Name: Doctor Raum Kraus (Raum, Dr. Kraus)
Age: Unknown. Looks 35
Gender: Male
Species: Shapeshifting Demon
Kingdom/Alignment: Kingdom of Lust and Uoe (Geist, Asmodeus, Athura) / Chaotic Neutral
Birth Date: June 23rd
Occupation: Head Medical Doctor in Geist’s employ; responsible for caring for the wounded and sickly in the castle, as well as delegating tasks and responsibilities to his two younger nurses. Also an accomplished mad scientist in his spare time
Archimedes, Socrates, Aristotle, Parmenides, Democritus: five pet doves that he had brought back from Earth from back during his days studying humans in the field. These doves would frequently rummage through spare body parts scattered around his working areas, and eventually became so bold as to interfere with his work during surgery. Seeing a bit of himself in them, he was amused and adopted them as his pets. They are now kept in his working areas as well as his personal office and living quarters. They have a habit of getting in the way of surgery; on a particularly boring day, he’ll seal one of them within someone for a while
Physical Description: Unlike other demons, Raum maintains a very humanlike presence, and at first glance he looks like a middle-aged Caucasian male. The only revealing demon like trait he has would be his haunting and glassy red eyes, which seem as if they could stare into the soul of anyone he looks at. He has a pale white complexion with messy black hair, with an otolaryngologist mirror on his head. His uniform is between that of a doctor and a combat medic, with a long elegant lab coat, clean white shirt and red tie complimenting his battle fatigue pants, utility belt and leather boots. His lab-coat, however, is stained in various places with blood, and it would seem that his gloves were white at some point. He almost always has a strange contraption he calls the HEAL Gun strapped onto his back. He looks very healthy and enthusiastic, and his face details a profile of a man who has experienced and seen a lot.
Personality Description: He is an intellectual above all else, and is rather talkative to others in his presence, but he does not actively look for others, instead preferring to read through his reading materials. He is fond of beer, and is quite sociable when drinking. In the presence of those who have earned his admiration or respect, or those who he remains in frequent contact to, he can be a rather amicable and philosophical man. It’s a different story for those who find themselves under his scalpel.
An intense curiosity and drive for discovering the unknown motivates his entire being. He has a deep fascination with the unknown or undefined or simply curious phenomenon is out there, and his morbid curiosity, he feels, should not be impeded by such insipid details as medical ethics or morality. The pursuit of knowledge is particularly overwhelming for him, and he strives to emulate this in every facet of his life. This has contributed to his particularly sadistic views on life, that sacrificing life in order to achieve a greater understanding of living things is an entirely acceptable practice. This especially goes for humans and other lower organisms, and he is not impartial to experimenting on demons either. On top of this, he finds inflicting pain and suffering to be one of his favourite pasttimes; he considers healing others a generally unintended and undesirable side-effect of satisfying his own morbid curiosity, so when operating on others, he foregoes “doing no harm” and opts for methods that inflict suffering and discomfort that manifests itself in both experimentation and treatment, resulting in particularly bloody and gruesome affairs. He is a damn good doctor, though, and takes every measure to ensure his patients are healthy, so as not to betray the trust of his employers and dear friends.
Special Abilities:
Health Energy Applicatory Laser (HEAL Gun): As a medical servant who must always be prepared to assist others in need, Raum is rarely seen without his greatest invention, a piece of medical technology that humans have pursued for generations. The HEAL Gun, a backpack with what looks like a fire hose attachment, fires a healing beam capable of curing an infinite variety of non-fatal wounds and conditions in a relatively short amount of time by enhancing the performance of white cells in the body and accelerating the reconstructive process of the body. Additionally, if this beam remains in constant contact with a seemingly mortal wound, it can inevitably prolong death until more intensive care can be applied. However, it cannot be used indefinitely, as it requires the use of blood to operate (the machine breaks down blood stored in its machine into a steady stream of white blood cells to accelerate the reconstructive process)
Electromagnetic Charge: Constant applications of the HEAL Gun builds up immensely electrical static charges in its system, which it has been designed to store until critical moments. When this function is activated, Raum, along with whoever is targeted by the HEAL Gun will both be protected by a powerful red electromagnetic shield that temporarily invigorates the senses and abilities of both Raum and his target, as well as grant them temporary invincibility for as long as the charge can be maintained, with a powerful shield enveloping both of their bodies from any attacks. However, this advantage can only be used for a short time (roughly 15 seconds), and it must be fully charged in order to activate each time.
