"Cheetor!" The commander called.
A spotted golden yellow cat entered the command center of the base. "Ya, what is it boss bot?"
"I need you for a mission in the mountains, there's a large deposit of energon, and Megatron, I know, is going to go after it."
"You can count me in!" Cheetor said with his usual enthusiasm.
"Rhinox, you stay here, I'll call for back up if we need it."
A low growl was heard in the room as a raptor entered the room."You and Cheetor won't be enough, I'm coming to.. It's been a.. While sense I've been in combat.."
"No, I want you keeping an eye out for the Predacons, they might use this as an opportunity to attack and.."Optimus started only to be interrupted again by Dinobot.
"And if your attacked you'll be slag in a few nano clicks!" Dinobot shouted over him.
"I don't have any problem with him coming along, I mean it might be good to have one extra with us, you know, just in case.." Cheetor agreed quietly.
Optimus sighed. "Ok, you can come, But I want everyone else to stay here unless I give the order, got it?"
Tigertron, Airrazor, Rattrap and Rhinox nodded in understanding.
"You ain't gotta tell me twice." Rattrap stated, as he spoke the scanners beeped, rattrap turned to look. The screen showed a
purple dot, where the energon was, and two Predacon symbols."looks like you better hurry though, I hope old chopper face doesn't slow ya down," Rattrap kidded.
Dinobot growled but stepped onto the elevator, Cheetor and Optimus followed suit.
Mean while...
"Tarantulas are you sure we're heading the right way?!" Megatron shouted over the wind and snow, the blizzard was harsh, even for for a robot, water melting and refreezing wasn't exactly good on their joints.
"Yes I'm Sure! You should transform, the snow won't get into your joints as bad!" The spider replied, one of his legs shielding his eyes as he fought against the wind in his creepy crawly spider mode.
Megatron growl, then shouted aloud, "Beast Mode!" His parts shifting into place, taking the shape of a purple t-Rex with a green tummy.
They walk further up the mountain, soon the spider spotted what they had been looking for. "There! There it is! It's just up ahead!" Tarantulas pointed to a cave. "And the Maximals are no where to be seen.." he added, rubbing his front two legs together with an evil laughter.
"Think again!" Optimus called, the Predacons looked up, on the ledge above the cave, Cheetor, Optimus and Dinobot appeared, all battle ready, guns in hand. "Open fire!" Their leader commanded, all three of the Maximals fired at the two Preds, both transforming and returning fire.
"Be careful you fool! If you destroy the cave the energon will blow!" Tarantulas reminded Megatron as he shoot two blasts at Optimus, who quickly jumped out of the way, and down in front of the cave.
"Er! You don't have to tell me that!" He retorted, firing a couple more blasts, one at Dinobot, who followed Optimus's example and jumped down in front of the cave, the other at Cheetor who fell back as the shot landed it's blow. "If we hit that, the whole area might blow! For all we know it could be on a vain!"
"Cheetor!" Optimus called just as a blast from Megatron landed on his shoulder, forcing him backward, and tumbling on the ground, stopping a few feet back. Optimus put a hand on his damaged circuits, looking up to the approaching Megatron.
"Rawh!" Dinobot yelled, bright green lazors shooting out of his eyes at Megatron, hitting him once, twice, three times, then stopped as Optimus got back up. "Give it up Megatron your here all by yourself.."
"WHAT?!" Megatron looked back to where Tarantulas had been, only to find the spider hauling tail. The titan growled, "This isn't over Maximals! No..." Megatron transformed to beats mode, and turned running back in the direction of his own base.
Dinobot growled as he watched the defeated tyrant run away, he looked down at Optimas "Are you ok?" He asked.
"Ya, I'm fine.. where's Cheetor?" was the leaders reply.
"I'm right here!" The feline robot popped out from behind the cave.
"Where were you? We could have used your cover.." Dinobot snarled as he breathed in, "Optimus is wounded, as you where over here, doing.. what may I ask?" Dinobot interrogated.
"Oh!" Cheetor turned around, picking something up, it was small fuzzy, white with black spots. "It's a baby snow leopard, I found it when I got blasted by Megs, I don't see the poor things mom around any where either..."
"Hmm.. that Is rather unfortunate.." Optimus said already knowing where this was going.
"OH! I know, how about we keep it?! I'll feed 'em and take care of it, Please big bot, Please?!"
