My name is Dorian Armand Belmont. This is the story of my life that I will tell all the way up to my current life. It begins in a city that I cannot recall the name. Back then I was called Darkone by my family and the ones around me. This is what I looked like:

I was just any other normal punk kid, aged around eighteen, except for one detail. I was never human. I was born as a type of demon that existed in the middle of a war with others like myself and with those of different kinds of powers. Perhaps you've heard of the Aquarian Age wars, perhaps not. Anyway, I was in one of six factions that participated in the war. These six factions were Wiz-Dom, E.G.O, Arayashiki, Darklore, Erasers, and the few, but quite powerful in there own way, Mind Breakers. I will not tell of what this war is about and what each of these factions is capable of. I will only explain the part that I played myself, so as not to attract any unwanted guests at my doorstep.
I was of the Darklores, said to be the most evil, for we were a type of demon. My mother, though also a Darklore, thought that my time should be not only be used to learn how to destroy, but also not to be consumed by hate and harshness, and as such she taught me to heal. How she learned to do it I never knew. And I didn't know where my father was, never did. I didn't want to be part of the war, so I left in the guise of a french monk. I disguised myself as weak and helpless. Why I wanted to be a vampire, I cannot remember, only that I wanted it. Maybe I wanted to enhance my own strength. Either way, I went into a gathering of the such and was caught in a cage. I begged to be transformed, insisted that I was only a weak human that could not protect myself and others even if I tried my best. Then I was turned, and my life as a demon type vampire began. Other than that I have no recollection of my childhood.
Now I was happy for the time. I of course shed my false disguise as a monk, though still kept myself away from the Aquarian War, which I have never seen or heard about since. I was now mostly clad in black and had gotten much cockier than I had been before. This may have been the combination of a new kind of evil that fed on and killed humans to stay alive, with the old Darklore demon. That's what I believe it was. I had nowhere to go, and nowhere to stay. I had no place to really belong I should say. I would rent out rooms in various inns for sleeping in during the daytime so I had shelter. Once and a while I happened upon gatherings of other vampires and demons, which excited me and made me happy. I wasn't around those of my own kind very much in my wanderings. Normally I would wander, find some of my own kind, and talk for a while, but that was all. I found many of these people to be too crazy, hyper, or immature most of the time. It was because of this that I wouldn't allow myself to live in these places.
Soon I came upon a large and beautiful mansion full of my kind and various others (no Darklores of course, but vampires). It was a mansion of one clan, known as the Varcainen Clan. The actual king of the mansion I still have yet to meet. King Gabriel Varcainen. All the time that I've been with them I had never seen nor heard him. I don't know what he looks like or anything. Now I found this place and was overjoyed. The mansion itself was beautiful on it's own, but aside from that, the people were enjoyable. During this story I will not name any of the names of my friends, lest someone read this who shouldn't and decide to cause me and my loved ones trouble. But I made many friends there, and the majority of the friends I have now are the same people.
I was all too eager to join this clan, as it had the atmosphere of a family type group all on it's own. A group of people living together, fighting together all in the same clan, all knowing each other. Yes, it seemed like a family, only better, as most of these people were not actually related, but were well aquainted and there were many of them. I asked the queen who was in charge of the mansion in the king's stead while he was away if I could join. Unfortunately for me at first, she was not the one that could truly make the decision. It had to be made by another king that I had yet to know about. This king I still know and am still in contact with at times, he's a good man. Sooner or later, I was indeed accepted into the clan and given the job of warrior. I had countless little fights that are not worth explaining, as well as many enjoyable times.
Not much time passed before I wanted to have a clan, or coven as I call it, of my own. Before I go further I'll share this one detail that I never actually lived inside the mansions I was a part of. I don't know why, but I just didn't do it, and that's all there is to it.