Regeneration: Due to being in constant contact with the HEAL Gun, Raum’s body has developed a powerful regeneration quality that enables him to recover quickly from wounds and injuries, recovering three times as quickly. Additionally, he is very resistant to disease and illness, and maintains a youthful and healthy figure despite his age
Affinity Over Body: Raum has a seemingly magical control over the bodily functions of others, able to manipulate the bodily functions. This is primarily limited to slowing or quickening bodily processes, as opposed to cutting them off outright, and is most frequently used to slowing bodily processes in order to make subjects become less responsive or even fall into a coma. Particularly powerful individuals, however, can resist this
Perceptual Diagnosis: Raum’s eyes possess highly receptive qualities, enabling him to examine the inner workings of others through x-ray vision, enabling him to examine a patient’s body without having to tear into them or waste too much time with investigating the issues at hand. His eyes will turn blue when he examines a person in this manner. Similarly, he is able to detect the presence of others by accessing the heat that their bodies give off. His eyes will turn yellow when he is using heat-detecting vision
Empathy: Raum has the ability to sense the thoughts of others. He is unable to read their minds outright; however, he has an uncanny ability to sense their motives, desires, thoughts, and other fluctuating cognitive responses. He will often employ this to analyze their perspective as part of the situation, and approach the situation in the more favourable manner possible
Power of Suggestion: employing the darkest secrets of behavioural sciences, he can attempt to manipulate and persuade others into following his own agenda, carefully monitoring and manipulating their cognitive processes to get in their heads. This is more effective against individuals with weaker psyches
Omnidisciplinary: As a demon who has lived tens of thousands of years, he has found the time to teach himself and be extremely well-versed in any given branch of science, be it behavioural, psychological, natural, or as recent years have shown, mechanical sciences. He is mostly regarded as a highly accomplished doctor, but his hobbies as a mad scientist have afforded him a reputation in areas beyond health; if a branch of science exists, Raum will likely be versed in it
Special Defenses: Raum does not possess any particular magical resistances, but his regenerative properties and subsequent resistances to disease and illness makes him more tolerant of changing conditions
Weaknesses: Raum is not a demon groomed for combat, despite being a combat medic, and lacks the natural defences or offensive presence as other demons would have. His human-like traits leaves little to protect him with, so he is rather helpless in fighting except in self-defence. Acknowledging this, he tends to serve as support, helping more powerful demons by healing their wounds
Additionally, while he excels at manipulating others in subtle ways both physically and mentally, those who are robust and strong in either respect, respectively, will be more resistant to his tricks. A person in full control of his own body and emotions will be far less susceptible to Raum’s abilities, and he will be found to be more vulnerable in these circumstances
Weapon: As discussed earlier, Raum is not a demon used to fighting by himself, preferring to act in a support role. However, he is armed with a modified bonesaw that is directly hooked up to the blood-tank of the HEAL Gun. Its shape is somewhat unsettling, resembling a knife, a syringe, and a demonic stake all at once. It is designed to penetrate as much of the target as possible, and suck out as much blood as possible, which it feeds into the HEAL Gun. Additionally, he wields a modified gun that rapidly fires oversized unsterilized syringes, each filled with a vile substance of his choice to disorient and weaken his target. Both represent psychological threats in their design and applications, but neither pack nearly as much power as many other demons would otherwise have access to
Quirks: His German accent is rather unique in the castle in which he works, and he is a master of mood whiplash, especially during surgeries.
History: A longtime servant of the castle, he had worked directly under Asmodeus and Athura as a medical practitioner and therapist, during the days when they ruled the Kingdom of Lust. During his long servitude, he was known to be rather bizarre, often dangerous and loosely hinged (in his quarters, the Hippocratic Oath is downgraded to a mere Hippocratic Suggestion), but he was a brilliant and capable servant, so he remained in servitude, and was afforded his own quarters to work in. He was on exceedingly good terms with the royal couple, seeing them as interesting characters and good employers to work under. He may have had a hand in initially smoothing over their relations, with his insight into psychology and behaviour, but not much of this history has been documented.
While the Kingdom of Lust was based in Hell, Raum would periodically (in demon years at least) travel to the human world for several decades to observe humans in their natural habitat, embarking to an abandoned castle in eastern Germany he regarded as his home away from home. His human-like appearance was convenient for this purpose, and he was very intimately involved in experimenting on humans to find out precisely how they ticked. He was never identified or apprehended by authorities for his horrifying and despicable experiments, and his existence to humans was mostly one of rumours and myths; most sightings of him, however, coincided with the crimes perpetrated by Nazi Germany during its Holocaust, where he took a particularly fixated interest in its progress, findings, and consequences as a spectator, not as an experimenter.
Raum integrated himself into human society in secret during his excursions from Hell, learning much of the human condition in his journeys. Eventually, he adopted many of their traits, even picking up a German accent as a consequence of his stays. Many of his case studies remain with him in his office even today, academically filed in tall bookshelves, along with important human studies that are both scientifically significant as well as famous (or infamous, as the case may be).
When the Kingdom of Lust was rebuilt on Earth, Raum was very much excited for the notion, and made more infrequent visits amongst human society… it was during one of his excursions, however, that Artura was attacked and killed. Consequently, due to his distance away from the castle, he was unable to respond quickly to the emergency in a reasonable amount of time. Evidently, some human compassion had been embedded into his personality during his outings; he blamed himself for his own negligence, insisting that if he was on standby, her death could have been prevented. Furthermore, Asmodeus had gone missing, and the castle was under constant threat, with its youthful leader under severe pressure. As a result, he swore to himself to remain on standby at all times, and protect the castle and its inhabitants from further oppression. He serves in the castle walls as one of its more senior inhabitants, no longer venturing outwards into human society unless absolutely necessary, observing the growth and maturation of his new master from the sidelines.