one of my personal favourits:
Onwards my friend! it's time for another adventure!
As you walk through a freshly laid path of snow on the moon you think.
"WHAT AM I DOING HERE? WHY AM I STILL ALIVE?! I CAN'T BREATH HERE THERE'S NO ATMOSPHERE!" To safe yourself from this vacuum a package drifts down slowly together with feathers at the same pace... you wonder where in the world that came from. the tag says: here this'll save you!
Also, someone was doing headshots earlier in the thread and I said you don't headshot you doubletap. and I got doubletapped. That was hilarious!
Let's continue onyx's adventuer shall we?
So you're relieved of the stress of finding a way to safe yourself from the vacuum of space and are on the moon and you wonder:"Where have I left my castanets!" You should find yourself a better place to put those you know! You decide it's time for you to fly to Mars so you jump straight up into the air! a few hundred meters away from your original spot you land back on the moon. Oh dear you forgot that the moon has some sort of gravity! There must be a solution to this! Oh look another package! You leap into the air and grab it as black feathers block your sight for a moment, but this time you drift into space! What is to happen to you now? QUICK! Open the box! Maybe it'll have a solution that'll save your life!
(hah she responded biggrin )
I frantically open the box- a belt?
I shrug and wrap the belt around my waist and fasten it. I don't see any reaction... I quickly look over the belt, hoping to find some button. Noticing a tiny one, I click it, to cause a pair of wings. Perhaps these can help me some how?
(I love your enthusiasm biggrin it does make my job harder if you plan on wings next.)
But then you realize that wings aren't of much use in space because there is no resistance in space. Luckily for you after pushing the button again and again franticly the wings suddenly burst into some kind of plasma trail emiting fire and ZOOM! you go to Mars!
But uh oh... what's that? You hear... nothing of course cause this is space and vacuum's don't carry sound.
Then you approach Mars... and THUD you fall against a present. Just out of Mars' gravity reach. exactly at the right speed so you hover here in Mars' orbit.
You stare at the package, what could this be?
Quickly you grab your castanets from you utility belt, boy those do come in handy don't they? Maybe you can carefully open the package and... wait a minute why are there black feathers floating in space?
I open the package and pull out a small black sphere. "What's this?" I asked myself, turning it over in my hands. It looked like a high tech marble...
All that time you had thought you were aimlessly floating in space but you detected a small movement towards the surface of Mars.
You push the button on the ball and FLUFF! You get giant airbags!.
[ ]
After you landed on the surface of Mars you find yourself in a low gravity world. Can you imagine? You're just one thirds of the weight on earth! That's one way to loose weight wink (but not mass)
You hope around on Mars until you get to fight real space pirates!
They have kidnapped a tiny little birdy! Quick! Your utility belt!
You grab your awesome castanets and use them to throw at the bandits, their not so razor sharp edges scare the bandits and then you use your awesome utility belts airbag bomb! You throw it at the bandits and package them in a lovely airbag cushion.
Then you come over to the little birdy with a space helmet on and huggle it:" You are safe now!" You tell the poor thing that shakes off a couple of black feathers. You smile as it hands you a gift:"Special delivery :3 Your hero Mask finally came in! Good job of saving all those feathers you found."
You smile, open the package. Put on your awesome Mask and fly off back to earth to bring this little thing back home.
Congratulations biggrin You have...
Official Final reply:
[Omg the end song. Jesus, that's amazing XDDDD
Excuse me. //has to go listen to it for a bit]
//Makes blindfold into an overskirt before putting on the masque
I feel fabulous.
I look down and pat the little bird's head. "Time to get you back home, eh, Poe?" Yeah- the thing had black feathers, so I nicknamed it Poe. Because I can. "Now... Whereabouts are you from..."
View User's Journal
blackbird creations...©
this is my story i will make about gaia also i may tell about my story that is started 2001 bits and pieces always i will remember my friends always ill remember peopel that donated to me:)
Well thats the old description XD
It contains fun stuff
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Call me Bird
Rip Kitterkatz
Questing: Tickets for Prize & Joy to buy a large tutti frutti hat
Trying to find: Oink Chirping Robin
Random stuff on my wishlist (April 22nd '18 )
Thank you very much Iundi <3
Looking for mini metro from current humble bundle
A writer's greatest gift is the story he hasn't revealed yet.
Ps: I ate your cookies...
Rip Kitterkatz
Questing: Tickets for Prize & Joy to buy a large tutti frutti hat
Trying to find: Oink Chirping Robin
Random stuff on my wishlist (April 22nd '18 )
Thank you very much Iundi <3
Looking for mini metro from current humble bundle
A writer's greatest gift is the story he hasn't revealed yet.
Ps: I ate your cookies...