Name: Haywire
Age: 27
Height: 7'9"
Weight: 225lbs
Race: Wingless Devil
Weapon: His body and Dark Magic
Personaltiy: Once a Minor Soverign Lord he was brought down by a Angel working for the Day Patrol, so needless to say he has a pompus attitude at times. He usually spends his time pointing out others flaws and rarely listens to when someone starts on his own. He actually berates himself if a mission goes bad and rarely allows a child to get invovled or hurt.
Bio: Messenger watched as he was brought down from his high post, then waited until the Devil was out of the building until he invited the other into the Night Patrol. It took Messenger three more tries before Haywire blew his lid at the Immortal, after cooling down Messenger smiled and Haywire gave in. He finds that he now likes others depending on him for advice on how to take down other Devil's or Low Level Demons, which in hindsight is kind of bad.
Teamed With: Venom
SwordOfTheDarkOnes · Thu Jun 07, 2012 @ 08:15pm · 0 Comments |