*~Off to see my sick ex-girlfriend in reallife.
*~Don't know >___>
*~Oh yeah, here's my promise....
I'm going to be patient (for once) and save up as much money on Gaia as I can. Normally, I spend it all straight away, but I promised myself, I'm not gonna break this promise.
I'm going to try and create my dream avatar in my signature... that will take months, even years lmao. All I need is patience and maybe a little help from you guys?

Haha I like that picture smile
I hate being a newb, I get called names like, gay a**, dumbass, retard and nooblet.... only because I'm a newcomer, so please? Save the cause of bullying... BUY ME SOMETHING! Lol jk/jk, but it would be nice >___>
*~I'm off out today to buy the last Green Day album I need to complete my collection ^___^ It's Dookie, I have ALL the albums, apart from Dookie o__O
*~Ah yeeaassshhh, people, please don't label me, I don't like being labelled, only because of the way I look.
Byezz for now!