it's Sonshine, of course it's going to rain. xD
but the darker weather is limiting my productivity. Dog woke me up at 9 as usual, but instead of the usual "saving the world before 10:30" thing, I haven't done anything, really.
Woke up, put a net over the strawberries so the birds won't eat them, fed & watered the chickens, went for a bike ride, and had breakfast.
The news is just an utter fail this morning. Saw via facebook the newest member of the Sunrise team literally wiped out when he was live (surfing or something??) and injured himself a titch, and "the two drunks at 10:00" on the Today show were just plain having a bad day, from the first words out of their mouth (I also firmly believe the cameras used during that hour are run by fresh interns who don't know anything about anything...). Usually there's a few nuggets of enjoyment hidden in the show so usually I put up with the crap to find them, but today I got tired of it after like 15 minutes and just turned it off, leading me here to muse about the rest of the day.
going to finish the office closet today, and water indoor plants. Going to order some pictures online after this, too, and pick them up when I head into town tonight for weights.
then I need to finish the scrapbook and put everything away (ie, cleaning my room all over again)
found some not-so-old medifast food mom had ordered once upon a dream. I'm saving it for when I know I'm having a crash, and hopefully it can help me stave off the worst of my calorie intake. (one box I looked at said each package has 100 or so calories, with 11 grams of protein...!!!) .... sadly, each box is between $15 and $20... gonk
AND a single granola bar of theirs counts as a meal. o.o
but i'm thinking if I like it well enough, I'll dig around the internets for some coupons to buy some more for college.
the weight-loss plan for college: hit up the gym before class T/Th, and MWF depending on what happens, going after class. I'll only be eating breakfast and supper because I'll have no time for lunch, so the medifast things would work well to fill in the gap.
we'll see. figure if I get a job from like 10-4 on Mondays and Wednesdays, Fridays can be my day to do homework and such.
looking forward to hopefully easier homework in the coming semesters. Because I'm doing comm and english courses up the wazoo, I know i'll be writing waaaay more essays than anything. But that's okay; I like them. :] and I know how to prep my writing so when I actually sit down to write, I can do it all in one sitting.
... which explains why my friends in college were so perplexed. We were talking towards the end of the year about that, and how they never ever see me do homework... bahahaha. xD
right then. time to get to work.
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