So I went around the world, looking for my own grand castle in which I could live and house many people. By this time I had become more or less slightly rich by stealing the money and valuables off of my victims. Soon I came upon a castle that was more or less hidden on the other side of a forest. Not many humans in the area knew about this place and there was something strange about it. I found a single old man on the brink of death living inside the castle. Apparently it wasn't his, but was left in his possession many years before by the former master of the place. I bought the castle from him before he died. It was mine and I was all too content with it. If you want to know what this castle is like, and yes, I do still live in it today, you can look in my other journal entries for the title of "Vampire Castle" and you will find a detailed enough description of what it's like.
There are still many places inside the castle that I still don't know about. You see, I didn't know when I bought the place that it was actually almost like a living being itself, almost as though it has its own consciousness. I found many curses and other bad things in it that I'll explain in the order I found them in.
I had my castle, I had put up the sign saying I was starting a coven, and all I had to do was wait for the people to start lining up. Meanwhile I was constantly going back to the Vampire Mansion of the Varcainen clan to socialize with my friends. I soon realized that nobody was coming to my castle. Very few people had actually come at all. I was saddened, I didn't know what to do. Of course I didn't want to go door by door to the other vampire and other races houses and ask the people to come. That seemed too much like begging, and I didn't like the idea. At this time I didn't call myself a king, only the "master" of the castle. The name of king just didn't feel right to me.
While I was wandering around the world going into different places of gatherings I met someone that became my friend, and much later the current queen of my castle. After I had bought the place, soon later I brought her to it and made my first discoveries. The first was that night, very very late, just before dawn. I decided to go outside and look in the sky at the first light of the sun. As the light slowly started to appear in the sky, the strangest thing happened. Out of nowhere, large gray clouds, almost that of violent storm clouds came through and blocked out the sky. Now it didn't storm, but with that type of cloud that's what you would indeed have predicted. At first I thought almost nothing of it, only that it was a bit odd, but after a few nights of observing I found out that it was no coincidence. At night time the sky was crystal clear to see the moon and stars. During the day, clouds would cover the sky, obliterating the actual sun rays so that even if our curtains weren't drawn, we were still protected. This was my first sign that the castle was not normal, and for all I knew, cursed.
A few nights later, my friend and I were exploring and we found a strange thing. An abundance of strange black roses. Soon after our discovery, without us having done anything with them yet, my friend and I met a friendly raven that we later named Black Rose. This raven is still my companion and I see it from time to time, and it helps me to see over great distances if I cannot already see with my own powerful telepathic abilities. This is where the story of my castle gets very dark indeed.
I took it upon myself to examine one of these roses. I don't know now whether to call this a blessing or a curse. During my examination, I pricked myself with one of it's thorns. I was still a young vampire at this time, so my flesh was still just as easily punctured as a human's skin would be. I began to feel faint for a while, then I got a surge of energy, more than I ever could possibly have imagined. Many things happened then, and it was a blur. I could now teleport by purple lightning and with black and purple fire. My other attributes had grown as well. I had new powers, some that I didn't even know I had. I was overjoyed, to think that this single flower could bring such strength. I praised whoever had planted this thing or engineered it. My friend had witnessed all of the transformation with a slight horror. Though my physical appearance never changed, many things happened while I gained the power. I could now create things, which later I did to her. After these events she wanted a pair of black feathered wings, and I was able to make them right then and there for her, right on her back. But this was later. Let me go back to discovery.
I thought it was wonderful, and that my friend, also being a vampire, should do this as well, it would give her strength so she could protect herself even better, and power beyond imagination. She tried it, though accidently. When she looked at the rose, it was as if in a trance. Almost as if the thing had a power of control over her. When she tried to pick it up, she accidently pricked herself. She too also felt dizzy, only for her it seemed worse. It seemed she was actually going to faint, or worse! With my healing power, now boosted by my new strength, I was able to get the "poison" of the rose out of her, and she soon recovered. I couldn't understand it. I was a vampire, she was a vampire, why did it work for me and not for her? We were the same were we not? And that's when I remembered, I was not just a vampire, but a type of demon as well. That mutation must have caused a sort of strange opposite effect on my then it would normally have effected a regualar vampire. So now I percieved this flower for what it really was, a trap for vampires. I destroyed as many as I could, but soon found out that they would just regrow at a rapid rate. We just had to stay away from them.
