple rounds (I may make these optional). Thinking about it now, I'm pretty sure I could come up with enough of these if I have the time.))
((If your curious, Morgue's effect would be that if a player lost the game early, ALL items of their type from anywhere on the game board would be discarded, meaning that not even their passives could be taken advantage of. Admittedly, I'm kind of iffy on this since a Collector's Lose Condition doesn't result in death))
To be "collected" by Morgue means that everything about you belongs to it, bodies, souls, and if you're a Collector, your powers as well (meaning that they won't get passed onto someone else). The only way to be free would be to have someone find the deceased's body, remove it from the town itself, and give it a proper burial. There is even a certain cemetery just outside of the town's limits used for exactly that purpose.
((Coming up with this Collector made me consider adding "Venue Cards" that act sort of like Escapades, but for multiple rounds (I may make these optional). Thinking about it now, I'm pretty sure I could come up with enough of these if I have the time.))
((If your curious, Morgue's effect would be that if a player lost the game early, ALL items of their type from anywhere on the game board would be discarded, meaning that not even their passives could be taken advantage of. Admittedly, I'm kind of iffy on this since a Collector's Lose Condition doesn't result in death))
Beck Marlowe, Clock Collector of the Future:

All those packages from the future that Finn delivers have to come from someone, don't they? Well they do, and that someone is Beck Marlowe, his time's Clock Collector, and essentially Finn's boss. The future Beck lives in is, to his knowledge, the best possible timeline that can occur. All the packages he sends to the past for previous Clock Collectors to deliver are done so for the purpose of ensuring his timeline remains intact. As the latest Clock Collector spanning literal centuries, he is privy to all circumstances that can, will, and has caused deadlines a C.C. must meet or be "corrected". Something he takes full advantage of, as Finn is all too aware of. Surely, the Clock Collectors aren't the sole line of defense for the entire timeline, but Beck would rather be safe than sorry.
Lore Bits:
One Timeline. Period: While preventing bad futures from happening, as well as ensuring his own doesn't get erased, is part of the purpose for which he's made countless Clock Collectors his errand jockeys, what Beck truly wants is for his own timeline to be only one that remains so that no alternate timelines can put his own at risk of being erased.
We've Met Before: The first time Finn met with his boss face-to-face, it was revealed that he was a robot, one with the uploaded consciousness of a man currently alive in Finn's time and will inherit the powers of the Clock Collector when Finn himself dies. Upon learning this, Beck had begun his work influencing key parts of Finn's own life to put him in a more...compliant position. All those deadlines he's been put on? Those weren't countdowns the timeline imposed on him, Beck made them up to instill a false sense of urgency to keep him from asking too many questions. All the "corrections" he'd been subjected to when running late? Beck just hurls him through different time periods too fast for him to process and brings him back at a random place and time to frighten him into doing better.
I Live Forever Back in the present, Beck was the world's first successful attempt at uploading a human consciousness into a computer, which had happened several decades ahead of Finn's time, after his powers had already passed on to Beck. Surprisingly, he managed to retain the powers of the Clock Collector even after becoming a machine. Having cheated death, with new chronomancy powers to boot, Beck now wants nothing more than to become as close to immortal as possible, even if he has to bend and twist time itself to get it.
We've Met Before: The first time Finn met with his boss face-to-face, it was revealed that he was a robot, one with the uploaded consciousness of a man currently alive in Finn's time and will inherit the powers of the Clock Collector when Finn himself dies. Upon learning this, Beck had begun his work influencing key parts of Finn's own life to put him in a more...compliant position. All those deadlines he's been put on? Those weren't countdowns the timeline imposed on him, Beck made them up to instill a false sense of urgency to keep him from asking too many questions. All the "corrections" he'd been subjected to when running late? Beck just hurls him through different time periods too fast for him to process and brings him back at a random place and time to frighten him into doing better.
I Live Forever Back in the present, Beck was the world's first successful attempt at uploading a human consciousness into a computer, which had happened several decades ahead of Finn's time, after his powers had already passed on to Beck. Surprisingly, he managed to retain the powers of the Clock Collector even after becoming a machine. Having cheated death, with new chronomancy powers to boot, Beck now wants nothing more than to become as close to immortal as possible, even if he has to bend and twist time itself to get it.
Everett Jacobs, Debt Collector (w.i.p.) ((Moved over to NPCs since with how the game is structured, I can see no way that I can make him work))
One the richest people in the world. Has power over people who "owe him" in almost any sense of the term.
Alma, Spark Collector of the Future: (w.i.p.)

In the future, the creation of the Spark Core brought forth not only a new phenomenon of sentient machines and Artificial Intelligence, but also a new kind of Collector, one of Sparks. Just like any other Collector, the powers of the Spark Collector would pass on from one individual to another, whether it be between people, animals, or supernatural creatures. The difference here is that every known Spark Collector was a machine with AI. During the latest of Finn's many visits to the future, after a heated battle against Beck lands him in the hospital, he chances upon the time period's own Spark Collector, named Alma.
Alma is the AI of an entire hospital. Unlike Mira, whose core was placed into a robot body to allow her to roam freely, Alma's Spark Core is instead used as the power source for her master computer and in turn, the entire facility, granting her far more capabilities with her powers, albeit contained in a single building. Though should the need arise, she can upload a copy of her consciousness into other machines as they leave the premises (such as ambulances or robot bodies of her own), which will periodically relay information back to her main CPU.
Having overseen the hospital long before she became a Collector, Alma has dedicated herself to ensuring that every patient within is taken care of to the best of hers and the staff's abilities.
Lore Bits:
Another Core: As Finn was brought to her hospital, having received serious injuries from getting thoroughly beaten by Beck and then thrown from the Clock Tower, he learns that the Core he gave to Mira came from a different timeline as there was no way Beck's company could just acquire his time's Spark Core without serious repercussions. Tasking Finn with giving it to an AI from his own time period was meant as precautionary measure as those in the future were too free thinking for Beck to really just order around. Knowing that whatever a power-mad time traveler had planned for a Spark Collector under his command can't be any good for other timelines, Alma implores Finn that he must take Mira back to his own time and keep her there.