Sophie had first noticed that she was seeing things that other could not when she was five years old. Her father had been driving with a deep scowl on his face as yet another minivan proceeded to cut him off from his desired destination and she had taken it upon herself to lift the mood surrounding their vehicle. An I Spy game was the best thing that she could think of and she began to list off things she could see, her mom eventually jumping in with her own suggestions and guesses. Sophie had given a whole three-sixty view out of the car windows when her eyes had found a neko. The woman was walking down the street with the saunter of her feline-addition and smiling Sophie had jammed her finger up against the glass to point her out. "I spy a cat woman!" Both of her parents had looked in unhidden astonishment, thinking that someone was walking around dressed as the infamous cat anti-hero, only to see the woman walking down the street. "Honey, where is she? Behind the woman somewhere?" Sophie could not grasp why her parents could not see that the woman was the cat and she pressed her finger harder against the glass. "Don't you see her ears?" Both her parents looked again and shook their heads before murmuring to themselves. Their voices were low but Sophie was still capable of grasping bits and pieces of their conversation, "Do you think...air conditioner is on...dehydration?..." This went on for a while and after coming to some kind of decision that she was not apart of they had pulled over at a gas station and had their five year old guzzle down nearly a liter of water. It was while she sat bloated and annoyed in the backseat though that she began to conceive that she was special. Oddly enough this did not thrill her as it should have. Though the word was unknown to her mind, Sophie knew of the word responsibility and felt that her life would be much different from other girls.
At Rosendale Academy, Sophie was a model student. Intelligent, but not pedantic, kind, but not overbearing, helpful, but not nosy, and beautiful, though she did not flaunt it. She was the kind of person that went appreciated but never officially noticed. The awards for the academically achieved and humanitarians went to those who went the extra mile though their intentions were only guided to bring them to the college of their choosing. Sophie did not mind though. Staying beneath the radar was her specialty and her goal. At thirteen, four years ago, a man had come up to her and asked her how he looked. There was something about the way he had spoken and the randomness of his question that had struck Sophie as peculiar and dangerous. The man had been a demon, as she could see from his black eyes and curved black horns but Sophie had merely shrugged and excused herself from the coffee shop. That was the beginning of many strange encounters and Sophie had the idea that someone was catching up to her. How, she was not sure, but she figured that anyone who wanted so badly to know if she could see the other side was not an ally of hers. For the last few months though things had gone very smoothly and with her school life in full bloom she was pleased to say that things were almost normal.
The walk from Rosendale Academy to her house was no more than two miles and at the end of a school day, Sophie appreciated the time she received to turn over her own thoughts and contemplate life in general. Some of her friends walked with her for the first few blocks but they soon drifted away, much to her satisfaction, so the last mile and a half were left to herself. On this day the sun was radiating heat strongly down on her fatigued body and shrugging off her cotton sweater she tied it around her waist while turning the second to last corner before the final stretch to her house. The rumble of cars caught her ears and looking up she noticed a few cars racing down the road. It was not unusual for the students to race each other. There was not much to do in a town like this, but the fact that they were on a neighborhood road concerned her for the sake of the children that may be playing anywhere nearby. The cars were fast approaching though and with nothing else she could do she continued to walk, tempted to get their license plate numbers and report them to the police.
(({PM me to continue! I have other RPCs and starters. Please be creative and write a decent amount per post.))