These had been the major disturbances, though there were also minor ones to go along with it. Finally, I decided that my castle was cursed, and not able to live in. I proceeded to burn it down. I watched with great sadness as it came apart, bit by bit, all the beautiful rooms and all. I sat on the ground and watched until it was a very large, smoking pile of rubble. With blood tears welling in my eyes at the loss of my dream for my own coven, I stood up heavy hearted and turned to leave this place. I knew I had done the right thing, that the place was evil and needed to be destroyed. Strange however that vampires are evil in themselves, and yet the castle had things in it to destroy that evil. But then after that there's another contradiction. The clouds. The clouds that block the sun, as if to protect vampires. I was in a state of confusion and sadness as I walked away, slightly bitter. But not long before I started walking did I hear a strange cracking and breaking and snapping. I turned slowly, thinking, "No...this cannot be. It couldn't be that powerful..." But there before my eyes as I turned, I saw for my self. That damned castle was rebuilding itself. Yes, I feared. I didn't understand it and it scared me. That a castle by itself could rebuild after being burnt was unacceptable, I couldn't believe it. So I left before it had even finished. I abandoned it.
I went back to visiting the Vampire Mansion full time after I awoke from inside the room of a random inn. I pushed the castle into the back of my mind, where I wouldn't think of it. I did my duty as a warrior and fought when I needed to. With my new power, which I still didn't decide as a blessing or curse, it made my job much easier. This went on for a while, and I don't have a need to explain every little detail of this time, only that a short amount of time passed. There came a night very soon, where someone I had only just met, a death dealer as it were that worked also for the Varcainen clan, came running into the mansion, speaking of a large army of lycans/werewolves that were coming to lay waste to the mansion. Naturally, I went out with him with my silver guns and bullets in hand, to go fight off the creatures.
Just how many there were I couldn't have had any idea until we actually got outside. Hundreds of them there were. I thought with my new power, and the death dealer's help, it should be an easy enough job. I was wrong. We were attacked over and over, and these lycans were fast, very agile and there jaws powerful. Most of the time I had to dodge their attacked before shooting them down. This went on for a while before my partner could take no more. He lay on the ground in my care, I being the only one in our area to protect us. Needless to say, my two silver pistols weren't much good against so many adversaries. So that's when I unleashed my new power upon them, and after that things went very wrong. Yes, I managed to kill them. Yes me and my partner were safe, or so it seemed. When in reality, it was me that was the real danger to the mansion and the clan. While fending off my opponents, my powers started to take control of me, until finally I snapped and there was no will of mine left. I was all but helpless as I watched myself do things I didn't tell myself to do. The powers I had recieved took complete control, and I threw fireballs of unknown properties (still unknown) at friend or foe, not caring what stood in my path. I would destroy everything, including the mansions and my friends. Lucky for me, the king that I knew about, not the actual king of the Varcainen clan, came to my aid and transported me to a strange and empty plain, where in one final explosion of power, I exerted myself to unconsciousness.
When I awoke in the field, I was mortified. I didn't want to go back. I felt empty. So this power that I had could turn against me and all that I held dear. My own castle was evil and for all I knew was standing in all it's grandeur once more. I had fired at my friends, tried to kill them. How could I go back and face any of them, or the king and queen for that matter? But I knew I had to eventually, there was no escaping it. So I dragged myself back to the mansion. Well, I shouldn't say dragged myself, I only say that because I really didn't want to go back, and when you really don't want to go somewhere, you "drag." In reality I had to access the same power I had used the night before to teleport myself there, because I had no idea where I was, or if I was even in the same dimension. So I used it reluctantly, and that too brought me great distress.
After this a lot of things happened in my life, though they would take far too long to explain, and I'm only telling the highlights and what needs to be known about myself in this story. I will say only this about the power I gained in my castle from the black roses. After returning to the mansion, to my surprise I was forgiven. Though it would not be the last time that I would lose control and once I was imprisoned in the mansion because of it by spellbound chains that would yield no escape.