"No! It needs to stay in it's natural habitat, the base is no home for a natural being." Optimus refused.
"Oh but please?!"Cheetor pleaded, reminding Dinobot of some kind of youngster.
The commander sighed, "I hear one peep out of that thing and it's gone, you got me?" Optimus said.
"Woo Who!" Cheetor spun around holding the cat in his arms, it nussled his chin and jumped down, it's new care taker then knelled down and
petted the young cub. Cheetor transformed to his beast mode, so did Optimus and Dinobot.
Dinobot growled crossing his arms in disapproval."I can't believe your going to let him keep that.. that.. ball of fluff!"
"Believe me, he'd keep it even if I said no.." Optimus said coolly. "Now come on we need to get out of this snow or our joints will freeze over and we'll be stuck out here till spring." spoke the leader heading into the cave.
The 3 maximals got started on harnessing the energon, at lest until the snow cub wanted to play. She got under Dinobots feet like cats do, rubbing her head against his leg and meowing, Dinobot stopped and looked down stepping away from it.
"get this fuzz ball away from me! There is work to be done!"
"Aww but she likes you! She just wants to play." Cheetor said, amused at Dinobots dis-pleasure.
"Dinobot, I want you and Cheetor to take this big piece back to base, I'll stay here and make sure that Megatron doesn't come back for more." Optimus stated.
"But Optimus your damaged, you should go to the CR chamber." Cheetor worried.
"I'll be fine, I want you two to be careful though sense Megatron knows I'm not at base he's probably tried something.."
"Come, we best be going.." Dinobot turned around, Optimus attached one end of the large blue crystal to him with cords.
Cheetor stepped next to Dinobot, Optimus doing the same thing, tying the energon to him.
Dinobot and Cheetor made their way back to base, the new cub sitting on the crystal as the bots dragged it along..
"I still need to name you." Cheetor said looking back to the leopard."hmm.. how about.. Snow Stalker? ya, that sounds good."
"ugh, how pathetic.."Dinobot grumbled under his breath.
"I heard that! You should try lightening up and enjoy some of the smaller things in life Dinobot, it might do you some good."
Dinobot let a sighing growl escape his throat. The newly named Snow Stalker jumped from the crystal to Dinobots back, he turned and looked at the fuzz ball, her green eyes gleaming in the dim light as the sky cleared, the snow blizzard had stopped for sometime now.. But that was only for a moment as the cub licked Dinobots nose causing him to shiver in disgust."UH!" He growled and quickened his pace.
Upon entering at their base, Dinobot and Cheetor where greeted by Rhinox who took the crystal of energon into another room down the hall.
"So, uh, who's the new kid?" Rattrap asked.
"Oh meet Snow Stalker, I found her out by the energon cave, and Optimus is still out there, he wanted to make sure that Megas didn't get any of the goods" Cheetor answered.
"Tigertron, Airazor, go help Optimus with the rest of the deposit would you?" Rhinox asked the nature loving robots.
Tigertron nodded. turning into a white tiger, Airrazor turned into a falcon. "We'll call if we need more help." The tiger stated simply before hopping on the elevator to leave..
Dinobot transformed back, the leopard cub falling off onto the floor, she had been on his back the whole trip nearly. Dinobot snarled at her, she looked up at him with big eyes, her head slightly tilted, looking as cute as she possibly could. "This cub is of no use, it will be a hindrance if anything."
"Don't say that, maybe we can teach her to warn us when she sees a Predacon.." Cheetor said just after transforming himself.
"Ha! If such a thing where possible, we could grab every furry in sight and use them instead of Sentinel."
"Rauwr!"The young cat sounded, looking at a monitor, a Predacon, Inferno, peeking from behind a rock, then ducked down again.
"Ha, see, she's not as worthless as you thought!" Cheetor said, pushing a couple buttons on the dash, shortly after a couple of the auto guns fired at the ant, he fell back, swirls in his eyes. "I'm sorry my queen I failed!" He soon got up and ran off.
"Hmm, that seemed pretty weird, why would just Inferno try to attack us?" Rattrap pointed out.
"Hmm.." Rhinox thought for a moment, "Dinobot, Rattrap, I need you two to do a sweep through the base, I'm sure it's a distraction.."
"You got it big green. You comin' or what?" the rat said already grabbing his gun to start his sweep through the inside of the base."I'll get the inside, you cover the outside."
