Nick Name: "Professor Drew", "The Professor of Submission", "CU's Mouthpiece"
Ht/Wt: 5'10'' 220 lbs
Hometown: Stevens Point, WI
Entrance Music: Everybody Loves me - OneRepublic
Entrance Moves:
God love all the people that have warned you
God love all your sentimental virtue
Eight balls with the takers that'll make you
Lay cards with the lovers that'll hate you
Cause you don't have to make a sound
They got what you need
Andrew is brought up on a lift, spreading his arms out in a cocky pose as sparklers go off to his sides.
Making his way to the ring. From Stephen's Point, Wisconsin. Representing Chaos Unleashed: Andrew Kelly
He swaggers down the ramp as he at the in the boos from the crowd as if it were cheers.
Oh my!
Feels just like I don't try
Looks so good i might die
All i know is everybody loves me
Get down,
Swaying to my own sound
Flashes in my face now
All i know is everybody loves me
Everybody loves me
Andrew slides into the ring and climbs his turnbuckle, taking off his jacket and dropping it off the side, taking his cocky pose once more.
Appearance: entrance -

match -

Common Moves: punches, kicks, knees, elbows, body slam, powerslam, clothesline, kitchen sink, drop toe hold, STO, hip toss, russian leg sweep, enzuigiri, suplexes, fireman's carry, backbreaker, neckbreaker, gutbuster, piledriver, reverse STO, fallaway slam, minchoku driver, spinebuster, atmic drop, back body drop, Underhook Piledriver, submissions, F5, armbars (
Signature Moves: Brainbuster, Study Break , Cram Session
Finisher: Koji Clutch, Cutting Class (Andrew wraps the opponent's arm around the back of their neck, hitting with a Cutter impact that damages the head and arm.).
Special Finisher: Mandible Claw
Gimmick: former teacher turned wrestler to follow his dream. Classy until crossed/angered. Was an athletic instructor as well as has a degree in Kinesiology. Arrogant, well-versed, and sadistic. He is the egotistical mouthpiece of Chaos Unleashed.
Alignment: Heel
Match Type Expertise: submission, normal match, hardcore
Match Type Weakness: ladder, cage
Weapon Expertise: kendo stick
Division: Light Heavyweight
Classification: Technical, submission
Title History: WWF:G Tag Title (Chaos Unleashed)
Faction/Stable: Chaos Unleashed {Boxer Anarchy}