there was an australian shepherd in the play tonight, and I got to pet it afterwards.
we spent two hours sitting there, building up to the moment it "hit" Helen and we got a happily ever after. Nope, a cell phone rings. right at the climax. for a good minute.
Cue the awkward.
and THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is why YOU TURN OFF YOUR GODDAMN PHONE WHEN YOU'RE AT A PLAY.
also, the email thing still isn't working for work. tonight's my last chance. If it's not done tonight, it's not gonna be done EVER.
I'm losing my job, ladies and gentlemen. Losing. My. Job.
but the more I think about it, the better it is. I've already talked about it, so I don't think I will again. It means the end. it means i have to wonder if everything I've done this past year and a half has been worth ANYTHING.
also, MY LEG HURTS. I power-walked to the play, which resulted in my leg pounding for quite a few minutes into it.
cute freshman wasn't there. Sad face. thought he was into theater. or something. I still find it hilarious that last semester he was an engineer, now he's an artist. I don't see him being either, honestly.
still can't believe I was a digital media major coming in. had there been a few more "digital media"-type things to study besides freaking making documentaries, I may have been interested for longer. But no. I like where I'm at now. ^^
& yeah, I feel retarded for liking a freshman... but hey. this is college; age doesn't matter so much. xD
it's funny how fast I go through guys now. A semester at the longest, a few days (or hours?) at the shortest. And lots of overlap. At the moment I like... *counts* probably 5 or 6 or 7. That are just pleasant to look at. bahahahaha.
also, the way that girl writes her blog sure doesn't sound like she's going into PR. jus' sayin'........
sooo freaking tired. 4.5 hours of sleep Monday night, and second day after's always the worst. bed at midnight, up at 3 to write a paper, then back to bed for an hour and half.
my leg hurts. I'll actually be really surprised if I DON'T have a stress fracture.
ah. k. one less thing to do, haha. One thing I've loved about my off-campus job is what I have the opportunity to learn. I don't ever get to apply what I learn (such as writing HTML, how to record macros on Word, and how to create databases on Access), but I still know it for future reference.
*happy sigh*
it's not perfect, by any means. But if all he wants to do is copy and paste, he's gonna have to deal with it.
k bed. NOW.
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