The longer I went to the mansion, the more new things I would find and see. It was great for me, I had never learned so much. After the horrible events that unfolded that I created, I lost the majority of my cockiness. I was a learner now, and still employed as a warrior, though I didn't too much like the idea, I didn't want to ever lose control again. In the mansion I saw many different races, and there was one in particular that I found more interesting than the rest. And that was the angels. Once when I had lost control, I burned an angel of all creatures with my fire, and even that angel didn't have the ability to heal it unnaturally. He had to wait for the burn to go away on it's own. The fact that my power could fool an angel terrified me, for who would it not? Only an insane person would not fear such power. Anyway, the concept of angels took an extreme hold over me. I wanted to learn about them, and what they could do. I wanted their glorious and beautiful white wings, though I still wanted to be a murderous blood drinker. It became an obsession for me. I went out searching for ways to recieve angel wings. I thought of genetic surgery, of drinking angel blood, and many other possibilities to get what I wanted. After a while I found it. A doctor that I forced to do surgery to me. This was no normal doctor of course. He removed my normal wings. The ones I had had from birth from being a demon of the Darklores. And he put in me the wings of an angel. I was overjoyed. Though they did not shine with as much brilliance as the real thing, they were close enough for me, and I boasted about it. I was now and inorganic angel slash vampire slash demon. I still had my dark powers but did not much use them. I was still young and full of ambition, and very selfish, though I knew well enough not toy with this power given to me. This is was what I looked like then, with my new fake yet real angel wings:

Many weeks passed like this. There were no more times I lost control during this time. Now I will move on to tell the story of the event that changed my life forever.
Long before any of this had taken place, even before I set fire to my own castle, I had found someone that I loved. Now I loved all my friends you see, but this was more, this a love beyond normal love for me. This person was and still is the closest one to my heart, no matter how closed and hard it can become at times. Things with this person, this young woman were perfect for a while, through all the bad times I have explained above. But a while after I had recieved my wings, things started to go bad. There were arguements, many of them. Until finally, one day, she just up and disappeared. I had no way of finding her, she was gone from my life. I was finally broken, I had no more will to live. I fled the mansion. For some strange reason, I fled to my old castle, that just like I had predicted, was standing as if it had never been touched by flames. I crashed into the grass and soil in the fields, no care for anything anymore. Though the friend that would later be my queen tried to stop me and console me, I never stopped. I dug with the vigor of a mindless savage. I tried to dig to Hell itself, in the belief that it would be nothing to the pain I felt and that Hell was the only placed left to me, where I could suffer among others. Naturally, it didn't work, though I became close enough to the core of the earth as to get slightly burned. My friend had managed to pull me out of the hole with all the strength she had left, getting badly burned herself in the process. When we were out of the hole I threw her off of me and I ran inside the castle. I went to the astronomy tower to commit the only suicide I thought I knew of the time, a stake or some other object through my heart. This may not all be correct, for my memory of this day is violently skewed, needless to say I was in a severely traumatic and wild state of mind. I reached the tower. I grabbed anything I could use, and I plunged it into my chest. I don't know why I died the way some stories tell it I should, after the stake pierces the heart, the vampire either explodes into flames or falls into ashes. I guess it was my own belief that that would happen that actually caused it to indeed happen. I fell to ashes.
