For a full and by far more long-winded and detailed profile, see here
- ☒ Female, angel, 18
☒ Her hair is long and flowing with a hint of a curl at the very end, reaching down to her ankles and is pale blonde. Most of the time, she will keep her hair up in a large bun that's slightly off center to the left side of her head. Over her left eye bangs fall covering most of it but the eye can still be seen through her hair, especially in a brightly lit area. (Here is a reference for her hair, generally speaking.)
Her eyes are a light, almost crystal like blue color and often seem to reflect happiness. She wears a light pink-purple colored eyeshadow. Angel's nails are painted a light pink color. Her skin is very light colored. Her wings are mini-angel wings, sort to speak. (Similar to the wings pose in Diapered Egg.) And her halo is a bright golden color. (Which she may or may not have out.)
☒ Clothing
- She always wears her necklace and earrings. Her earrings are in the shape of a heart and on that heart is a small rainbow and cloud. What represents the sky part of her earrings is what varies in color depending on her outfit. Her necklace is a rainbow beaded necklace that wraps around her neck four times, each time around her neck is a little lower. The first wrap is almost choker like. Second wrap is slightly below her collar bone. Third wrap is along the top line of her breasts. And the fourth wrap comes down to in her cleavage.
She is supposed to wear this mask, though she really only does half the time. The ribbons of her mask reach her waist.
First outfit. This is her main one and the one she wears the most. Starting at her feet, she has on a pair of knee-high, high heeled boots. They are a pink color and have a black ribbon on the outside that loops in and out of holes, starting about the ankle and continuing all the way to the top. On the rest of her legs is a pair of pink and black horizontally stripped stockings. Next comes a pink tutu, the style where the bottom of the skirt is mostly straight out and the top is much like that of a corset. At the waist and laid out on top of the skirt is a black lace that covers the top part of the shirt about three-fourths of the way, little flower designs on the lace. On the pink corset-like top, there is also black lace tracing the top of the corset and then it trails down to between the breasts, ending at about her stomach. On her arms and back area she wears a pink fishnet shrug. Over the fishnet on her arms, she wears six, extremely colorful and different bracelets, three on each arm. Lastly, on her earrings, the sky is pink.
Second outfit. She doesn't wear this one very often. Again, she wears a fishnet shrug, but a black one. For a shirt, she again wears a corset, but a black one that has a circular area on it. Starting at about the sternum, and ending at about the bottom of her corset there is an x-ray like area in that circular area of her bones, showing an actual view of them and any movements that they make. Her skirt is more like half a skirt and comes down to her ankles. To a point, it is almost like a long loincloth, a few chains connecting the back half and front half together up on the thigh part of her leg. Along the top of her skirt and down along the sides of the cloth, there is a golden colored decoration that stands out rather well against the black fabric of the rest of the rest of the skirt. On her feet is a pair of gold high heels, a ribbon wrapping over the arch of her foot, the heel of her foot, and then around above her ankle, a bow in the back of her leg. The sky on her earrings is black.
Third outfit. (Tiara in the picture not included in the outfit.) This one she also very rarely wears. She wears a pair of knee-high, white boots with a small heel, the boots containing a slightly baggy look to them. Her skirt is a light pink color with two white stripes at the bottom, the skirt reaching down to about mid thigh. The shirt is supposed to be like a regular sweater, but Angel has stretched out the top of it, making it so that she can fold it down, turning it into basically an off-the-shoulders style sweater. She also pulls it down a little bit so that the bottom part of the shirt comes down past her waist and her sleeves cover most of her hands, the very top part of her shirt lining the top part of her breasts. The sky of the earrings with this outfit, a pink color.
And for funsies, her PJs. They are simply a pair of black satin pants with diagonal white stripes with a matching shirt with buttons up to about her boobs, a V shape for the neck area. On her feet, she wears a pair of pink bunny slippers.
☒ Likes
- Rainbows.
The color pink.
☒ Dislikes
- Complete silence.
Being forced to stay still.
The color and word 'orange'.
☒ References
One Friend on Facebook drawing with Graffiti (when FB had that)
Two Friend Drawn on MSN Messenger
Three Bust shot with mask
Four This is actually the image at the side of this profile
Five Line art
Six Colored version of above one
☒ Basic Personality (kind of sort of)
- Air-headed.
Happy and carefree.
Can't handle being yelled at usually.
Acts now, thinks later.
Can't sing to save life.
Easily distracted.
Slight case of clumsy.
Easily jealous.