Davyd and Aleigh OC's (in Progress) |
Try your hand at drawing my two symphonic lovers?
 Names : Aleigh & Davyd Ages : Aleigh 19 and Davyd 21 Likes : each other , music, sweets, black, gothique style, soft music ,fluffy things and the dark Dislikes : Sun , meat, animals, bad music ,
Aleigh : 127 lbs, 5'ft7''in tall , pink/ white hair , ice blue eyes, pale white skin. Reardless of what Davyd thinks or says, Aleigh has a dark past, the violin she plays is cursed it controls her body. Born in an average family, life she made a name for herself in middle school and is on her way to stardom. Shy , focused , sensitive, and agile.
Davyd : 143 lbs,6'ft tall, white/blonde hair , orange /brown eyes, has to wear his glasses . Loves Aleigh and will protect her from anything and everything he can. Plays piano to calm Aleigh down. Being a Sophomore in his college of choice. Being from a family with more money that they know what to do with he got what he wanted , he will spend is money on any thing Aleigh wants or needs. Sensitive , dependent , adventurous , and calm.
Lailah Ookami · Mon Jun 11, 2012 @ 06:56pm · 0 Comments |