Yes, my suicide was successful, all too successful. This is where the story gets to perhaps it's strangest, so much so that even I don't under stand the reasons for the events I'm about to tell. True enough I died, but I didn't go to where I expected. I expected I would be going to Hell, what with the death of all those humans, and the attempt at murder of my own friends. But I was wrong. No, instead, for some reason, He wanted me. Yes, I'm speaking of the Lord himself. I still don't understand why, but he brought me to Heaven specifically. Of course I was still raging, I was still wild, but sooner or later I calmed down and did the only thing I could think of that might help me relieve some of my pain. I joined the archangels and became a warrior for Him that would travel to all mannor of realms and fight battles unimaginable that no one could ever have guessed existed. Before fighting these battles I had already been bestowed the power of Divinity, the strange and mystical sword that I still use today. This is what I would look like during my leisure time in heaven, I am without armor but I do have my sword and had chosen this form for it at the time:

My wings were now real, though I didn't really have too much care about that in the beginning. However, as more time passed the pain I felt began to lessen until I could actually bear it. I grew calm. I stayed in Heaven for years and years and years, millenniums upon millenniums for all I know. But let me tell you, by the time I was cast back down to earth, I was nowhere near young. The time in Heaven and in the other realms passed much differently than the time on Earth. I had to be somewhere around ancient by the time I was thrown out of Heaven and plunged down to the Earth. You might now be asking yourself why? Why had I gotten kicked out of Heaven? What had I done? Well it was quite simple. No matter how calm I was up there, I was still bitter. I caused all kinds of trouble and pranks until they could take it no more, and so they tossed me away. Again, why not throw me in Hell? I guess I'll never know. But when I landed back on the Earth again, in the very same place that my old castle stood, I soon learned that almost no time had passed here, only a few days at most. All my friends were still alive and well. I can't describe the feeling of seeing them again after living for so long. When I had been taken to Heaven, the demon in me had been wiped clean away. When I returned to Earth I was a vampire again, and now a real angel as well. I still had my powers from the black rose, and with my new angelic powers and years of further knowledge, I was able to control them. All that I remember of the above is all that I've just described, nothing more.
Now I'll jump back to when I was in Heaven, only briefly to give some kind of idea to the new appearance I had on Earth. Upon entering heaven, my hair had lost all color, it had become pure white. When you're an angel in heaven, you can rearrange the energy that you are, so that you can appear however you wish to appear. I had chosen black hair while living there, and that is why my hair was black in that picture. When I returned to Earth however, the energy that rearranged itself yet again, to create my vampiric body, lost it's black color, and so I returned with hair as white as snow. This picture was taken of me not long after my return. I'm in front of my castle, holding my sword, Divinity, in a new form I had chosen:

I have never since had any thoughts to cause my own demise for a second time. Everything returned to "normal." I stayed at the inns until night, at which time I would take my leave and return to the Vampire Mansion, just like I had done long ago in my memory. Much time passed like this with hardly any disturbances. Soon after I had started coming to the mansion frequently again, I learned that the queen had been given full control of it, as the king I knew had decided to get his own place and govern his own clan. The name of this new mansion was The Ubel Vampire Herrensitz. For a while, both places seemed strange. It seemed that half the inhabitants of the mansion of the Varcainen clan had switched and were now part of the Ubel clan. But this passed soon enough. Each of those mansions began to draw in their own new members, and soon both of the places were very lively. I of course had applied to be a member of the new coven, having become more friendly with the king. Now I was a warrior for both the Varcainen and Ubel clans. It wasn't hard. There were hardly any bad times at all. It seemed that my being a warrior was in vain because there were no attacks, and therefore no one and nothing to defend. I felt that I had no more purpose among these people. And though I never admitted it, I had become somewhat bitter towards the king and queen I knew. How is it that their mansions had become so popular, had so many members, and that king, he just found his own place and people started lining up to join him. Why hadn't that happened with me so long ago when I had tried to start my own coven? I was angry. I didn't understand why it had worked for them and not for me. I never showed it, and I'm not sure that they ever knew.
During this time I had met someone in the Ubel mansion, though I'm not sure whether she's part of the clan or not. Anyway, I will make this part of the story brief, for it doesn't have much to it that I am willful to release. I met this girl who had three orphans that needed adopting. At first I didn't want to do it when she asked me, then I saw the little boy with red feathers everywhere. He was sarcastic, rude, and very offputting. He decided he didn't need anyone's help, he could get strong on his own so that he could do whatever he wanted to when he grew up. I didn't like the little one at first, and he didn't like me. But never the less, if the boy wanted to get strong, I didn't think it would happen in the company of this girl. She didn't seem to me to be any kind of warrior. So I took him. I brought him back to my castle and I trained him in solitude until he was of age. Once again, there was a time factor involved here. It seems that the inhabitants, that is, the people that actually live in my castle, are subjected to a strange time flux. I have since gotten rid of the problem, but at that time it was beneficial. Our time moved faster than the time outside the walls, so that when months passed for us, I took him our and either a few days or weeks would have passed. To the outside world he grew up very quickly. During our time together, my son and I did in fact develop a strange but loving bond. To this day I do not know where he has gone, or whether he is in fact alive or not. But I trust him. After all, his own reason for agreeing to come with me when he was that little boy was because I promised I would teach him all I could. He did exactly as he had said he would do, and then when he was old enough he left. That is all I will say on the matter of my son, for nothing else about it has any importance, if any of this has had any at all. After he was gone, not long had passed on the outside world, and I was still slightly bitter about the success of the other mansions.
