Two days after the love game thing, Me and Lelouch went off shopping. We were shopping for food and stuff. Now that I was living with him, I had to help with shopping and cleaning. Rolo didn't like me living with them but he had to put up with it. When we were shopping, we happened to run into Shirley and Suzaku. Lelouch told me to keep shopping on my own. So I bought some more things then went home to watch tv. After a few hours of watching stupid thing, The new came on about some bomb going off. I quickly run down to where the bomb went off and run inside the building. I looked around for Lelouch but instead I found Rolo and Shirley. I watch them for a while but then Rolo stabbed Shirley and walked away. I run to Shirley's side but Lelouch was already running to her so I stayed back.
I watch as Lelouch cried and tried to save Shirley with he's geass but it didn't work. I wanted to help but I knew I couldn't. I felt like crying myself but I didn't. When i heard Shriley's arm fall into her blood, I broke down but I wasn't loud. Then Rolo showed up and told Lelouch what he did and Lelouch told him that he did a good job. But I knew that this gave Lelouch another reason to kill Rolo.