Terra is a forest spirit, she can change her shape from something that looks like a mix between a deer and a cat to a human. She usually is in her human form when seeing other people since otherwise she can't talk. However, she detests being completely human, so she keeps her tail, ears and horns most of the time unless she has to be completely human. Terra is very shy at first towards new people, but once she gets used to them she is mostly lazy and goofing off. She is skeptic towards humans, and thinks they all have an ulterior motive for being in the forest (like hunting) she will try to scare them off and protect the forest which is her home.
Like everyone she can change her clothes, she likes earthy natural colors and usually picks practical clothes over pretty ones, though she does like some decoration if the clothes are also comfy and practical. See the refs for her usual clothing style, but feel free to make up something new. :3

Refs: 1 2 3 4 5
Yuma is a kitsune who can do fire magic. He is happy and naive, he is always in the shape of a child (around 5-7 years old), even though he is technically over 100 years old with a childish mind.

Refs: 1