"Negative, I don't take orders from a mouse! I'll look through the inside, you cover the outside!"
"Oh whatever! You've been here for 5 clicks and you're already starting to grinding my gears!" Rattrap got on the elevator and went outside.
Dinobot started down the hallway where everyone's recharging quarters where, sword out in normal fashion with Snow Stalker not far behind, being surprisingly quiet. Voices up ahead Dinobot stopped, then stepped closer to the wall. He slowly and quietly made his way closer, staying close to the wall. He looked cautiously around a corner, it was Terrorsaur and Waspinator, it looked like they where implanting a bomb of some sort. Dinobot snarled, then turned the corner and shot his lazors at them.
"AH!" Terrorsaur yelled, Waspinator was blown against the wall in from of him, Terrorsaur transformed into a flying dinosaur, and went up and out through the hatch in the ceiling.
The slagged Waspinator twitched and muttering under his breath "Waspinator always blasted into bits.. Why Waspinator?" coughing up a small black cloud of smoke, transformed and exited the ship through the same spot as Terrisaur.
Dinobot rushed over to the bomb. A red display showed there was 3 clicks and 2 nano clicks left before the bomb would explode, Dinobot immediately radioed Rattrap. "Rattrap come in, I have located a bomb in the base, there's 3 clicks left, get everyone out of the base and get your infernal self in here!"
"Ya, ya, I gotta do everything around here. I'll be there in a nano."
"Make it faster then that." Dinobot said, letting go of the transceiver. "this is why you shouldn't be here, the life of a warrior isn't for kittens like you.." He said looking down to Snow Stalker.
"rauwr.." was her reply, soft and sweet, she nudged Dinobots arm, then looked at the bomb, and swiped at a wire like it was some kind of play toy, knocking it loose. Dinobot panicked, and Rattrap, who just ran into the room just as the kitten did this. They covered their heads and faces, but nothing happened. Rattrap and Dinobot looked at each other, then the bomb. The screen had froze at zero, they then looked at the leopard cub.
"What the slag! That cat could have scrapped us all!" Rattrap exclaimed.
"Even if she hadn't done that.. we would have been scrap metal anyway.. hmm.." Dinobot looked Snow Stalker in the eye, analyzing her. "I think she may be.. More then it seems.."
"Your tellin' me! It's like she understands us! She spotted that Pred. on the screen, and defused a bomb, there's definitely Something up with this cat!" Rattrap said, "I'm gonna go ask Rhinox what the best way of disposing of this bomb would be, looks like it's been melted to the wall."
"Good idea.. " Dinobot then picked up Snow Stalker by the scruff of the neck, looking in to her eyes. She curled up like kittens do when handled this way, "And tell Cheetor to keep a closer eye on his 'pet'" Dinobot finished, dropping the cat in Rattraps hands.
Rattrap looked at the cat then Dinobot and then shrugged. "Alright, whatever you say." He said, turning around and heading to the command center.
Well the days went by, and Snow Stalker grew, she was now half way grown.
"Come on Snow Stalker I bet I can beat you to that rock!" Cheetor challenged the leopard.
"RAWR!" Snow Stalker roared in acceptance, and took off before Cheetor was even ready.
"Hey! Get back here! No fair!" He complained and took off after her, Cheetor caught up quickly, her paws pushing off the rock near the base just seconds before Cheetors, then something big green and brown where standing in the spot where she had run from, she put on her brakes quickly, stopping just inches from them. Cheetor on the other hand, and Rattrap, who was standing next to Rhinox, wasn't so fortunate.
"Ah!" Rattrap put out his hands to stop Cheetor, but it was too late. Cheetor ran into Rattrap at near full speed.
"Hey big green, whats going on?" Cheetor ask as he got off Rattrap, Rattrap's head was physically spinning, as he grabbing it to make it stop.
"I've come up with a new invention, and it should help us to communicate more with Snow Stalker." He pulled out a large round collar with a green gem that matched her eyes. He placed it around her neck, as she looked curiously down at it.
"Wow, it's different anyway, love the gem though." A voice emitted from the collar. The gem lite up in the rhythm of her words, Snow Stalker was speaking with out moving her black leopard lips.
"Wow! She can talk now! Ultra-gear!" Cheetor exclaimed.