Soon I began to have dreams once again of having my own coven, my own family. I returned to my old castle and thought that perhaps I could find some way for people to be able to live there. I found out that after I destroyed the roses I could now purify the ground that they had grown in and stop them from ever coming back. I got rid of every rose I could find. I cleaned everything up and decided that I would once again give it a shot. I tried, and it worked, even if only a little, but by far not enough. I met the one that I now call my sister, though we are in no way shape or form related. We talked of having a ball to draw in new people. I thought it was a wonderful idea, that it would surely work. But I posponed it because a good friend of mine had gone away for a while. We waited, and tried to keep the castle full of people, but in the end, we let the castle empty again, and the ball lay forgotten for a long time.
During that time I had left the castle altogether and was only visiting the other mansions. I didn't hardly even return to my castle to sleep during the day. By this time I had chosen to dye my hair black so that I looked like this:

Now I am drawing to the end of my tale. Telling everything that happened to me after this time would again, take too long, and so I will give only general bits and pieces. For a long, long time I did nothing but hang around in the mansions or go vistit random bars or other houses of strange races. I have neglected to say that upon my return to Earth my vampiric skin had become impenetrable. It was now white and hard as marble. I had also descovered that relying on my vampiric power alone I was now able to move things with my mind, start fires, and my telepathic abilities had been dramatically increased. So now you have a more detailed description of what I looked like as I wandered these different places.
I will now make my conclusions, short and sweet, and detailed as little as it can possibly be. If I decide to come back and make revisions to this entry later on to describe things in a better light, and perhaps add more of the events I will do so. Much time passed in this way. Friends of mine were abducted by enemies and had to be returned. Once I had to join an evil army to try and do it. Friends got experimented on, mutilated, changed. I did manage to have the ball much later on, and it did attract many people. My coven now has many people, and though it can empty quickly and become very quiet, it is never the less much better than it was before. I am now not afraid to call myself the proud king of the Vampire Castle. I took on the name Dorian Armand Belmont shortly after my return to Earth because I no longer fancied the name the Darklores had given me. I apologize to my dead mother, wherever she may be if this offends her. I let my hair grow long and continued to dye it black. This is my portrait with black hair:

I have now let my hair go back to it's natural white color. My lover has indeed returned to me, but for how long, I don't know. I have realized that so long as I am a vampire and she a human, there is no hope for us. This thought saddens me. I will forever love her, but perhaps she should leave and move on. I would not be able to make myself watch as she grows old and dies (I have obtained new information that rectifies this problem. I no longer have a reason to worry about such things). This is her and I in my bedchamber:

So now, more or less, you know my life story. I am now much older and wiser than I was when I had first become a vampire, though I still have the appearance of that eighteen year old boy. I am calm ninety-five percent of the time. I do not kill anymore for blood when I'm feeling myself. Though my old body does not need blood any longer, it still makes me feel slightly better when I drink it, more lively. Whenever I hear that my friends in the coven kill I become angry, but majority of the time I can supress it enough to not make heads roll. However, if a guest of mine is treated rudely or called a name I will get very angry, and have been known to become slightly violent, I once broke my bed in half. There are times when my life does become too much for me and I become cold and almost completely heartless. That's when I have no remorse in killing, but most of the time I get out of those states of mind quick enough. This is my latest picture:

This is all I have to say about myself. I hope that for those of you that have asked me time and time again, this will the answer to your questions. You now know King Dorian Armand Belmont.
-Dorian Belmont
12 July, 2006