Jarret x Fredricks
Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.
The music was blasting, everyone was dancing. Jarret, with a bottle of liquor in his hand, was dancing to the beat like the rest of the drunk teens. He and a couple of his friends were invited to a party, and Jarret wasn't one to miss out on a good time. Drunk, Jarret's vision was blurred and he could barely speak normally, but he didn't care, as long as the music was loud and he was dancing, it were as if he didn't have a care in the world.
Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.
The music was getting louder, everything around him was spinning. The girl, or someone he was dancing with left, but how long ago? He couldn't even remember. Jarret stopped in the middle of his dance, turning his head left and right as if he were paranoid. The room was getting a bit to crowded for him. Feeling a bit nauseous, Jarret tried to make his way through the large group of teens. The smell of alcohol and cigarettes were making his stomach turn. Finally outside, Jarret stumbled on his own two feet searching for the nearest bush. He bent over, holding his hands over his stomach and began to vomit all over the grass... or pavement, he wasn't sure. For all he knew he could be in someone else house.
"s**t... I need to go home..." Jarret said to himself as he wiped off bits of vomit dripping from the tip of lip. It was dark, the only thing he could barely make out were the street lights, which seemed brighter than usual for some reason. Jarret reached into his pocket and shuffled around feeling for his phone. Instead of finding his phone, he picked out some change covered in lint, a few dollar bills, and his wallet."Where the hell.. is my phone?" he murmured to himself while feeling his front and back pants pocket. There it was, lying on concrete sidewalk next to him. He must of dropped it, the damn drunk. Dialing the numbers on his phone, he tried calling his older brother to ask him to come pick him up... no answer. After calling him a few more times, Jarret got aggravated and decided to walk home. Not the smartest idea, but due to Jarret's current condition, there shouldn't be any place to judge his actions. His parents weren't home, which was one less thing to worry about.
Now wandering the streets, Jarret found himself on a poorly lit street, only a few blocks away from the party. The unsettling area made it seem as if some thug were about to jump out of the shadows and mug him. His legs were tired, and now he was lost. This wasn't a good idea after all. Jarret leaned his body against a brick wall and sat down on the dirty floor. It smelt like piss and smoke, how ******** gross. Looking to the left, then the right, Jarret realized he was now alone. Silence filled the cold air, and Jarret was now getting worried. He hated being alone, especially in a eerie setting like this.
10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1.
He counted down from ten in his head as a way to cope with his auto-phobia. The silence made it easier to point out the most random objects in the street that you normally wouldn't see. He watched as a plastic bag was being dragged so carelessly through the breeze across the the street. The annoying buzzing noise the street light bulb makes. The cold air pressed against his skin brought chills down his spine. Stuffing himself in his jacket, he pulled out his black and white beanie hat. Jarret slowly began to slide down to his side, getting more sleepy by the second. Damn, he should of brought his pillow. Shutting his eyes, Jarret was now falling asleep on the sidewalk like some bum. He didn't care, as long as he got his sleep.
The abrupt noise awoke the sleeping boy, Jarret. His eyes widened in surprise as his brain tried to process his current location. What the hell? Everything was so dark. There only but a single bulb that barely lit the room. Bringing himself up to his feet, Jarret scratched his head, wondering where the hell he'd woken up to. It wasn't a room, it was just a lengthy, wide hallway. The walls were nothing but solid concrete, same as the floor beneath his very two feet. At least he wasn't feeling dizzy anymore. Just how long was he asleep? Curious and anxious to find a way out, Jarret started down the hallway. His eyes were focused and kept straight ahead, trying to spot maybe even the smallest glimmer of light at the end of the hallway... but nothing. There must be a door or something at the end, right? To find out that answer, Jarret continued his walk down the hallway. After a couple minutes had passed, it seemed like Jarret had been walking for ages. However, he abruptly stopped... what was that noise? There was no one with him when he woke up? What the hell was going on? Now paranoid, Jarret started to run down the hallway. "s**t! s**t! s**t!" he thought to himself as he bolted down the seemingly endless hallway. "Hello!? Is anyone down here!?" he shouted frantically. Someone must of been around here... Just where the ******** was he!?
Word Count: 904
occ││first post!
lol I normally almost NEVER write this much. But it was the first post so I tried to make it longer than what I usually write xP
occ││first post!
lol I normally almost NEVER write this much. But it was the first post so I tried to make it longer than what I usually write xP
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