"I say it was a waste of time making it.." Dinobot said grumpily. "Who needs to hear a wild animals foolishness?"
"Hey, I think it'd be fun!" Cheetor defended. "What do you think Snow Stalker?"
"I think it's great that I can finally express myself though thoughts and words" She replied contently closing her eyes and turning her nose up at the non-believer.
"Hmph, Maximals.." Dinobot said, turning away. "I'm off to scout patrol.."
"I'll go with you!" Snow Stalker said happily, quickly turning her attitude around as she sprung from her seat.
Dinobot growled. "No, you stay here, Rhinox should watch for any glitches in your collar." He rejected, now walking away.
Snow Stalker sighed. "He's always so difficult.."
"Ya that's Dino-butt for ya, always wearing a chip on his shoulder. He use to be a Predacon, but Optimus let him on our side, for what reason I got no idea. He's alright though, I guess," Rattrap shrugged.
"Really a Predacon? Hmm.. I wonder why I can't sense that in his spark.." Snow Stalker paused, and looked down at the collar. "This thing translates ALL of what I think into words?! I better be more careful of what I think.."
Rhinox let out a chuckle. "I'm sure with practice you'll be able to control that. Though I have to ask, what do you mean by sense?"
Snow Stalker folded one of her ears back, and tilted her head thinking on his question. "I can't tell you exactly how, I'm not really sure myself. Though I don't think I've always been able to do it." She sighed, hanging her head for a moment, then she looked back up to Rhinox then Rattrap. "Sorry, I don't know more than that."
"Well you can't give us information you don't have. I'm going back inside, make sure there's no repairs that need done." The Cybertronian then turned back to the ship.
Rattrap patted the leopard on the head. "Hey you wanna hear a secret?"
"Sure. what is it?" Snow Stalker asked.
Rattrap leaned down and whispered in her ear, Snow Stalker busted out laughing. "By the matrix!! I always wondered why his room smelled like that! Cheetor leaks coolant at night! Hahaha!" She proclaimed, rolling on the ground laughing.
"Rattrap!!! I'm going to skin you for that!" Cheetor yelled, running after the rodent.
Dinobot approached the look out point where Tigertron was. "I've come to relieve you, you may go back to the base, if you, ah, desire.." he breathed.
"There hasn't been any predicon activity, and the earth is still as well." Tigertron spoke.
"Hmm, good, it should be peaceful then." Dinobot said, transforming to his beast mode. He laid down near the ledge of the cliff looking out at the land as Tigertron walked away behind him.
"It's peaceful isn't it?" said a familiar voice behind Dinobot.
Dinobot immediately turned around while transforming. When his transformation had completed he saw it was only Snow Stalker. "What are you doing here? I told you to stay at base," the reptile stopped to growl."You stupid cat."
"I know, but you seemed to be in need of some company, so I thought I'd come by. And Rhinox said I should be fine, he's tested it a bunch of times."
Dinobot growled. "I don't need help from a cat for look out" he said, sitting back down, facing out at the land.
"Like I said I'm just here to try to cheer you up."
A sort of sighing growl emitted from Dinobot's throat. "Fine, just don't make a lot of noise."
"Of course not." was her simple reply, she laid down next to Dinobot and laid her head on his metallic lap. Dinobot was about to start petting her head, but hesitated.He then proceeded to stroke her fur, it was soft and natural.
It was sometime later when Dinobot woke up to the chuckles of Predacons, it was now morning and being caught off guard wasn't normal for a warrior like Dinobot. Scorpinock, Inferno, and Megatron all had their guns pointed at Dinobot, Snow Stalker wasn't anywhere to be seen, his choices, to get scrapped by their guns, or by the fall from the cliff.
"My my, what a surprise. Dinobot all alone." Tunted Megatron.
"Hehehe, shall I roast him for you Royalty? Then we can have a fest!" Inferno interjected.
"HA!" A flash of white knocked down Megatron.
"Ah! What the?! A Fuzzy leopard? This is how you insult me?!" Megatron said.
"Optimus, Prediaons at the.." Dinobot called then stopped as Megs knocked Snow Stalker off, then poising his gun at her about to shoot, Dinobot shot at megs gun, knocking his gun away, but an overwhelming fire was set loose on Dinobots back.
"AH!" Dinobot turned around and shot the gun from infernos hand, but Scorpinock took hold of Dinobots arms from behind, and Inferno picked up his gun, and used it to hit him in the head, knocking Dinobot unconscious.
