Student's Name:
Soulics Revenu Dey Flanoruat Aaseme Nerusaut ((Full name))
(So-uu-L-iks) (Reh-vehn-Oo) (Deh) (Ff-lahn-or-ah) (Ah-seh-meh) (Neh-rue-sah-tt)
Also known as:
387 years of age
一 Has the ability to photograph any piece of information he even glances at, and this is how he is able to learn magic so quickly like professional Magicians.
一Can use the information he has memorized to create spells of Unfathomable power, however, the side effect that is placed on him for casting magic, a curse placed on by his brother, Maxelle, is that whenever he uses a large amount of magic, he turns into a small child that cannot use magic for eight hours.
十Writing (Spell books)
十Playing the Bass guitar.
Like most wizards, Soulics, or Soul, likes to be stand offish, doesn't like participating with others inferior to his intellect or skill. Luckily at this school in his class, most of the people have a dark aura to them, just like him, so he didn't have an immediate urge to "hang out" with them. He disdained even being there in the first place for he would have to "compete" with drooling mongrels for a princess that was a male life form and this didn't appeal to his tastes. Plus, even if he wanted to, he couldn't, for the curse placed on him wouldn't be able to help him. He wanted to go home to gather the resources to be able to break this curse. he was cold, yet determined inside, and yet on the outside, he was just cold and cruel. his words, when he did speak, sliced through the hearts of innocent. Tjis was the way he liked it. For everyone to stand away from him and leave him alone. No one had the heart he needed in order to break the curse anyways. This was want he wanted, but couldn't have, deep down; Only the blood of a true heart of someone he loved could break the curse, and this made Soul gag every time. It was too soppy and too dull to even have an effect on his alternate plans to finding another cure. He would do things alone, and alone it shall be done.
Background History:
"He is a fine young prince."
"Much better than his older brother."
"It must be hard on the older prince to know that his little brother will surpass him in being king.
"Ha! He won't just surpass him, but all of the kings before him!"
Talk of the century. Two brothers, one younger, one older, never enjoyed the company of each other. The eldest strives to be like his father, who was the greatest wizard in the Kingdom of Tetha. The youngest always wanted to be in the depths of the library, his face deep into the pages of different types of books. However, the youngest had an extreme gift from the Gods; he had the vision that could copy into his mind the instant he read it. It was a gift for him, but he never cared of it like that, he just liked it for he could learn more and more every moment. But when his brother discovered his speedy progress with learning, he grew more jealous and vengeful, so he started trying to do the small as his younger brother, but it wasn't the same and he just grew more rage at himself and his little brother's abilities, so he found a curse book and started to study the Dark Arts, or illegal magic. Only the royal family and the courtiers could use this type of magic, so since the eldest was the next heir, books like that were open to him whenever, but this took month to perfect, and by this time, his little brother was surpassing him in the art of Magic.
He youngest son had no interest in the crown, and he had told his mother this many a times, but she was no help, for she insisted he take the crown and be a young King, like his father once was. One day, he was officially offered the crown, but he flatly rejected this, and the eldest grew red with anger. The youngest fled the area, and his evil brother was right after him, and when the eldest met the youngest to "persuade him to come back" The youngest was surrounded by a magic circle, and he was shot with a red blast into his body, creating a magical lock on his body. The oldest just laughed insanely, watching his little brother turn into a child, and once fully changed, the brother smirked and explained to his younger brother. "This curse seals your ability to cast powerful magic, and if you do use it, you turn into a child for eight tys(equivalent to hours)! And the only way to break the curse is for you to harness the blood of your true love." His brother laughed in his face, but even in a child's body, the youngest was still wiser than his brother, and the only way to get the information he needed was to leave this planet. He got up and ran, with his older brother to busy to go running after him. He ran to his mother, who gasped at his presence. His father wanted to throw the child out, but his Mother recognized him at first sight. As the youngest son explained his situation, his father had built up anger. He walked over to his son and picked him up, then opened a portal. "This place will help you solve the curse, go, My son!" The father threw the youngest son into the portal, with the young boy clueless as to what had happened to him.
When he woke up, he was on the ground, his vision blurred slightly, and he was back to normal. he touched his skin to see if he wasn't dream, revealed at the sight of reality. The young cursed boy looked around to see where he was, and confronted by a man who looked as if he had been staring at him for a long while came over to him and bowed, helping the boy to his feet. He Gave him a uniform and a bag full of more uniforms, then spoke to him. "Welcome, sir. Please let me show where you will be staying." Ignorant about the place and his situation, the young boy nodded at the man's request and walked with him to a large institution. Hope was here, yet he had no idea and approached it with a cold mind.
Alias name:
B i o N i g h t