By My Birth Certificate, I am: Evalyyn Valancia
If You Wish, You May Call Me: No one is allowed to call me by my first name, ever. Therefore, address me as either "Madam", "Ms. President," or if you feel especially daring, "Miss Valancia."
Sitting Upon My Birthday Cake is : You want to know how old I am?! How dare you! Well, I suppose I could tell you that I am no older than 30... candles.
When Last I Checked, I Was a: Female, of course.
I Constantly Find Myself Attracted To: Men only, please.
My Family Hails From: Several centuries ago, my great-great grandparents traveled from the Earth on the spaceship that took the first people to Aion. But most of my direct family, including myself, were born and raised on Aion.
To Be More Specific, I Was Born in: Aonani, the capital. I have always lived here, and as my family rose in prominence and in social status, I drew myself closer and closer to the heart of the capital, and of the government.
My Allegiance Forever Lies With the: What a foolish question. Do you really think that the head of the government would ever deign to cooperate with the insurgence? Impossible.
I am an Expert at My Job: I am the president of the Aonani government and sole ruler of Aion. Nothing goes awry under my command.
You Can Identify Me by My: I don't feel comfortable telling you about my body. But all of the people of Aion have little poetic piece they've put together to identify me: "Hair of the raging inferno, eyes of coldest ice." I think it's rather cute, don't you think?
I am Surprisingly Capable of: I have honed by telekinetic powers over the years, and my powers are to be reckoned with. I can force someone to submit to me through illusions of extreme pain, or even actual pain in the form of breaking and crushing limbs. Many insolent fools have died by my hand. Do not be one of them.
No Matter What, I Am Always Wearing: Either a business suit with a skirt, or sometimes a sleek but comfortable dress. I'm not one for extravagance. My hair is almost always pinned up.
I Still My Sword For:
•Occasional solitude
•The occasional man to visit me in my apartments
•Useful people
Put It Before Me, and You Shall Fall:
•Being disturbed when I specifically asked to be left alone
•Having advice forced upon me
•Noisy/Obnoxious people. Also useless people.
•Being denied choice
My Peers Would Describe Me as Being: I am incredibly independent, and almost always refuse to take the advice of my advisors. Why? Because I'm intelligent enough to know how the world works. I'm strong enough to hold out on my own in terms of administration and politics. Although when the military must be called in, I let Alaric take over command of squadrons. He's a good military tactician, so he knows what he's doing. Or should anyhow, because he is aware of the consequences of failure...but I digress. I am quick and decisive, and far from being predictable. My demeanor strikes many people as being cold and heartless, but really, it's all comes down to business in the end.
I Excel in My Ability to Be:
• Intelligent and cunning. Do not underestimate me.
• Determined and focused, even in dire situations.
• Politics and science. Both require knowledge of their rules. I know how they may be compromised.
I Hate to Say, but I am Not So Good At:
• Military tactics. I'm a scientist, not a soldier.
• Empathy/Sympathy. It's not my problem if the people of Aion are unhappy. You can't please everyone.
• Prideful ambition had told to me several times to be my downfall, as well as stubbornness. Really, I could honestly care less.
Admittedly, I Am Terrified of: Feh, fear? Don't talk to me about fear. For many, I am fear itself. I will crush all rebellion in Aion. But now that you mention it, I suppose to do fear that a wide spread demonstration of the insurgence will encourage other civilians to riot. The sooner these protests are smothered, the better.
((She secretly fears being all alone in the world, but won't bring herself to admit it. Surprisingly, Evalyyn is a very lonely person.))
My Dreams Are of a Field Afar: My dreams? Hmm, well...of course I'd like to reign as Primarch of Aion for as long as possible. I would like to expand this civilization; make it far more grandiose and superior than Earth could ever be. Aion will be a planet-state worth reckoning in all of the galaxies.
You Wish to Hear My Story? [History, Must be at least two full paragraphs. Put as much detail as possible]
My Primary Weapon of Choice is: Considering that I am the leader of Aion and have several bodyguards, I do not need weapons. Really, my telekinesis is my weapon. But I do know some basic martial arts.
Is There Anything Else I Forgot to Mention?: Insurgence....your efforts are in vain. I swear I will hunt every last one of you down. You will not disturb the stability of this civilization.
The Song Sung Within My Heart Is: Murder by Within Temptation
The Puppeteer Pulling My Strings is: The Katastrophe