"Dinobot! No, wake up!" Snow Stalker called.
"Hahaha, that was easier then I thought, Maximals are so foolish." Megatron laughed then turned to retreat back to base with his prize.
"Where do you think your going?! Your not taking him anywhere!" Snowstalker shouted.
"Whats this? Kitty wants to play? I think you should give up before you get yourself hurt.."Megatron said, turning around his gun pointed directly at her, but as he did Snow Stalker jumped up, onto his arm, biting his throat. "AH! Get of of me you stupid cat!" Megs said, trying to grab her, inferno unleashed another flame in her direction while she was clamped onto Megs
neck, she jumped off as she heard the click of his trigger, letting Megatron get the full blast of heat. "AH! You idiot turn it off!"
"I'm so sorry my Queen, are you ok?!"
"ARH! Go after her! I want her head on a silver platter!" Megatron commanded.
"Yes my queen!" Inferno bowed then took off after the running Snow Stalker. At this time Dinobot was in and out of consciousness. "Snow Stalker.." he mumbled, seeing her being chased by the preds, his vision blurred even more and then he was out again.
Snow Stalker ran quickly through the forest, Inferno hot on her trail. Leaves and twigs stirred up as she ran, Inferno was flying using his jet pack abdomen. "I could call out for Tigertron or Airazor, but if I do.. what kind of warrior would that make me? a coward that's what." Snow Stalker jumped up, turning around in mid-air, facing her enemy head on, and ran full speed towards him.
"Hi-ya!" Inferno yelled his battle cry, landing and turning on his fire hose, only to find, he was out of amo. "What, No!" Snow Stalker landed a strong blow with her paw to his optic sensors, knocking one out of place, it dropped down hanging by it's wires. "Ah! My eye!" Inferno yelled.
"You, blasted creature, will die!" Inferno stepped towards her again and she landed a bite at his knee hinge, making them buckle as he fell backwards to the ground, hitting his head on a good sized rock, immobilizing him for a short while.
Snow Stalker ran back to where the rest of the preds where. As soon as she saw Scorpinock with Dinobot she ran faster, pouncing on the arachnid, pushing his face into the dirt. "He's staying with me!"
"I don't think so.." Megatron pointed his gun at the leopard as she froze. "Game over.."
Dinobot had landed a few feet off as he stirred awake, he looked up to see Snow Stalker, her one paw still on Scorpinock's head, her face struck with fear and she couldn't move. But Scorpinock lifted himself up suddenly, distracting Megatron for a brief moment, allowing Snow Stalker to leap off. Dinobot blasted at Megatron and Scorpinock as many times as he could, over whelming them.
"Grr, Predacons retreat!" Megatron yelled in a high pitched voice after getting hit in a Very sensitive area between him legs. Inferno emerged from the forest, using his jet pack and took off in the sky the other two running on the ground.
Panting, the snow leopard walked over to Dinobot. "Are you ok?" Snow Stalker asked, worn out. "I..am fine, that was very foolish of you trying to take them on by yourself."
"Hey I wasn't about to let them take one of my allies away from me.. not on my watch." was her reply. "Plus if I had just ran away, I'd be no warrior at all.."
"How dare you call yourself a warrior!" He said getting up off the ground. "I should scrap you right now for giving yourself that title,!" He said pointing his sword at her throat, just above her collar. "A warrior doesn't freeze like that in the face of death! You must.. earn the title before you can call yourself one."
Snow Stalker looked down "Your right, forgive me, I am a coward.." She looked down at the ground, ears tucked back.
Dinobot growled and lowered his sword. "Next time don't freeze, it leaves you open to attack, instead act, surprise your enemy.." He said wisely.
Just then Optimus, Cheetor and Rhinox ran up. "Are you two ok? Where's the predicons?" Optimus asked.
"They are gone, Snow Stalker defeated them with some of my help."
"Woo! Good job girl!" Cheetor cheered, giving her a pat on the head.
"Ya, thanks" she said, her head still a bit low.
"Hey your not hurt are you?" Rhinox asked.
"No! I'm fine! No cause for concern" she said, laughing nervously as she stood up on all four paws.
"Hmm, alright, lets go. Cheetor, I want you to stay and keep watch." Optimus ordered coolly.
