Gaian name: xXBeautifully-CorrodedXx
Character Name: Maja (prounounced Maya) Sofia Christensen
Height: 5 ft 8 in
Weight: 160
Age: 23
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Human
Hair: Her hair is black with natural loose curls, that goes down to her waist
Eye color: Greenish-yellow
Scars: Small scar above her eyebrow that she got when she fell off her parents bed when she was only 3 years old, when she hit the night stand. Because she was such a tomboy growing up she has many small scars on her body, and even now, even though she is supposed to be acting like a lady she has scars from getting scratches or cuts from animals that threw tantrums, or from getting caught on something as she walked by.
Appearance: This is the dress she will be wearing...
Anything special about this character: Maja suffer's from Depression and slight tendencies of Bipolar Disorder, which causes her to have mood swings. She takes medication for both disorders which helps to control her suicidal thoughts and her temper.
Background Information: Maja was born from two loving parents; her father was a rich man and her mother a slave. When her father was in his late 20s, he was viewing a slave auction with a couple of friends who wanted to buy 'pets'. While at the auction her father witnessed a slave being beaten as the crew members were trying to force her on stage. As soon as her father saw the slave's face, he outbid everyone at the auction. It had only been a week after buying her that her father decided to marry the slave--Maja's mother. When Maja was 8 years old, her mother passed away. For 8 years since the marriage to her father, Maja's mother had been hiding an incurable sickness from her family. Both hearts of Maja's father, and Maja's were broken, but for a young girl like Maja who had been treated differently because of her family since she could remember, it was harder.
Personality: Maja is really sweet and caring when you get to know her, but before then, she doesn't trust people whatsoever. She is always on the defensive, so she can be scary and mean when you first meet her. She loves (WIP)
Abilities: none
Type of Slave Desired: Maja is looking for a specific slave that doesn't exist. Maja wants submissive slave when she wants him to be and dominant when she needs it. She wants a slave that will put up with what she does to him but not always lets her get her way. When Maja thinks about this though she knows that this is just something she can't have. So a submissive yet dominant slave is something she will settle with. (WIP?)
Slave(s): none so far