Here is another art dump of art I have done over the past 10 years.
 Very old freebie couples art. Don't remember the couple. xd
 Old art for a friend that I wanted to open a shop with.
 Another art of my old frined.
 Final art that was supposed to be used for our joint shop.
 Art of my avatar, for the art shop.
 More art of my avatar for the shop.
 Final art I was going to use for the banner.
 Freebie for an old friend of mine.
 My Oc's. Oh-la-la! heart
 Old freebie for a freebie thread.
 Old art for a friend.
 My old OC.
 Freebie art for freebie thread.
 Another freebie art for a freebie thread.
 Was supposed to be a freebie, but was tipped 10k. biggrin
 Comission for 30k. That was a lot back then. xd
 Another freebie.
 Comission for 15k.
 Comission that someone didn't pay for. -_-;;
 Art for a friend.
 Self portrait back when I was a teen. xd heart
 My old OC in her battle outfit.
 Gojyo from Saiyuki. I thought I didn't do too bad. lol
 Old school Razer art! heart
 Really complicated art I did for my old LDR.
 Tried to draw Chi from memory.. Kinda sucks though. lol
 One of my fav old arts of my avatar. I spent hours on this one too. lol
 Old art of my avatar, and my old LDR's avatar.
 Samplet art for the art thread that I wanted to make.
 More sampler art. biggrin
 Old avi art for my old LDR.
 My old bump art.. Barely used it. >.<;;
 Another old art of my avatar, with the avatar in the picture. Wish I could find the origional. sweatdrop
 Art I did for an old friend.
 Another art for an old friend.
 Old avatar art of my avatar, on the right, and an old friends avatar, on the left.
quayla666 · Fri Jan 17, 2014 @ 10:03pm · 0 Comments |