Went camping at Eisenhower State Park this past weekend, and boy, was it HOT! The trip started off a little rocky at first. After MULTIPLE breakdowns, my boyfriend and I finally arrived at the park. Before we got there we had some tiny adventures; first, we stopped and let the car rest. We got some shaved ice and chilled at Wendy's... Then we almost died... As we were leaving Wendy's a car nearly t-boned us. Blah, that would have been unfortunate.
But anyway, we made it to the park alive and soon after we set up our tent we went hiking... There were tons of spiders! I filmed us encountering one as we hiked through the wooded area:
After hiking for what seemed like FOREVER, we finally laid down in our tent and tried falling asleep. Of course that was impossible because the scorching heat had us tossing and turning all night. I think I only slept for two or three hours. I eventually woke Jacob up around 6 AM and we went exploring. We saw a huge tarantula nesting in a hole he dug up and a couple roadrunners darting back and fort from the bathrooms to the trees.
We eventually decided to go swimming, so after a peanut butter and jelly breakfast, we threw on our swimsuits and drove over to the "beach" of the park. There was sand and rocks all over the place. On the right of the lake was a cave where Jacob and I carved this:

Lame, I know.
As we swam we kicked up all the things we thought might have been something interesting from the bottom of the lake. I kicked up a Mountain Dew can that had something very special in it; a baby crab. Jacob discovered the crab in the can as he went to pour the water out into the lake. He felt a thump against the top of the can and peered inside. There was the crab, hanging on for his life. We swam to the shore and dumped him out onto a rock, he was tiny and very cute!

Later I kicked up something sharp. We call it a dragon, because of its interesting design and ridges, but it's just a clam (the most interesting clam I've ever found). Jacob cut him open later on and we kept his shell as a souvenir. We're murderers, I know, but he's the coolest looking dragon--I mean clam--ever!

We really didn't have much to do after we swam, so I read a book and Jacob drew random creatures we saw. When it was time to sleep, we laid some crackers out in hopes of catching some animals and passed out quickly. It was cooler that night, so sleeping wasn't as hard as it was the previous night.
When we woke up I heard thunder and saw some lightning, so we put the tarp on the tent. We fell back to sleep and hoped it would rain. Unfortunately no rain fell... We had planned on going swimming again in the morning, but due to our sunburns we decided we should just pack up, take a shower and leave...
It was a fun little trip and on the way back home we broke down in 115 degree weather about six times... My right side of my body is super dark and my left side remains a pale color -.-
We finally limped our way home and watched some movies on Netflix (Pulp Fiction, 1967 Spiderman, and "Spider" wink , then I quickly fell asleep watching Jacob beast and suck at Halo.
But anyway, we made it to the park alive and soon after we set up our tent we went hiking... There were tons of spiders! I filmed us encountering one as we hiked through the wooded area:
After hiking for what seemed like FOREVER, we finally laid down in our tent and tried falling asleep. Of course that was impossible because the scorching heat had us tossing and turning all night. I think I only slept for two or three hours. I eventually woke Jacob up around 6 AM and we went exploring. We saw a huge tarantula nesting in a hole he dug up and a couple roadrunners darting back and fort from the bathrooms to the trees.
We eventually decided to go swimming, so after a peanut butter and jelly breakfast, we threw on our swimsuits and drove over to the "beach" of the park. There was sand and rocks all over the place. On the right of the lake was a cave where Jacob and I carved this:

Lame, I know.
As we swam we kicked up all the things we thought might have been something interesting from the bottom of the lake. I kicked up a Mountain Dew can that had something very special in it; a baby crab. Jacob discovered the crab in the can as he went to pour the water out into the lake. He felt a thump against the top of the can and peered inside. There was the crab, hanging on for his life. We swam to the shore and dumped him out onto a rock, he was tiny and very cute!

Later I kicked up something sharp. We call it a dragon, because of its interesting design and ridges, but it's just a clam (the most interesting clam I've ever found). Jacob cut him open later on and we kept his shell as a souvenir. We're murderers, I know, but he's the coolest looking dragon--I mean clam--ever!

We really didn't have much to do after we swam, so I read a book and Jacob drew random creatures we saw. When it was time to sleep, we laid some crackers out in hopes of catching some animals and passed out quickly. It was cooler that night, so sleeping wasn't as hard as it was the previous night.
When we woke up I heard thunder and saw some lightning, so we put the tarp on the tent. We fell back to sleep and hoped it would rain. Unfortunately no rain fell... We had planned on going swimming again in the morning, but due to our sunburns we decided we should just pack up, take a shower and leave...
It was a fun little trip and on the way back home we broke down in 115 degree weather about six times... My right side of my body is super dark and my left side remains a pale color -.-
We finally limped our way home and watched some movies on Netflix (Pulp Fiction, 1967 Spiderman, and "Spider" wink , then I quickly fell asleep watching Jacob beast and suck at Halo.