Someone once accused me of only falling in love with things that will ultimately break my heart.
White roses
Distant, but still fragrant
Ceasing resistance is one possibility
Even on a cloudless night
The sent of rain can still threaten
The sweetest scent
Can still leave a bitter taste
Why continue drown in blackness
When the surface is just ahead
Alas, even sieving sunlight must give way
Darkness falls again, in an endless waltz
Perhaps sorrow is my most honest love
White roses
Distant, but still fragrant
Ceasing resistance is one possibility
Even on a cloudless night
The sent of rain can still threaten
The sweetest scent
Can still leave a bitter taste
Why continue drown in blackness
When the surface is just ahead
Alas, even sieving sunlight must give way
Darkness falls again, in an endless waltz
Perhaps sorrow is my most honest love