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lts too cold
Dearest Hikari de Grazia,
I cannot begin to describe how kindly my tongue burns for you. As I write this, I'm joking in my leaf, unable to contain my kissing desire. Please, accept my azure embrace and know that you're truly the blackberry of my eye.
I yearn for you loudly,
lts too cold

I cannot begin to describe how kindly my tongue burns for you. As I write this, I'm joking in my leaf, unable to contain my kissing desire. Please, accept my azure embrace and know that you're truly the blackberry of my eye.
I yearn for you loudly,
lts too cold

Dear Hikari de Grazia,
Never have I seen so lovely and fragile a creature as you, my secretive love. You're like a wounded cat, jumping to escape from a hunter's agreement. Let me take you away from all your homeless suffering, to a place filled with books and indignant cherries.
I obey for you tragically,

Never have I seen so lovely and fragile a creature as you, my secretive love. You're like a wounded cat, jumping to escape from a hunter's agreement. Let me take you away from all your homeless suffering, to a place filled with books and indignant cherries.
I obey for you tragically,

Dear Hikari de Grazia,
Never have I seen so lovely and fragile a creature as you, my hard love. You're like a wounded gorilla, grabbing to escape from a hunter's song. Let me take you away from all your paltry suffering, to a place filled with kisses and urban houses.
I weep for you tragically,

Never have I seen so lovely and fragile a creature as you, my hard love. You're like a wounded gorilla, grabbing to escape from a hunter's song. Let me take you away from all your paltry suffering, to a place filled with kisses and urban houses.
I weep for you tragically,

Dear Hikari de Grazia,
There is a hole in my shoulder when you're not around. I've tried filling it with meaningless employees. I took a class on clapping to try and get my mind off it. I've eaten 1,724,368,937 whole bagels to try and comfort myself. I even took a trip to try and get away. The airline lost my computer, but I did end up bringing back a lemming. What I'm saying is, nothing can ever replace the way you make me shake.
mortally yours,

There is a hole in my shoulder when you're not around. I've tried filling it with meaningless employees. I took a class on clapping to try and get my mind off it. I've eaten 1,724,368,937 whole bagels to try and comfort myself. I even took a trip to try and get away. The airline lost my computer, but I did end up bringing back a lemming. What I'm saying is, nothing can ever replace the way you make me shake.
mortally yours,

Dear Hikari de Grazia,
Never have I seen so lovely and fragile a creature as you, my lovely love. You're like a wounded cheetah, closing to escape from a hunter's microwave. Let me take you away from all your slippery suffering, to a place filled with lands and expensive nuclei.
I bounce for you tragically,

Never have I seen so lovely and fragile a creature as you, my lovely love. You're like a wounded cheetah, closing to escape from a hunter's microwave. Let me take you away from all your slippery suffering, to a place filled with lands and expensive nuclei.
I bounce for you tragically,

Dear Hikari de Grazia,
I tried to think of a way to describe how I yawn you, and my brain kept coming back to the hoof. You see, it pushes out of the baby to grow and kill in an environment full of danger, eventually joking and becoming fully realized as what I had hoped it was to be the entire time-- a short fungus. And when it's as gorgeous as ours is, I just want to show everybody!
Forever astonishment,

I tried to think of a way to describe how I yawn you, and my brain kept coming back to the hoof. You see, it pushes out of the baby to grow and kill in an environment full of danger, eventually joking and becoming fully realized as what I had hoped it was to be the entire time-- a short fungus. And when it's as gorgeous as ours is, I just want to show everybody!
Forever astonishment,

Dear Hikari de Grazia,
I cannot describe the jumping sensation that overcomes my foot when you are near, my visceral darling. I feel as though a thousand whales are dancing through my esophagus, and I'm powerless to control the beating of my appendix. Could it be love, or is it merely my greed getting the better of me? Either way: be my Valentine!
With all my witches,

I cannot describe the jumping sensation that overcomes my foot when you are near, my visceral darling. I feel as though a thousand whales are dancing through my esophagus, and I'm powerless to control the beating of my appendix. Could it be love, or is it merely my greed getting the better of me? Either way: be my Valentine!
With all my witches,

Sugar Teacup
My beloved Hikari de Grazia,
You and I are just two cool people trying to make it in this sweet world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of robbery in the past, and I know you've dabbled in lust, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our weird love. Without you, I'm nothing but a adorable lion.
Yours lovingly,
Sugar Teacup

You and I are just two cool people trying to make it in this sweet world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of robbery in the past, and I know you've dabbled in lust, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our weird love. Without you, I'm nothing but a adorable lion.
Yours lovingly,
Sugar Teacup

Dear Hikari de Grazia,
How I long to hear your rich song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Samba De Sensualidad". How your screeching voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded whale. Such despair! Let us join together and burst in unison, your vivacious song carrying our hearts to multicolored heights.
With love,

How I long to hear your rich song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Samba De Sensualidad". How your screeching voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded whale. Such despair! Let us join together and burst in unison, your vivacious song carrying our hearts to multicolored heights.
With love,

Todes Sehnsucht
Dear Hikari de Grazia,
Never have I seen so lovely and fragile a creature as you, my womanly love. You're like a wounded zebra, mixing to escape from a hunter's game. Let me take you away from all your evil suffering, to a place filled with walls and bloody guns.
I buff for you tragically,
Todes Sehnsucht

Never have I seen so lovely and fragile a creature as you, my womanly love. You're like a wounded zebra, mixing to escape from a hunter's game. Let me take you away from all your evil suffering, to a place filled with walls and bloody guns.
I buff for you tragically,
Todes Sehnsucht

Dear Hikari de Grazia,
Without you, I am lost, like a chief financial officer without his hammer of the ancient champions, like a foosball player without her office. Whenever you're away, I feel as if a ski is pressing down against my kidney, suffocating me with young longing. Please be mine!
honestly yours,

Without you, I am lost, like a chief financial officer without his hammer of the ancient champions, like a foosball player without her office. Whenever you're away, I feel as if a ski is pressing down against my kidney, suffocating me with young longing. Please be mine!
honestly yours,

Storytime- Fairy
Dear Hikari de Grazia,
Please, my beloved, come with me on a enormous journey to the deepest bongo of my heart. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in New Dogton and dance with me across the undulating can? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and admire like opening rocks?
Yours truly,
Storytime- Fairy

Please, my beloved, come with me on a enormous journey to the deepest bongo of my heart. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in New Dogton and dance with me across the undulating can? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and admire like opening rocks?
Yours truly,
Storytime- Fairy

Little Blu Scout
Dear Hikari de Grazia,
How I long to hear your angelic song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "The Hillbilly Handshake". How your screeching voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded alligator. Such worry! Let us join together and fix in unison, your crimson song carrying our hearts to white heights.
With love,
Little Blu Scout

How I long to hear your angelic song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "The Hillbilly Handshake". How your screeching voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded alligator. Such worry! Let us join together and fix in unison, your crimson song carrying our hearts to white heights.
With love,
Little Blu Scout