"You got it boss." Cheetor said, moving to sit by the cliff ledge.
"Hmm!!! Ow!" Snow Stalker cried out after taking a few steps, her ribs where bleeding. Rhinox turned to her and knelled next to her, looking at her side. "It must have been from when Megatron knocked me off of him.." She said squeezing her eyes from the pain. Rhinox transformed to a rhino so he could carry her, Optimus helped her up onto his thick skinned back.
"Stupid cat, you shouldn't have even been out here" Dinobot complained.
"Well it looks like you owe her." Rhinox said walking slowly.
"Yes, if she wasn't with you who knows what would have happened. By the way hows your head?" Optimus said pointing to a nice dent in Dinobot's forehead. "It doesn't take a genius to see that she saved you some how."
Dinobot growl "It's fine.. and she needs much more training.. She froze in the face of danger."
"Some how I don't think that's completely true, but she will train more under you." Opitmus said walking next to him.
"What? You expect me too..!"
"Yep. That way I know she's the best prepared even though she's flesh and blood."
Dinobot growled frustratedly. "Do you know howdifficault and pointless it will be?"
"I can imagined, but I'm sure you can do it, just make sure not to push her too far too fast, she has limits."
Dinobot growled at Optimus, but gave in. "Fine, I'll start with her as soon as she's fully recovered."
"No" Spoke Snow Stalker. "In one week, we'll start."
Dinobot looked at her for a moment, then agreed, "One week it is then.."
A week later, they did indeed start preparing.
"Now when you can pin me, that is when your training is over.." Dinobot said, side-stepping in a circular motion with the young cat.
"Got it now lets get started!" She said circling him as well.
"First we will fight, that way I can pin point exactly what are your trouble areas."
"Alright if your sure, you go first though."
"As you Wish, coward!" Dinobot yelled as he rushed her with his sword in hand, raised above his head. Snow Stalker jumped up high, Dinobot was off balance for a brief second then she landed on his back, causing him to fall on his knee. She jumped off behind him, growling and roaring at him.
"Is that all you have fearless warrior?" Snow Stalker retorted.
"I have yet to begin!" Dinobot turned around and blasted his lazors in her direction, she jumped to the side of it, missing her, and she ran in a circle around him, and landed a blow behind his knee joint with her paw, but he didn't buckle, at lest not near as much as she'd like, she dashed away and turned around facing him.
Dinobot smirked. "Your not that bad, still sloppy, and what will you do sense I'm not on my knees or face down in the dirt? I keep my knees bent so that I won't be caught unawares.." Dinobot put away his sword. "Perhaps this won't be as time wasting as I thought.."
About a month later, she'd been training everyday with Dinobot. She'd grown stronger, and wiser too in the way of battle. She was outside, striking a dummy that was prepared by Dinobot and Rattrap. Cheetor came out side, watching her.
"Wow, you've gotten a lot better at this."
Snow Stalker stopped for a moment, panting, keeping her eyes on the dummy. "Oh ya..? Thanks.. HA!" She yelled, clawing at it again.
"I'm actually kinda jealous, I'd like to learn a lot of what you have, I've always been a bad shooter.." Cheetor said looking down to his gun.
The white spotted cat landed a hard blow to the dummies head, knocking it clear off, it tumbled and rolled on the ground. "Why don't you try asking Dinobot if he'd teach you?"
"I don't think so, he's not exactly fond of me, or anyone for that matter here."
"Well get some balls and ask. I'm not asking for you Dad."
"Hey, I told you I'm not your dad."
"Ya I know, but your the closest thing I know to one, well you and Optimus."
Cheetor blushed and petted the leopards soft head.
"I will never know myself until I do this on my own,
and I will never feel anything else until my wounds are healed,
I will never be anything till I break away from me,
I will break away, I will find myself today."
A couple week passed..
Alarms in the base where sounding loudly, blasts hitting the ship.
"Blasted predicions, they took our auto guns down, we gotta go out there. Our shields are about to fail too." Rhinox informed the other maximals.
"Then lets go, this will be a chance to test your training Snow Stalker" Dinobot said, cocking his gun and stepped onto the elevator out, along with Snow Stalker and Rattrap. As soon as the three of them got out side, the two robotic maximals started shooting at the predicons, of whom returned their fire, and all three ran behind a boulder. Soon Optimus and Cheetor also joined the fight. Gun fire everywhere, Cheetor as he was about to fire at Scorpinok, was blasted in the arm by Tarantulas.
