Okay here is my story in it's first installment. Don't say that my grammer is bad or that I can't spell. It's really discouraging and makes it so i don't wan to write any more.
Also I need a title. Cause I suck.
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In a world filled with amazing and intense power lived a race of people who posed these powers. These people who posed the power to destroy the universe decided to use their powers to keep the universe in balance. These people were called Hao. Every planetary system fell on one of three parts of the universe. Their was the light system which contains several million stars in all stages. The dark system which is filled with the universes vast emptyness. And then their is the golden system which contains all living organisms. The Hao blended the dark and light systems so that when the light was present darkness would disappear temperarely and when the light took it's rest the darkness would awaken. The golden system was supposed to be just as evenly dispearsed amoungst the light and dark systems. However due to the fraility of life only a few planents would ever be able to sustain life with light and dark being perfectly balanced.
The Hao not being able to percieve the great distruction of innumberale species. The Hao after seeing what they have done decided to ensure that no other species were completely destroyed they created the absolute perfect enviroments for those people. The Hao were also unable to percieve their own great destruction.
Their became a great disease that turned the Hao mad. It ate away their sanity and soon after their own souls. The royals of the Hao saw that their people were dying. They declared a mass genicide of their own people. Every Hao that showed signs of the disease were killed on sight with out warning. The royals also saw that the disease targeted only the males amoungst their people. After being declared that no living Hao had posed the disease the people soon realized that they would be lost with out help of other species. The male population of the Hao people had been brought down to a mere fifteen percent. The royals seeing that they should always have breeding rights over their people decided that any males be a part of the royal families. However some of the Hao looked else where to find more compatible species to mate with. The Hao eventually landed on one of the dense jungles of Earth. There they were able to mate and bring generations of children back to their home planet. Yet due to the fragile nature of humans not all of the half breds were able to travel away from Earth. The half bred Hao, knowing their history, also decided to stay in order to perserve all the life forms on Earth.
Many centuries later the humans threatend to unbalance their own planet. The Hao who kept the universe in balance since the beginning of time were still unable to balanace even one planet. The disease that killed nearly all Hao men was once again slowly re-emerging. The royal families were lowering in number. The men adopted into the families went mad. They found out that they can replenish their soul by pulling it from other Hao people. The last royal family cast out the diseased ones since they were not strong enough to destroy them themselves. The Hao that were once strong and all powerful were now close to a humans fraility. The last royal family could only hope that a child born would be strong enough to destroy their people and restore the balance back to Earth since they themselves were not capable.
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