"Hehehe, I'll get you and your little cat too.."Terancules chuckled.
"I want you to try to take out Tarantulas." the warrior ordered his apprentice.
"Your kidding right? You can't send her after the spider! He'll drink her blood if he gets his fangs into her!" Rattrap exclaimed.
"He's the only one here that she hasn't laid a paw on yet. She'll use her training to it's fullest extent."
"Ya, or die trying.." Rattrap mumbled.
"Well will you do it, or be a coward and freeze again?" Dinobot asked Snow Stalker.
The snow leopard straightened up, fluffing her furr, then held her ears back "Yes sir, I am ready"
Dinobot growled."Then stop wasting time." He commanded before shooting at the predicons more, covering her.
Snow Stalker took off as fast as she could, darting between rocks to get behind the predicons line, and continued to go from rock to rock sneaking behind Tarantulas, she got ready, shifting her paws softly in the dirt, but a rock by her back foot shifted, making unwanted noise. Tarantulas turned to look seeing the leopard he let out a yell and fired at her, she leaped into the air and pounced on him, clawing at his head. Landing blow after blow on his head, but she felt something on her back, point blank. "You move and you die" Blackaraknia said.
Snow Stalker froze for a moment, then went to turn around, but she pulled the trigger before snow Stalker could knock it out of her hand. The leopard fell to the ground in a small pool of blood. Snow Stalker looked up to her enemy snarling, trying to get back up, but failed each time.
"I wouldn't move if I was you, that was a powerful venom I just unleashed on you, it'll attack your tissues, first your fat and muscle, then your nerve and brain tissues, so if your buddies don't get the antidote to you within the next say... 24 hrs, your a goner!" The she-spider laughed evilly.
Mean-while the predicons where losing the fight for the maximales base once again, finally they all retreated, leaving Snow Stalker there to die.
"See you later kitten, or really I guess not! Ha ha ha!" The she-spider crackled as she aimed her gun at tall out cropping, and swung away.
"Hey-ya, where's the spotted kitten?" Rattrap asked Dinobot and Cheetor.
"I don't know, She went behind the predicons line and never came back.." Cheetor said grimly.
Dinobot got up. "You two stay here, I'll go look for her." Dinobot cautiously checked the surrounding area for her, eventually he looked behind the rock that Tarantulas had been hiding. He found her laying in a pool of her own blood, unconscious. "I need some help over here!" Dinobot yelled, he brought her immediately inside.
"For the first time you can open up your eyes,
and see the world without your sorrow,
no one knows the pain you left behind,
hold the piece you could never find,
just waiting there to hold and keep you,
welcome to the first day of your life,
just open up your eyes."
Rattrap clearing off the round table, and Dinobot laid her down on it.
"Someone get me some cloth, or something clean and absorbent!" Rhinox ordered as he sat down to the rounded table.
"What happened?!" Optimus asked.
"Black widow poisoned.." was all the leopard could say.
"Blackaracnia?" Rattrap interpreted, Snow Stalker weakly nodded.
"Slag! I'll have to run tests to find out what kind. It could take a while, our equipment is for testing bots, not actual animals." Rhinox explained, taking some cleaning clothes from Cheetor.
"Just hang in there we'll be as quick as we can Snow Stalker." Optimus said with compassion, gently stroking her head.
"Someone should go after the she-spider, and ask her herself!" Dinobot exclaimed.
"Negative, a single bot might end up the same way, and I don't want to put anyone else in jeopardy. Besides we need to keep Snow Stalker calm.. or this could get worse quick." Optimus stood up and put a hand on Dinobots shoulder. "I think you'd be the best one to be by her side, you two have gotten pretty close during training, so we need you here, She needs you here, ok?"
Dinobot growled, and looked down. "Fine, but someone should at lest try to find out from the spider, hmm.. persuade her to talk.." he said, looking back up to his commander.
"Fine I'll get in contact with Tigertron and Airrazor, get them to do it." Optimus said, turning away, towards the command center.
Dinobot growled, then turned to his fading comrade, placing a hand on her. "Don't you be a coward," He growled again "and give in."
"I wouldn't.. dream of it, commander.." she said huskily, and then slipped from consciousness, her eyes slowly closed.
"Snow Stalker! Stay with us girl, you have to stay awake!" Cheetor yelled, shaking her front leg a little.
"Slag, the poison's acting faster then calculated. It's going to be a few cycles before I can even test her blood, and that in of it's self will take another cycle." Rhinox explained as he worked on a certain section of the C.R. chamber.
"Say uh, big green, how 'bouts we give her a robot body, ya know? Lest 'til we can fix her actual body? There isn't anytime like you said, at lest we can save a part of her." Rattrap suggested.
"Hmm, I don't know, what do you think1 Optimus, bout putting her in a mechanical body? That way if we can't save her actual body, she'll still survive."
"Hmm.. It could be possible, I think we should get her consent first, but sense she's not awake.." Optimus turned to Cheetor and Dinobot. "What do you two think?"
"I think it's a great idea!" Cheetor said, making his opinion clear.
Dinobot looked down, snarling lightly. "I don't think a cold.. metal body would be a very pleasant adjustment for her.. but.. do as you please.. a metal body is better then no body at all."
Optimus nodded, "Very well then. Rattrap, come help me get the designs and structure work one for the new body, then we'll get building it." Optimus and Rattrap left the room.
Sometime later, Rhinox finally got the testing equipment ready, just as he was putting the finishing touches on it Tigertron paged the base via radio.
"Optimus come in, this is Tigertron.
"This is Optimus, go ahead."
"The she-spider said it was a poison that attacks the muscular system, she had the antidote, but she threw the vile. We where able to save a little bit of it, but I'm not sure it'll be enough to save her.."
Optimus sighed. "Thank you Tigertron. That's all for now." The transmission ended. "Rhinox, don't bother testing her, this new body is going to be the only thing that can save her, and I need your help, time is running out."
Dinobot then suddenly got up from his seat by one of the stations.
"Hm? Where are you going Dinobt?" Cheetor asked.
"To solitude.." was Dinobots simple reply, heading to his quarters near the back of the ship.
Something like an half hour later a robotic figure was standing near the table Snow Stalker was laying on. It was silver and blue, with white leopard spotted fur, a green stoned necklace on it's neck, and another stone in a teara on her forhead, on it's back was a cape with the tail spots of a leapord, the shoulders looked like what might be the beast forms ears, stratched to make shoulder armor. For a weapon, in it's hand was a silver whip. Around it's waist was the paws for its beast form, from the waist down was the beast forms normal hind-quarters.
"What'd ya think? Not too shabby is it?" Rattrap said proudly.
"How about you Cheetor? I think it'd fit her nicely." Rhinox asked.
"Ya I can see her running around in it already." the yellow cat approved.
"Alright, start the process then.." Optimus commanded softly.
Rhinox nodded, and put on a doctors mask and gloves. He then grabbed a small hand saw.
~I'll spare everyone the gore and skip this part.~
Rhinox closed the lid of the feline's new body head after installing the brain capsule. Rhinox then grabbed a small knife, then placed it on the leopards fleshy chest, pressing down just enouph so it'd cut the surface.
~ya I wanted to see how many would get scweemish just at that.~
Rhinox closed another small latch on the new body, this one on the left side of it's chest."There." Rhinox said, taking off his now bloody gloves. "The heart capsule is installed, now all that's left is to get her to wake up again." He said coolly. "That is if she can just open her eyes.. flip the switch Rattrap."
Rattrap rubbed his hands together. "Woo, whoo, this is my favorite part, so long as this works anyway." Rattrap flicked a small switch connected to the robotic body, a serge of electricity flowed threw the robotic body, Snow Stalker's new eyes glowing a bright green.
"AAHHH!" She screamed, clenching her fists.
"Stop, That's enough!" Cheetor demanded. "She's awake!"
The electricity died, Snow Stalker was left there panting, looking around, seeing things threw new eyes, literally.
"What the?" She looked down to her hands, they where thin and had long sharp nails.
"now it seems I'm fainting,
all my dreams are not not worth saving.
Seems your wanting me to stay,
but my dreams would surely waste away,
and it seems I have no where else to go,
purge me under,
pull me further,
take me all the way, take me all the way."
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The story of my Life!!!!
well, this has turned into a regular journal mostly, I try to put a cute pic or animated bumps that I find in the forums so it's more fun n.n k? AND PLEASE REPLY!!!!!! T.T
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